《1D Bromance One-Shots [COMPLETE]》Not Good Enough?- Zainourry [Zayn Centric PART 2]


A/N: I've been told that one of you wanted the second part to this one-shot so here it is. Hope you enjoy this last one-shot.

Dammit! I chose the freaking wrong time to leave wattpad! They finally have the bold and italics thingy in the app.


Not Good Enough?- Zainourry (Zayn Centric) [Part 2]


~~~~3 Weeks Later~~~~

Am I skinnier?

Better looking?

Do I still look fat?

I think I look ok...NO! There's a piece of fat right there! And I thought I looked good, I guess I'll have to work harder and eat less to get rid of it.

I'm still not good enough.

I continue poking at the fatty skin on my stomach, frowning at what my lack of care has caused. I was trying my best to lose weight for the past three weeks, I was trying my best, I swear. But I guess it wasn't enough. I'll have to do better if I want to be skinny.

"Zayn, come on love, we have to get going." Li yells from downstairs, reminding me of the show we have tonight. Just perfect.

I pull down my shirt not bothering to fix it, knowing that our stylists will get us into other clothes. Will I be able to fit into them?

I shake the thought away and rush downstairs to meet my boyfriends, jumping onto Lou's back and pecking his cheek in the process. "Hi Louis!"

"Someone's cheerful." He comments with a smile, "You feeling better Z?"

"A bit. But nothing I can't handle. Now on with the show!" They just roll their eyes at me and we leave the flat to go to the car, me still on Lou's back. As we begin the drive, my spirits plummet even further.


The fans.

What will they think of me? Will they think I look fat? Or ugly? Or both? I don't want to disappoint them either. It's the first show we have since our three week break. They'll be expecting everything to be perfect. Us to be perfect. And once again, I'll ruin the band's look.

I glance around the van, how the boys play around with each other. Laughing and smiling. I restrain the urge to join them, knowing full well that if I do they'll question the pained look I'm sure is on my face no matter how hard I try to mask it. Either they'll take it as a sign that I'm not fully recovered from the 'sickness' that has been plaguing me for three weeks now or they'll see right through it and question me.

I thought that chalking my headaches and stomached up to being sick was a good idea when I started my diet. I couldn't take pills, Liam would find out. I couldn't work out, Louis would worry that I would be exercising more than I should. I had to eat at least a tiny bit knowing Niall makes sure I eat something each day. Harry bought the 'I'm sick' excuse when he found me vomiting the food Niall made sure I ate. He thought that I was really sick and since I didn't want to blow my cover, the rest of the boys bought it as well.

But that was three weeks ago. I don't know how long I can keep up the sick act. I just need to pretend for a little more, and during that time, eat less and work out more. That should be enough to lose the weight I need to. Perfect. That's what I need to be.

"Zaynie?" Niall's worried voice cuts through my thoughts, and I turn to face him. "We're here."


I nod once, and wait for security to open the door for us. That's when the first wave of pain rolls over me.

I can feel myself clenching my teeth, trying not to cry out but I have no control over my trembling legs. All I hear is a shout and then everything spirals into blackness.



"Is he going to be alright?"

"Hard to tell, but what I can tell you is that-"

"Boys! You have five minutes until the show starts."

Even in my groggy state, I can tell that was David. Of course he doesn't want anyone knowing the real reason that I'm sick. I guess he'll play the doctor a hefty amount to keep his mouth shut.

I feel someone shaking my harshly and the outbursts by the boys at the persons action. I open my eyes only to find face to face with David.

"Act normal. Or else."



Despite the boys arguing about my health and how I shouldn't go on stage, I managed to convince them that I was feeling better. But David's warning wasn't enough to keep me from having another scene. That ended the show.

Now we're all backstage with an angry David looming over us.

"What the hell was that for?"

Louis stands up just as angry "Well, I don't know if you fucking noticed but Zayn isn't feeling well."

David glares back at him "Who cares! You have no right to end the show!"

"We care!" Niall jumps to his feet clearly outraged by the statement.

Before David can respond, Liam tugs me up from where I'm sitting and we start heading for the door. "Z, I know you're on a diet." I knew I couldn't keep anything from Liam. "We'll get through this, together."

"Where do you think you're going?" David yells at the five of us.

Harry yells back over his shoulder "To fuck the hell out of each other and tell Zayn how much we love him just the way he is. Because God knows we do."

"Why do you even love that thing. He's not good enough for anyone."

Maybe he took it too far.

Louis spins on his heel and marches up to David's face "Not good enough?" He hisses. "Open your damn eyes and realize that Zayn is the definition of perfect. He's a hundred times better than you. You may not like him but to us, he's everything."


I kinda rushed it at the end. Sorry.

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