《Forget it || Wendy x Suga ||》A Party


"Look, guys i'm so sorry. I- i have nothing to say. It's all my fault and i have no excuses" Irene, our leader said as she looked at the ground, ashamed of what she had done.

"Unnie, it's okay. You can't blame youself for all of it" Yeri said as patted Irene on the back in comfort.

Here we were, what once was a day for relaxation turned into what confused nearly all of us.

Never once on my life did i think i would be in such a situation, such an awkward and tension filled situation.

"Hyun-ah, Yerimmie is right. No one here is disppointed in you. It's not your fault" i said as she finally looked up, her guilty guys meeting mine.

"But it is my fault. If i had just left the first time we met in the library none of this would have happened. I became irresponsible and i fell in love with someone who we should stay away from. Eho wr promised to stay away from" she said as i signed.

This wasn't an easy situation. Finding out that Irene had been dating was a shocking experience. No one would have thought that the scary ice queen would be the first out of all of us to fall in love.

Well, not technically first, but you know what i mean.

"Unnie. Falling in love is a natural thing. It happens even if you don't want it, you can't blame yourself for something you have no control over" i said as she just bit her lip.

This was a new sight, Irene feeling guilty and nervous as she apologizes, all in one which made her look completely vulnerable unlike what she looks like on screen.

"I'm sorry Wendy. I hope you understand" Irene said as she broke the silence eith her quite and nearly whisper like tone.


I smiled.

"If anyone understands you the best right now, it would be me. I'm not mad and i understand completely. You don't have to apologize, you can fall in love with whoever you want. Don't let me come in the way" i said as she smiled at me.

"You're too kind for your own good" she said as i stood up.

"Okay, now that all of this is over. Who wants dinner?" i announced as the girls had a loud battle of saying "Me!".

I just smiled and headed for the kitchen to make some food.

I know I told Irene that I didn't mind her dating, and I actually don't but I'm a little worried.

Not for her but for me.

Them both dating and revealing it to the media means I'll have to see him again. Years have passed yet look at me, still trying to get over him.

I'm pathetic.

I don't think I'll be able to see him again with out having the urge to either cry or hug him.

I looked up at the ceiling as i try to stop the tears flowing down. I didn't want the girls to worry either, they have enough on their plates they don't need me burdening them when they have other such important things to do.

"Ummm guys?"I heard Irene say as I listen while grabbing a glass from the shelve.

"I just got a call from manager oppa"she said as the rest of the girls looked at her with confused faces.

She seemed really worried.

"Since the media is taking the dating news well people are asking for more on us. And so..." she said as I stopped what i was doing mid way. Don't say it.

"SM and Bighit are forcing both groups to meet at some party at JYP publicly" she said in almost a whisper bit everyone heard her and I lost it.


A loud crashing sound was made as I realized I had dropped the glass I was holding.

Tears formed in my eyes as I look at the other girls. All looking at me with worry.

No way am I going.

"Unnie..."i heard Joy say but I couldn't focus much.

My heart was beating and my head hurted, i felt pain in my right leg and before i new it.

I had said it.

"I'm not going"

Fuck,Wendy why do you have to be so weak?

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