《Forget it || Wendy x Suga ||》Giving up








So much time had passed by since the two former lovers had met.

Wendy finally after a long time was able to tell her members the secret she had been hiding for years.

Yoongi - though his members did not seem to notice - tried his hardest to talk with Seungwan but he failed.

He tried many ways but all of them failed, each time either she had something to do, there were too many people around or her members came, making Seungwan leave

The pressure was on and oh boy was the atmosphere intense.

At some point he even went to her dorm saying he wanted to check on her since he knew she just recently had gotten sick, which she actually had.

But Red velvets Maknae Yeri, with her blazing red, firey eyes told him off and to this day he can remember those exact words.

"Sunbae, if it isn't obvious enough, let me break it down for you. Our Wendy has no interest in talking to you. And on her behalf we, her members, won't let you. So please lets stop this act and you can go home where you'll stop stalking my unnie. I hope i have made mine and Wendy unnie's intentions clear. And if not then consider yourself an idoit for not understanding"

To say he was surprised was an understatment, he was shocked and felt utterrly embarassed for being called out in such a harsh and blunt way.

No way would he have thought that the cute, mischeifivious little maknae of Red Velvet would have such a scary side to her.

But as scary as she was, Yoongi was not backing down anytime soon. To say he felt even more motivated to talk to her, if that were even possible.


And so, feeling great he yet again visited her dorm.

Fortuantly for him, It wasn't their evil maknae this time but the eldest of the group, Irene and he wasn't sure if he was to be happy or sad.

He tried his best, trying to convince the leader that he had to see Wendy but the latter didn't seem to even be interested in their conversation.

And then on that day had it hit him. Irene spoke and her words hit him like a damn truck and he was confused with what to do.

"Look sunbae, being Wendy's fellow member i know what had happened between you two in the past so no need to make any lies."

She said and my i remember my eyes growing big, so this must also be the reason why Yeri was so mad. Because clearly he remembers that when they first met she seemed to be really nice and now she was just a blizzard he wanted to get away from.

"I knew what you did but i really couldn't think you'd be this heartless"

"I'm sorry what?" i asked, confused

"Sunbae, just once,have you ever thought about what Seungwan feels? What if she ignores you because she doesn't wanna be with you. Maybe because she's hurt and she wants to stay far away from. Let me tell you something sunbae, Wendy doesn't want to be with you. Yes, she might not have fully gotten over you but that doesn't mean that she wants to be with you. There is a difference in not getting over and wanting. So please, take this as your last chance and leave. She's suffered enough, and she doesn't need more pain to add to it."

Those exact words had made me stop. I stopped trying to talk to her and tried my best in keeping a good distance between us.

I, for once in my life, thought about what the other person would feel like.

And now it's been nearly 3 years and here i am reading an ariticle.

What the fuck?

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