《Her Name Wasn't Wendy》Surprises in NeverLand


Her Name Wasn't Wendy-Chapter 1


Peter Pan was strutting about his camp on his island. It was a regular day, some of the lost boys scouted the woods for fresh meat to hunt, the mermaids patrolled their borders near the cove and the pirate ship sailed endlessly in the waters off the shore. Pan could feel the power coursing through himself, it felt amazing as always. He was a tall and lanky with golden brown hair. He wore dark green vest and shirt and brown trousers. He had a devilish look in his eye. With his chiseled face and playful blue eyes no one would have suspected anything bad about him. But something very Dark had taken root in Peter Pan. There was only one possible cure for his darkness, but Pan refused to let go of his power.

He had run out of pixie dust long ago, except for the small pinch he had for the truest believer, so unfortunately he couldn't fly. He missed flying but he fortunately still had his power.

Peter Pan could feel everything that happened on the island. His power was connected to the island itself. This was why he felt the change. Peter Pan could sense that someone had entered NeverLand. This was one of his many abilities, another ability included being able to prevent people from leaving.

Peter Pan smiled to himself. A new comer, he thought, this would be fun. He enjoyed being able to talk to, or rather taunt and tease, people who just come to the island. Some times they would make good lost boys but most of the time he just used to amuse himself.

He went to the center of his camp and declared to the lost boys that were present. The boys in front of him were doing all sorts of activities. Some were sleeping from the rowdy night before, others were sharpening their weapons, and still others were playing around.

"Seems we have guest my boys!" He said slyly. The boys all have him their attention. He received a few whoops and hollers from this news. A new comer being there always meant something fun for then to do, "I will be back soon to go greet our guest." Peter Pan said smiling.

With that Peter Pan disappeared. Because of his almost unlimited power he was able to appear at any place on the island at will.

Suddenly he was in another part of the forest. Green light fell through the leaves of the trees. The dirt carpeted the forest floor. Peter Pan liked to give people a surprise, so he was just a few feet from whoever it was, but just out of sight.

Whipping up his devilish grin he rounded the trees and walked into the clearing where he knew this person was. At his feet was a beautiful girl. Startled, he stumbled back falling backwards onto the ground. He hadn't seen a woman of any shape or form since he had left the enchanted forest. That was many centuries ago, Pan thought. Time worked differently on NeverLand. Not only could no one age but the worlds outside it ran faster then it did on Neverland. Other then mermaids, who were rubbish company and also not even human, there were no women on the island not even on the pirate ship. The gravity of the situation hit Peter Pan. How did she get here? From Peter pans memory, this was the first girl to ever come to NeverLand.


She had long dark brown hair that fanned out around her head on the dirt, and wore a long ankle-length dress that was pale blue lace. She had on flats that matched and there was white ribbon sewn through the neckline of the dress. She had long brown eye lashes and light colored skin with high cheek bones. Her eyes were closed and she looked to be breathing peacefully. She looked like she was about seventeen, which was the age that Peter Pan looked as well.

It took him a moment to get over his surprise. He moved onto his knees to stare down at her. Who was she? What was a girl doing in NeverLand? He had begun to believe that women couldn't come to the island at all. Obviously he was wrong.

What was he going to do? Peter Pan still had a inkling of what morals were. He also remembered a bit of chivalry. this probably included not leaving girls passed out in a dangerous forest alone. But then again he was Peter Pan. He could do as he well pleased.

His eyes looked over her again and again. The worst she could be was a trick from Hook. Or, he thought, from Rumplestiltskin. It would be better if she was locked up. Or at the very least interrogated. He tapped her shoulder to test and see if she was awake. Nope. She didn't move, But her chest rose and fell meaning she was alive.

Awkwardly, Pan slipped his hands under her. One under her knees and the other on her back. She was entirely limp. He lifted her carefully and gently. Her weight wasn't a problem. Because of Pan's power he could lift almost anything. But this girl's fierce beauty and elegance stirred up feelings that had long slept in Pan. Her head and arm that was farthest from him hung limp in the air. Her dark brown hair was loose and tickled his arm.

It had taken five minutes for him to finally decide to pick her up. This time had sped quickly by in Peter Pan's mind. His mind leered with thoughts and speculations. He had not experienced such bad self control in a long time. In a slow exhalation, he blew his thoughts into the air, so he didn't need to dwell on them longer.

