《Her Name Wasn't Wendy》Magic
Wood. The ceiling was wooden. She blinked again, yep it was wood. Her head ached. She turned her head to see the walls were round and the same wood. She sat up slowly and took in her surroundings. She was in a smallish room with a bookshelf and the bed she was sitting on and a desk on the other side of the room. Her head ached from the rough travel. She had never imagined her mission to be like this. She looked down at herself and saw she was still dressed in her blue lace dress. She could feel or see no harm that had come to her during the journey, which was good. She liked her Dress but she knew that to make the right impression like he said, she couldn't be a flower girl.
"No girl has ever come to NeverLand," said a masculine voice from the shadows. Her head snapped towards the sound of the voice. Fear prickled her skin. No, she said in her mind, I am in control, no one can hurt me.
"Well then it is good thing I could break tradition," she said to the voice, with a air of sarcasm. She could sense the unruffled feeling the voice had because of her casual air. She smiled getting more comfortable.
"Who are you?" The voice asked. She swung her legs off the bed and stood. She had to keep him guessing and herself in control.
"It's awfully unfair to tell you what my name is when you won't even show me what you look like," She said back at him in the form of a statement. There was a moment of hesitance before a Guy with slightly curled golden brown hair and green eyes stepped from the shadows. He had a delicate jaw and sharp features. He was thin and tall, wearing brown and green pants, shirt, a loose vest, and jacket with matching boots. He had an impish look that gave the look of innocence and childish mischief, but his eyes held another story, a old man who had stored away his past in a locked box.
"Who are you," he said to her, never looking away from her eyes. Her lips formed a smile, he really didn't know. She didn't think it would work. But he had been right, the plan might actually work. She walked up to him so that they were closer. She came so close he could touch her without needing to reach. She bat her eyes at him casually. He still didn't look away.
"My name is Zemira," she said, "and you?" She asked, already knowing what he would say.
"Peter Pan," he said, "what are you doing on my island?" He said authoritatively.
"Looking for adventure," I say, lulling my voice. She could feel his eyes digging into her, searching for answers that she wouldn't give him.
"Well I should advise you to check out the pirate ship beyond the shores, I assure it will be interesting," Peter Pan says as he turned away from her. He began to walk out of the room, she followed him. It wasn't the plan for her to go to a pirate ship but she had to keep up the appearance of a little girl looking for adventure. there was that and she was curious. Zemira's mother had always told her about pirates and magic. Now that she had the chance how could she turn up the chance to join her mother's stories?
Pan went back out into the outdoors where there were dozens of boys crazily dancing around a fire in a Indian like fashion. It was dark outside, which made the fire glow brighter. She knew she was not dressed to best meet the standards of the island. She also knew a lot about this island. She knew if you believed, it would happen. It was time for a costume change. Zemira closed her eyes and in that second she imagined she was wearing black leggings and boots with an almost knee length white tunic top that had long selves and a black leather vest with a belt. She concentrated on this thought until she felt the dress melt away and growing beneath the dress was the outfit she was imagining. She opened her eyes to find that all of the noise and motion had stopped. Every eye was on her, including Pan's. Her heart beat rose. What was she going to say? As long as you act like you are in charge, she remembered her teacher saying, they will believe you are. She cleared her throat and boldly looked around at the faces staring at her.
"Would anyone care to show me the direction of this pirate ship that is anchored off your shores?" She asked. Silence filled the camp as they continued to look at her. She glanced at Pan. His face plainly showed the surprise he had for her ability to use the magic of the island to her advantage so quickly. There is a lot you don't know about me Island boy, Zemira thought. "No one?" She asked trying to keep on point, "Not even a general direction?" Then a tall boy with blonde hair spoke up in a deep voice.
"That way," he pointed to her left,"go that way until you reach the beach and then follow the beach to where they dock their ship at night," he informed her. She nodded thanks in his direction. She looked at Peter Pan, expecting him to object but he said nothing, he just continued to stare at her.
"Well I will see you boys around then?" I said, her voice hard and eyes not leaving Peter Pan's. He didn't respond.
