《Her Name Wasn't Wendy》Questions & Dispare



"How did you. . .?" Hook asked looking at her from his laying down position, "that shouldn't. . .be possible. . .you're like Pan, you can make clothes appear at will, you can transport! Only he can do that on this island, except for extremely powerful wizards or something,"

She stood a few paces away, she wouldn't look at him, she faced the forest. Hook, despite the situation, examined her clothes. She was wearing clothes much like his, a white shirt under a skin tight vest and black pants, with matching black boots that almost made it to her knees. And Of course his trench coat. He had no idea how it fit her, he was at least three sizes bigger then her, probably because of her magic.

Hook made his way to a standing position and looked at her. Questioning.

"Zemira, why won't you tell me?" He said quietly. She still wouldn't look at him.

"Because I would have to explain why I am here," she said, "and I don't want to see your face when I tell you."

Hook's heart raced. It was stupid how he had foolishly fallen in love in one day. He guessed It was because he had thought she would be stuck here too, but he always fell too fast. He desperately wanted to comfort her, but he couldn't. What was her secret? What was so bad that it would make him hate her? And why should she care? She had just met him! Why should she care what he thought? Unless. . .

"You can tell me," he said putting a hand on her shoulder. He gently turned her around, she was all too serious, her face was grim and her blue eyes avoiding his. He put his hands on her shoulders. She looked at him, he thought she was about to tell him.

"No, I can't," she said sliding from his grasp, her voice dropped so low he had to strain to hear her. She looked away from him and stepped backwards "I don't know you."


It was like a knife through his flesh. He felt the emotional blood pouring from the wound and dropping to the ground. His mouth was open, he was sure that it was obvious, the hurt on his face. She glanced at him and saw his expression. Her emotions were hidden from him. Even though he had just told himself this it was painful to hear aloud. He felt like he had known her for a long time.

She turned away from him and was about to walk off when she stopped. He smelled the burning smell of magic. She, without looking at him, walked back and handed him a hook. It was simple and silver, it wasn't as fancy as the one he had already. He took it.

"Ware it and he can't hurt you, while I am alive," she said. Then she quickly darted away into the jungle.

"Who?" Hook asked, his heart broken in two. In a whisper of an answer he heard her answer.



"Pan?" Felix asked staring into the dark room. He walked in. Pan hadn't gotten up, and it was passed noon. It was very unlike him. Pan always went to skull rock every morning before the rest of the gang would wake up. He would always leave food out for everyone, but this morning there was none. "Pan? Are you in here?"

Felix moved beside the bed, it was empty. He searched the room, it was empty.

"Yes," said a voice above him. Above him, sitting on top of the high book shelf was pan, only in a shirt and trousers looking pensive and uncertain.

"What are you doing up there?" Felix asked, craning his head to see Pan.

"Thinking. . . Much thinking. . ." He said putting a finger to his lips and tapping it against them.

"Have you been up all night?" He asked. He saw Pan's blood shot eyes and matted hair and this confirmed he was right. "Are you alright?" He asked, concerned for his leader. Pan snapped his head to him.


"I am fine!" He said frustrated. Felix backed up. "I just don't know. . ." He said quietly.

"Don't know what?"

"What to do about her," Pan said eerily emphasizing on "her." He sounded delirious to Felix.

"The girl?" Felix asked surprised. He had thought about the female after she had left. Questions had arisen in his mind that he hadn't thought of in so long. What was it like to kiss a girl? Would he ever see his mother again? What was it like to have a family? Who would he have been had he settled down with a girl instead of going with Pan? But as the day had gone on he thought of it less and less.

"Yes, yes," he said quickly, in a single leap he jumped down, from his perch, the eight feet, to the ground. "She is a puzzle, she is a riddle I can't work out. . ." He said beginning to pace about the room. He suddenly stopped in front of Felix. "But one thing is for sure, she is not what she seems. . ."


"So? So I think I need to get rid of her. . ." His voice dropped. Felix didn't understand the problem.

"So why don't you?"

"Because. . .i think I may be in love with her." Pan looked away and walked to the other side of the room. Felix was at a loss. He never really understood love. Pan obviously did at one point. "It's like-" he began to say, "finding something you never thought you had, but at the same time. . .it rips you apart when you are with out it," He said turning to face Felix. "I suddenly see things I have done to people, and I regret them, I regret them so much. . ." He said trailing off with a pained look on his face. He looked away, "When I left my job, abandoned my boy, and then left him." He looked at Felix pleading with his eyes, "my whole being, is being ripped apart. Ripped apart by a girl," he pointed towards the cove where the ship was anchored. "One girl has pulled every ounce of my being and made me want things that I haven't wanted since before I came to NeverLand. And all I can think about." He laughed, "are her eyes," he threw his hands in the hair and Felix heard the slap of his hands against his trousers. He then rubbed his temples and then threw himself on his bed. Felix didn't know what to say. Pan was restless, never not moving.

"I just. . ." Pan said to the ceiling. "I just want to hold her," Pan's voice cracked. He wrapped his arms around himself. He was crying. Peter Pan, the Ruler of the entire land, Lost Boy supreme, had gone to tears. Not even about an injury. Because he was attached emotionally to this girl, he had met only a day ago. He was crying. Felix watched a tear roll down the side of his face. He felt sorry for Pan, he had no feelings towards the girl but obviously his leader did. "Hook held her," he said after a lapse of silence, his voice continued to crack. "That son of a sea scum got to hold my Zemira," he said angrily. Pan's hands made fists with the sheets. "But the worst part is. . ." He slowly let his hands and body go limp, "she let him-" the end was choked off by a sob.

There was a long silence between them. The only noise was the occasional sob into the darkness, of a broken heart.



Hello all! As of to this point I have not decided which guy will get Zemira. By the end of the story you may end up wondering if she deserves either of them. But tell me who you think should be with Zemira. Comment below thoughts! Don't forget to vote!

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