《Forget it || Wendy x Suga ||》Cafe


The whole ride i didn't say one word and kept quite. The girls kept on asking me questions and teasing me.

It was awful but somewhat bearable. Irene and Seulgi had soon after given up on getting me to talk but the maknaes didn't cool down.

Questions like Whats you guys's relationship?He even carried you to our bedroom did you know? and Do you like him? kept on ringing in my ears as the girls didn't stop.

Oh god, how am i supposed to live like this?

Thankgod the area for our photoshoot wasn't far and we got there 10 minutes early, at some point even our managers got annoyed by the loud ruckus at the back of the van.

Finally, after what felt like nearly hours we reached our destination and headed out of our van and straight for the dressing room to get dressed and caked up for the photo shoot.

It took a while before they all seemed to forget about our previous talk and focus on working hard but i just wish it stayed that way.

At first we had separate photos of us taken with each member all by themselves and then a even a few group photos were taken.

It thankfully didn't take long and we done by the time it was 2pm and we changed back into some comfortable but presentable clothes as we headed to a near by cafe to get some lunch.

Except for Seulgi and Irene the rest of the girls - meaning me, Joy and Yeri - had strict diets. So eating a lot of food isn't on my menu right now.

Even though Irene and Seulgi aren't on diets both girls still try to keep good shape to impress and satisfy our fans, even if i force them to eat.

We entered the cafe with of course our masks and hats on, as we found a nice quite and deserted place at the corner of the cafe.

Our manager asked each of us what we wanted to eat, making sure we follow our diets, and then headed further to order our food.

"So unnie, are you still not gonna tell us?" Oh my god, will they leave that topic alone?

'I already told you what happened and how we know each other but you guys seem to think i'm lying so i guess it's not my fault" i said as Yeri cutely pouts.


"Hey... look who it is" Irene said in a low voice as if making sure no one could hear her, and pointing at the entrance of the cafe.

I turned my body looking behind me as i saw two guys, one with brown hair and the other blonde, standing there and heading to go and order some beverages.

At first i didn't really understand so i just shrugged my shoulders and spun back to my original position, facing Yeri and Joy.

"Look, Wan-ah your boyfriend is here" Irene said whispering in my ear but the other girls heard it and giggled.

Boyfriend? Are they talking about Mark? Since they always assume we both were dating it would make sense if they were talking about Mark but those guys looked nothing like him even with their whole bodies covered.

I knew Mark and that was not him, maybe they pointed at someone else? So, i looked back again focusing, trying to see if i saw someone familiar.

And then it hit me.

Oh shit!

I turned around with my eyes wide in panic but the girls didn't understand and kept on laughing.

Oh course they wouldn't understand, you never told them what really happened...

I look back at the girls ready to talk and convince them i need to go to the bathroom when unfortunately our manager comes along with a tray full of food.

My tummy grumbles, growling saying it was hungry and wanted food but i couldn't just stay here and let him recognize me as i eat. I needed to move as far away as possible especially after what happened last night.

"Manager I need to go-" "Wendy no excuses for not eating. Yes you are on a diet but that doesn't mean you starve yourself. Now eat or i'll force it down your throat" he said as i signed.

"No, thats not what i meant i mean to say i-" "No excuses, now eat!" he said as i grabbed my plate of food in annoyance.

Well this day just couldn't get better could it.

"Mmm this tastes good" Yeri said as our manager went outside to talk on his phone with someone about something very important.

"Yah! maybe we should go there and eat with them. I mean we have met before and Jin oppa and Joy even exchanged numbers so hopefully this wouldn't be too awkward" Seulgi said teasing me.


Obviously we wouldn't actually go there and eat with them, what if somebody notices us. I mean it's only been a year since we debuted and they finally after a long time are starting to gain fame. It would totally ruin our careers and destroy all our hard work and effort.

"Plus miss Wendy over here likes the Min suga over there, won't be awkward at all even with what happened last night" Joy continued as my anger rose.

Okay they need to stop.

"Really guys? You are all so lame" i said rolling my eyes.

I can't bear talking about him anymore, even after all this time my heart still hurts because of what happened between us. And them talking about him and making me remember him isn''t really helping my situation.

"This will be your first boyfriend though, right Wendy?" Irene asked, oh boy.

"I have had boyfriends before!" i said nearly screaming.

Yeah i had one boyfriend before training in SM and guess who that was.

"Geez unnie i never remember you having about a boyfriend before, are you sure had one?" Seulgi asked.

"Why would i tell you about my previous love life and relationships?"

"We know everything about you, and we know that you never had a boyfriend before"

Know everything about me? Are you sure about that.

"You guys are helpless, would let the topic go?" i asked, annoyance clear in my voice but they all shook their heads and smiled innocently.

These girls...

"Oh look manager oppa is back!" i said trying to change the topic.

He came over to our table, looking stressed and panicked.

"Girls, i'm so sorry but i need to get home, my son just got terribly injured while at school, i hope you wouldn't mind if you guys waited here for a few hours. I'll see if i can call someone to pick you up but till then why don't you stay here, okay?" he asked.

I wanted to be mad, his son just had to get injured right now. But looking at his face and actually being logical about the situation, his son was injured and as a father he needs to go there and do his fatherly duties.

I just smiled as Irene told him we would be fine here and that there was no need to worry.

"I hope you wouldn't mind missing todays dance practice. I'll explain all of it to sanjangnim so don't worry okay?' he asked as we all nodded.

"Nae oppa, tell Jinyoung we say hello!" Yeri said as he ran out the cafe and headed out.

"What do we do now? It will take ours for oppa to come back and i'm sure no one would have enough free time to come pick us up here and drop us to our dorm" Seulgi said signing.

"Annyeonghasayeo!" we heard a male voice, startling all of us.


"We hard that your manager couldn't drop you home?" he asked as the boy besides him stood silent and looked at the ground.

"Ah nae, it will take a while sunbae" Irene said as Jimin laughed.

"Please don't call me that Juhynun noona" he said as Yeri smiled wide.

"Would you like us to drop you off? We were just about to leave after some coffee." Jimin said yet again, showing his eye smile.

"Ah aniyo. It's okay, we'll be fine" I said, finally speaking after a long time.

His pulled his head up at my voice and our eyes met for a second before i looked away and saw Joy wiggling her eyebrows in my direction.

"Come on noona. It's just the two of us, we don't mind some company" he said.

Why does this guy have to be so convincing?

"Oh okay then" Irene said shyly as Jimin muttered a "Yes!" but Yoongi kept his head low, not meeting anyones eyes.

'We'll leave after a cup of coffee okay? Don't leave us behind nae oppa?" Yeri asked as i cringed at her calling Jimin oppa but he just smiled and nodded heading off to get his so called coffee.

"Well unnie, lets hope it doesn't get awkward with you and Suga oppa" Joy said as i signed.

Please let this be a dream.

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