Figuring that her welcome had been used up, she looked away and promptly walked in the direction the boy had pointed out and began her walk away from Peter Pan. The boys that blocked her hustled to make a path for her as she calmly walked away from the camp. She knew she would have to come back for her mission, but she needed to be elusive. Maybe she wouldn't need to come back, but at least find Pan again. She walked Without looking back, into the jungle of the unknown. She hurried knowing that she needed to make camp before it got too late. It would not make the mission any easier if she was exhausted.
Peter Pan was immobile. He just stood there watching the part of forest he could last see her. The image of her electric blue eyes were indented in his mind. All of the boys were silent as she left. Then they suddenly erupted into whispers, like little school girls. How had she learned so quickly how to use the island's magic? He thought to himself. How had she possibly known so much about NeverLand to be able to use the magic right when she woke up? His mind thought tensely.
"What do you want to do?" Felix said appearing next to Pan. This snapped him back to the sene at hand.
"Boys!" He said standing before his lost boys, making them go silent. "I want this camp on high alert! This girl is not to be trifled with. I want a group of boys to watch her, and report back every five hours. Do not approach her without me!" He said. He turned to Felix, "pick a team, I want you to be the leader, find her, report to me when you have," with that he walked back into his room where he could ponder this mystery with long hair.
"Captain!" Mr. Smee's voice yelled from outside Captain Hook's cabin. Hook opened his eyes reluctantly. What was the round deck mate bothering him with this time?
"What?" Hook yelled back impatiently, not bothering to open the door or even leave the comfort of his bed.
"Captain, there is a woman on the beach," Mr. Smee answered. Hook sat bolt upright. A woman? How was this possible? "She says that she stayed the night on the island before coming to our ship. The lady said she is curious," Smee informed him. Hook could hard focus on a word Smee had said. All he could think of was the unbelievable fact that a woman was there, on the island. He didn't even think women could come to the island. Without a moments more thought he replied.
"Send a boat out to her, invite her for lunch with myself, you do remember how to talk with a woman, I hope Mr. Smee?" Hook replied already throwing off his blankets and hurriedly getting ready.
"Yes, yes captain, right away!" He said, walking away from the door to talk to the crew.
Hook smiled for the first time in months. He thought what a joy it would be to be able to talk to a woman of any kind after so long in the company of men. It would be so refreshing. It had been so long, so long. He thought of Meela, his late wife. She had passed many years ago, but the simplest things would remind him of her. Hook shook the thoughts of his late wife from his mind. This was a very new ordeal though. A proper woman being there meant something was changing.
Hook washed his face and thanked the stars he took a bath in one of the springs the day before. Then he got dressed. Hook was a moderately tall man with good features and thick, dark, and brown ruffled hair. He had blue eyes framed with a little bit of Kohl and wore his dark trench coat with his vest and leather boots. He used a polish to shine his lovely hook and then used a short spray of his Cologne that he used sparingly ever since he had been stranded there with his crew. He, unlike most of his crew, took great care in his appearance.
Soon he heard a commotion outside his door. He opened it to see a lithe young woman, of about seventeen years pull herself up and over the rim of the ship. He first saw her eyes. He had never seen such blue eyes. Next he saw she was wearing black leggings and vest and white tunic under it. her outfit highlighted her pretty skin tone and made her eyes even more blue by contrast. She held her chin high and shoulders back, like a person in charge.
"Welcome a board Miss," Hook said to her. The entrance to his cabin was on a higher deck. She looked at him, her eyes digging into him. She had a hunters eyes, as if she was keen to your every weakness even when you didn't know you had one. Hook made his way down the stairs so that he could properly greet her. He held out his hand, she gave her's to him.
"Thank you Captain," she replied. He could not distinguish an accent but he would find out where she was from soon enough. His curiosity was peaked. what did her presence mean? He brought her hand to his mouth in a slight bow, he let his lips brush her delicate skin. A chill ran through them both. when he looked back up at her she was smiling.
"My name is Captain Hook," he told her still holding onto her hand, "you may call me Hook," he said.
"Thank you Hook," She said, "My name is Zemira," Hook said something about how he liked the name and she They stared at one another in a silent moment until Hook realized his crew was still there. he cleared his throat.
"Mr. Smee?" Hook said without taking his eyes off her, her eyes didn't waver from his either. "Is our lunch ready?"
"Yes, Captain, it is set up in your cabin," Mr. Smee answered.