Peter Pan stood and began the slow walk back to camp. Why he didn't use magic to return was beyond him. It would have been the simple explanation, but he needed a plan. The lost boys would be back soon, he had to be in control by the time he met up with them again. Against his will his stomach churned. His emotions had not been so erratic since the day he left Rumplestiltskin on the beach to be taken away by the shadow. Control. Control, that was what he needed. With some controlled breathing he was able to lower his heart rate but to no avail was he able to keep the rest of his thoughts racing. Pan couldn't think of any plan, only the rush of her skin on his.



The conversation and laughter around the camp ceased the moment they saw their leader.

Felix was the second in command and Pan's right hand man. Felix had bright blonde hair and was taller then Pan. He was forever serious and had a scar across his cheek. His eyes went wide and his mouth went dry at the sight before him. Peter Pan's arms were carrying a girl. A proper girl, on the brink of womanhood. Her hair slightly blew in the breeze along with the ends of her dress. Her body was obviously limp, she almost looked dead. Felix lifted his eyes and found his commander staring at him, he looked tired and more serious then usual. He also seemed to be shaking. And not shaking from the girl's weight. What was wrong with him?

"Felix, get the room ready, it seems a person of interest that has payed us a visit." His jaw was tight and the air of laughter that he usually bore was gone. Felix moved quickly to the carved out tree that Pan used as his private room. Pan had it fit with all sorts of things. He was very select about who could enter his area, a kid a few years back had tried to go in, he never did come out. No one knows exactly what happened to him.

Felix moved to the back of the room where the bed was. He fixed the bed the way he remembered his mother had teaching him.

What? What was this unruly thought? He hadn't conjured a thought about his mom in a decade, this sudden appearance of a girl wacked up his whole being. Before he could think further Pan was behind him ready to set the girl down on the bed.

After she was silently sleeping on Pan's bed Felix approached Pan. Pan didn't look okay. Felix was the closest thing Pan had to a friend and from time to time Felix felt the need to make sure Pan was in a good state of mind. But instead of asking how his leader was feeling Fel

"Who is she?" Felix asked in his quiet husky tone. Pan paced the front area of the room that was separated from the bed area by a set of shelves full of books. Felix had no idea what they were and dared not ask. Felix had never seen him so anxious.

"I don't know," he said roughly, the normal controlled kid was gone. In front of him was the anxious unsure Peter Pan that only Felix saw on rare occasion. "I felt her pass through, I had no idea. . ." His voice wondered off as he stopped and looked back at her through the empty spaces in the shelving. Felix saw a hunger in his eyes. A feeling like that seemed to naw at Felix, except it was not hunger of food. He felt a strange urge to be closer to the girl. As if Pan was reading his mind he moved around the book shelves and stood over the unconscious girl. "She's beautiful," he thought he heard Pan say under his breath. Felix had to do a double take, the only things Pan thought were beautiful, was a clean kill and magic. He was caught off guard and yet some how he felt the same. She was, beautiful.

A shudder went through Pan and he turned away from her and looked right at Felix.

"Lead the hunting group to the south side of the island," Pan said, with sudden control and authority, "I want you to get the special mull berries, and bring them back." Felix simply nodded and headed out of the room to gather the Lost Boys.


Author's note:

I wanted to start by saying:

Thanks for checking out this book!

Her Name Wasn't Wendy is a Fanfiction based off of Once Upon A Time (OUAT). It is set, for those who follow the show, during the time that Pan is on Neverland, Rumplestiltskin is the Dark Lord of all and his son is not in NeverLand yet (maybe in England).

For my readers who are not familiar with the show you won't be lost. The differences between the OUAT story line of Peter Pan and the original one are that Peter Pan was a full grown man when he and his son (Rumplestiltskin) come to Neverland. Once There Pan is not able to connect with the island's magic because he wasn't a boy. The only way that he would be able to connect with the magic was to let go of Rumplestiltskin who was reminding him of how old he was and not a boy. Because of this, he orphaned His son and sent him back to their realm alone. Basically he was a really horrible dad.

(If you need further explanation, leave a comment and I will try to explain best I can)

Another difference is Captain Hook is not evil nor does he have a crazy hair do. (see picture on cover) Also the Lost Boys and Pan are more violent and unfriendly then from the originals.

I think that is all that you need to know. I hope you enjoy this story as much as I have! Make sure and Comment to let me know what you think and Vote so other people can read it too! Thanks!


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