《Only You Can Complete Me》Chapter 3


Asyraf's pov

I can hear clearly the sound of glass breaking in our Khan's mansion. I wanted to go and check on Rabia but I'm scared that she will throw all the glasses on my face. Allah, what is going on.

I gathered my courage and walked towards the kitchen. Alhamdulillah Mom and Dad went to meet one of his close friend.

"Rabia?" I called her

"Get lost. How could you hurt her. You hurt my bestie. You spoiled the cake that she made for me. She did that at midnight just because i asked." She was yelling at me.

"Its just a cake. I will order a new cake. If you want, I can ask a famous baker to make for you. Tell me, which cake do you want?" I tried to convince her but her eyes snapped at me.

"It's not about the bloody cake. Its about the love and care she have for me. She is a fragile flower. How bhai?Did you see the fear on her eyes. She was scared of me bhai. This is all because of you." she throw another glass on the floor.

"But she is the cause Ridhwan cheated on you. That bloody Sarah" I yelled back.

"Sarah? She is Sanofar. Sanofar Malik. Put that on your head." she yelled. I was shocked. My body felt numb. Did I just....shit...

"Sanofar?" I asked to confirm back

"Yes. The same Sanofar that i told you.

My best friend,and i have a greater news for you. The girl that you stopped and asked for Sarah right. She is the actual Sarah." Now i feel like banging my head on the wall.

I talked nonsense about her. Not only that, i throw money on her face. What have i done.Allah, She was crying badly.


" Assalamu Alaikum" My dad wished as he entered the Khan's mansion

" Wa Alaikum Salam baba."i went to him and hug him.

"Ok listen kids, we are going to my friend's house for dinner" Baba said then turned to me

"And you, Asyraf I'm expecting you to be there because Khan's group of company will be having a deal with Malik's group of company. Don't stay at the office, you better be there 8 o'clock sharp." Baba said. He know me very well. He knew that i love my office more.


But wait, Malik sounds familiar. I just shrugged it off.

"Yes baba, since it's related to the company, im coming" I said. I can see that he is happy with my answer.

" Princess, how about you. Come beta, you might get over it when you meet new people." Baba said to Rabia.

I'm sure after what happened today, she won't agree. I know my sister very well.

"I'm over it baba. Don't worry. Yes I'm coming." I was shocked. Is she serious. She usually won't go out if she is in bad mood. What is wrong with her.

Maybe she is calm now . Better I check on her.

"Uhmm Rabia, I'm going out, do you need anything." I asked. She gave a deadly glare.

"uhmm ok mama, papa i have some work. Meet you at night." i said and walked from there

Fuhh... Almost. Alhamdulillah i get out from there, if not i would be the headline tomorrow. Business tycoon Asyraf Khan was murdered by his sister.

But why Malik sounds familiar. I just started my car and drive to my office.


Rabia's pov

I was upset with my brother. He should at least ask me and i would be happy to show him the witch.

Heyy... don't judge me

Actually i don't even care that Ridhwan fall for her, because my heart belongs to someone else. I only love him. I was waiting for him. I never tell my feelings to him but i don't know why I feel like his is feeling the same for me.

Such a jerk, he went abroad 2 years ago. I don't know whether he is here or not.

Back to my brother, i know he is trying to convince me but i won't be easy on him this time.

I will wait till my brother apologise to her. Jerk

I know that he is feeling guilty but only my future bhabi can save him. Where are you bhabi. Change my bhai please.

Now i was getting ready for the dinner. I wore my black long frock with white embroideries. I wore my bangles, i wrap my dupatta loosely on my head. I wore my kajal and red lip tint.

Everyone say black look good on me but black become my favorite when i knew black was his favorite. I smile whenever he crossed my mind. He changed me.


I grab my purse and my phone. I went down where my parents were waiting. They looked at me stunned.

" Masha Allah, princess you look stunning" Baba said.

" Masha Allah. Rabia you look gorgeous beta. May Allah bless you." Mama said while caressing my cheek.

I was smiling. I know im looking good because it's his favorite colour. I blushed.

"what are you thinking princess. Your cheeks are turning pink." Mama said while smiling

"Mom how could you talk like this to your daughter" i faked shock and shook my head.

" Don't act innocent baby. I know you very well" She said while pulling my ear.

"ouch... Mama. Baba look, its red because of mama. " i showed my dad

"But it's not as red as this" he touch my cheek and smirked. I stood there shocked.

"Ba..baba, its getting late. Come." I ran to the car and i could hear my parents laughing.

Alhamdulillah. Allah grant me a big gift by giving me a friendly parents.

Baba start driving. He don't like having a driver. He always say why you need a driver when you know how to drive and why you need someone else to drive your car and you sit like a stranger in it.

I just love this man.

You love him too

Shut up

But it's the truth

I smiled on my craziness

We reached and i walked to the door. I know the house very well. Of course i knew it because it's my Sano's house. I didn't come here more than a year. Now aunty gonna twist my ears.

I pressed the doorbell and waited. My heartbeat was getting irregular. What is going on.

Someone opened the door and i was shocked. I was looking at him. Him.

He is back but why Sano didn't tell me anything.

He was looking into my eyes. I looked back into his eyes. I just want to keep looking at him.

Realisation hit me when my father wished him. I lowered my gaze.

" Assalamu Alaikum beta. How are you. You are getting handsome day by day." My dad commented

I know.

I blushed. Stupid brain.

"Wa Alaikum Salam, please come in." we entered the house and i can feel his gaze on me.

"uhmm, I'm going to meet Sano." I literally ran from there. When i reached upstairs, i tried to calm my heartbeat. I check my face on my phone and i could see my face look like beetroot.

I just smiled and walked to Sano's room.

I opened the door and i looked at her who was lost in her thought.

" I'm sorry" i said. She startled for a sec and then she looked at me.

" let me explain" I told her the whole story and she smiled.

" Are you angry" I asked her.

" How can be angry on my bestie." She hugged me.

" My brother really regretted what he said. Will you forgive him?" i asked

"Why not. But better he apologise. You know what, I think he is better. If it's bhai, he would have done worst. " As soon as she completed, i blushed.

Would he protect me like protecting Sano.

" Where have you reached with my brother." I was shocked.

" wha..what are you saying. Yo... Your brother." i stammered. Damn, I should have control my self .

" You don't have to act bhabi. I knew it. First i suspected you when you didn't call my brother bhai but you are calling Afsa's brother bhai.

Next when you stop coming here after he went abroad. Is it enough or you want more?" She smirked. She noticed all this.

"I'm sorry. If you are not happy...."

She cut me

" yes I'm not happy." she said. I was on the verge of crying then she start laughing. Realisation hit me. Monkey

I start throwing pillow on her. Idiot, she scared me.

" Rabia. I always want someone like you to be my bhabi. You know I'm so happy when i knew it." She said

" Sweetheart, you have to tell that to your bhai" i bite my lips. Why i can't think before speaking.

She was laughing on my face. Uhh I'm embarassing myself.


Assalamu Alaikum friends.

Yes your guess is correct. We will be having two pairs for now😉.

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