"Would you like to join me?" He said to the girl. She nodded.
"Yes, I am starved," she said with a smile. With that Hook led the way to his cabin guiding her with their connected hands. He was quite neat, so clutter wasn't a problem and wouldn't be an embarrassment. Inside there was a table with two chairs and place settings. In the center was strips of chicken and bread with a side of tropical fruit. He pulled out one of the chairs for the girl and she sat in it. Her brown hairs tickled his hands as he pushed in the chair. Then he sat opposite her.
"your name is Hook by nickname if I am not mistaken," she said. Hook was impressed. His eye brows went up.
"Indeed, it is, how did you know?" He asked. She looked at him as though it was obvious.
"There is only one man who captains a ship with a hook for a hand," she said gesturing to his hook.
"Touché," he said, picking up the serving fork and serving some food onto her plate. "How did you get here Zemira?"
"You see captain, that is a long answer, too long for our lunch. But I will say by a wizard." She said. Hook looked at her intently.
"By what means?" Hook asked, "if I might inquire?"
"I am not sure myself," she said. "But do you know that Peter Pan is on this Island?" Hook laughed.
"Do I ever, he is a constant on this island." Hook said, "did you already meet him?"
"In fact I did," she said, "he seemed particularly startled to see a woman on 'his' island," she said with a chuckle. Hook raise a brow, if Pan was surprised then that was something.
"And he just let you go?" Hook asked in wonder. She nodded slowly.
"Yes, he looked like he hadn't seen a woman in centuries." She said, "he didn't even react when I left,"
"Left? You mean their camp?"
"You were in his camp and just walked out?"
"Yes, I guess I am not a very good opponent." She said slyly.
"Did you want to be?" He asked. She sighed.
"Not particularly," she replied. Hook sat back in his chair thinking.
"Does something trouble you captain?" She asked cocking her head.
"No, not at all," he said making a smile.
"Well good," she said diving into her food, "tell me about yourself and your ship, how did you come to be here?"
Hook told her a brief history of his time before Neverland and how he was a pirate with a reputation. she laughed and asked if it was a reputation she would need to worry about, Hook promised it wasn't.
After a while of chatting and their plates were both empty Hook stood abruptly. "would you care to dance?" She let out a laugh, it was sweet and something Hook had missed while here.
"Dance? With no music?" She asked. Hook stood and went to his dresser and brought out a box.
"No, very much with music," he said opening the box. Beautiful orchestra music spilled from the small box. "It was enchanted by a sorcerous to make music." She smiled.
"How lovely," she said standing. He watched her move and come stand in front of him, but not close enough to dance. "But why?"
"Why?" Hook repeated, "well I thought we may both enjoy it, and I for one haven't had a dance with a beautiful woman in a years. Being imprisoned on this island has it's disadvantages." He said stepping closer and outstretching his hand, "May I have this dance?" She nodded and took his hand.
They came together, his hand on her waist and her hand on his shoulder, their hands together. He looked down at the maiden he held in his arms and was happy to be alive. They waltzed to the music easily. It lifted his spirits from the depressed state that he had been in for so long. For the past few months he had felt hopeless and was forgetting why or what he was living for. Dancing with her he was reminded. Love. Not always Romantic love, but friendship, brotherhood, and the love of being alive in a beautiful place.
They didn't speak, just felt the rhythm of the music. It seemed as though they stayed like that for a long time. He breathed in her sent of wild berries. The song became slower and he pulled her closer.
"Don't you think she is a bit young for you captain?" Said a voice that caused hatred to trickle down Hook's spine. Pan. Hook was about to let go of her and face him but she held him firmly and kept dancing. He hadn't realized how strong she was.
"I am perfectly capable of defending myself Pan, you are not needed here," she said. Hook stared at her in shock. Pan would never stand for that, Hook knew. . .
Suddenly she flew from his grip and was being pulled towards Pan who had come out of the shadows. The music stopped and Pan rested his hands on her arms. He stood behind her. She was entirely calm. Hook stood alone and in shock facing her and Pan from across the room.
"I will give you five seconds to let go of me before this gets ugly," she said trying to sound firm but her voice came out wavering. Pan laughed.
