《Only You Can Complete Me》Chapter 2


Asyraf's POV

I heard my phone rang. Good, i was waiting for this call since morning.

"Tell me Sahil. Did you find who is the bastard's lover." I asked my private detective. I wanted to kill that girl.That bloody Ridhwan is having affair with another girl after he got engaged to my sister. She is my sweetheart, my baby sister. She don't want this marriage but i convinced her. Now how am i going to face her?

"Sir are you there" Sahil asked

"Yes tell me" I said

"Sir ,the girl's name is Sarah. She is modern girl. She is studying at the same college as your sister. From the information i collected from her friend, she told your sister's ex fiance, Ridhwan that your sister is in love with someone and she agreed for the engagement because her lover is a middle class man. She also said that your sister say yes because she is a gold digger. Ridhwan is now happily in his new relationship."Sahil completed.

My blood boiled as i hear that. How dare she throw a fake statement on my sis. That girl called my sister a gold digger.

Whoever you are, be ready to face Asyraf Khan because you messed with the wrong person.


Sanofar's pov

I parked my sahirah and enter the cafeteria. I was waiting for Rabia when Afsa, my bestie approached me. Me, Rabia and Afsa are the three musketeers . We were friends since we were in our school, and we have done a lot of mischevious during our school days. Friends in three are the best.

" Hi Sano. Where is Rabia?" she asked.

"I think she is on her way. Look what i brought" I showed her the cake that i brought.

"yumm. My favorite cake. You know what I love you,but wait . I didn't ask to bring and it's not my birthday, then why?"she asked


"we are going to have a break up party because Rabia's engagement was called off." I remember how Rabia said she is going to enjoy today because she is going to celebrate the fact that she is free from that Ridhwan.

I was laughing with Afsa ehen i was pulled by someone and he pushed my cake.


Asyraf's pov

I was walking towards the cafeteria and a girl passed by me. I stopped her and asked

" Excuse me. Im Rabia's brother" i saw her face turning pale as she hear what I said.

What's wrong with her.

"Can you tell me who is Sarah?"I asked

"wh...why?"she stammered

What is really wrong with her

" I have an unfinished business with her. Now can you tell me?" i asked her coldly.

She was thinking for a long time. Allah, what is she thinking. Why is she taking it so long to answer a simole question.

Suddenly she smiled at me and pointed to a girl who was in a red frock.

I couldn't see her face as her back was facing me.

I walked to her and I heard her talking to her friend.

"we are going to have a break up party because Rabia's engagement was called off."My blood boiled as i heard what she was saying. My sister was hurt over there and you are enjoying here.

I yanked her and throw that stupid cake on the floor.

She looked at me and i was mesmerised by her beauty for a second. Her pink lips, her big doe eyes, her small nose. Now I understand why that bastard go for her. She must make him have trapped him with this look. I felt disgusted.

" Wh..who aa..are you" She stammered


" Your worst nightmare. How dare you. You yourself a girl and how can you be so cheap. You spoiled a girl's future. Is this what your parents thought you?"her eyes snapped at me when i mentioned about her parents

"Don't say a word against my parents. What are you......" i cut her

"Shut up. Just shut up" i yelled. She was looking so scared. I can see her body was shaking due to fear.

" You called my sister a gold digger. I know, you did all this for money right. Nahh just take this. Is it enough?." I throw the money on her face. She was crying hysterically and I could see her breath was abnormal. I must say, she is a great actor.

" Sano" I turned to the voice and i saw my sister walked to her. Come on Rabia. Give her a tight slap.

"Sano. Heyy what happen? Look at me." Rabia said. She rubbed her back. What is she doing? Did she lost her mind?

" He... I.. I don't know ... Wha....what is he talking about. He talk ba....bad about me..." she stammered. Rabia turned to me and shock was evidenced on her face.


The girl look shocked at me and Rabia. She took step backwards in fear.

"Sano. Liste..."She ran from there without waiting for a second.

I could see my sister was broken. When i tried to call her, she glared at me . She dragged me from there and she asked me to take her home.

Can someone explain what is going on.


Assalamu Alaikum everyone.

You never expect this right😁. I knew it.🤭

If there is any grammar mistakes, I'm really sorry.

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