"You can do nothing to me," he said. Suddenly she grabbed his hands and threw him up and over herself too the ground in front of her. She walked over pan and behind Hook, who was still in shock, to the box on the dresser. She tapped it and the music continued. She came back up to Hook who was still stunned that she had put Pan out of commission, a thing he still couldn't do. Then again, he wasn't a woman.
Before Hook could really understand what happened, he was back again dancing with Zemira with a moaning Peter Pan on the floor. He stared at Zemira, uncanny. How did this girl take out the supreme power of the land? She had closed her eyes and leaned her head against Hook's chest because she wasn't tall enough to reach his shoulder. Over her head he watched Pan get back up. He did not look pleased to see her dancing with him again with new vigor. Hook saw an unusual emotion cross Pan's face. Was that jealousy? Did Pan care for her? Was it possible? They had just met, right? Hook wasn't sure if he cared for her or not, he was unsure whether it would be wise to get in between the two. she had chosen him over Pan, his mind told him. Warmth filled him. Was it from this strange victory over Pan? Or was it that he really wanted her to like him. Hook tried shaking the thoughts but couldn't.
Then the song ended and she let go of him and turned to face an angry Pan.
"Now, tell me what is the problem that you had to barge in on my dance?" She said her hands on her hips. She had some sass, Hook found it attractive.
"I came to get you," he said taking a step towards her.
"Why?" She asked. Pan was flustered.
"Because. . .this ship is off limits to you," he said. Even to Hook it sounded lame. He had never witnessed Pan so off. He was curious, was this girl the key to Pan? She rolled her eyes.
"Am not your little sister," she said, Pan went white, "I can do as I please."
"That is a mistake Zemira," Pan said staring at her.
"That's alright, life is about mistakes, and some times the mistakes turn out to be good things," She said and glanced back at Hook. What did that mean?
Pan was unruffled. His mouth parted for a few moments before he promptly shut it. He looked to Hook and gave him a message in his eyes. Don't even think about it, his eyes said. Hook cracked a smile. Pan wasn't going to fight. He knew how emotions worked, he would never win her over my force. This confirmed it. He liked Zemira. Maybe Pan was human after all.
Pan looked out the window. He pensively studied the panes of glass until he looked back at her.
"Meet me by arrow point in two days," Pan said to Zemira.
"Sure, I'll see you then," Zemira said kindly. Pan nodded and then disappeared.
Author's Note:
Things are getting heated. Who's your ship? ZOOK? Or ZEMAN?
Comment who your ship is! Tell me what you think about it. Make sure and vote!
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Taking Over the Villaness' Body: 365 Days to Live As I Like!
Ann, a corporate slave in the modern life, suddenly couldn’t resist her body’s drowsiness and fell asleep after working non-stop for... who-knows-how-long. Her sleep wasn’t a good one as she was overly worried she wouldn’t be able to finish her work. When she finally woke up, she was greatly shocked. An unknown room, an unknown man with his icy expression, and moreover, the man addressed her as “Arlea”, and not “Ann”.And then she finally realized. She somehow ended up in the body of “Arlea”—a villainess in the fantasy/romance otome game she had played in the past, when she still had free time to relax. To make things worse, she remembered that in the next one year, she—Arlea—was fated to die. ‘In such a situation, what should I do?’‘Let’s think seriously of a way to overturn the situation?’‘But hold on, what if I can’t change the scenario? Why bother?’ Having lived her days in the modern life as a serious and restrained woman who became a corporate slave to her death, Ann finally decided... to spend her additional 365 days to live freely as she likes! Little did she know that her decision would cause everyone who knew Arlea to be very surprised and alarmed with her change.What happened to the villainous, hateful woman called Arlea? Why did she become like this? What is she scheming now??Let's see how long she can keep up her pretense! - This novel is influenced by Japanese LN/WNs, so there will be the use of Japanese suffix (-sama, -san) and terms! - This novel is originally posted in my site, and can also be accessed in CreativeNovels. If you're not sure you're reading the most up-to-date chapter, feel free to check there. If you want to support this series, gain access to rewards such as advanced chapters, and help in increasing this series' update rate, please check my Patreon page~. - Thanks for reading! Please don't hesitate to leave a comment and review, especially if you enjoy it, as it will boost my motivation ^^
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