《✓ bromance one shots ✎ major editing ✐》If I Lose Myself (Narry)
Niall's POV
I didn't want this, why was I being forced into something that I didn't want? My dad basically stated that if I didn't marry this unknown boy that I won't inherit any of his abundant properties, nothing at all. I can't live without the money, it's like my personal drug and without it I can't obtain my ecstasy which is luxury. Since my days of youth I've been spoiled endlessly and I wasn't about to give it up now, so I had to agree. Apparently this, still anonymous dude, is rich as well. It's kinda like a strengthening to both families' power. This lad and I are the unlucky victims of this disgusting game. I just hope that he'll just disagree then I won't have to be stuck with him. From the simple things my mother has told me about him I've learned that he's handsome, kind, and respectful. Not my type. Well not the handsome part, just the kindred nature. I liked my game arrogant and dirty. Just like how I am because the result of our fusion is mystifying.
Sadly, the stupid chap accepted this proposal and our marriage was due to the end of this week, which was tomorrow. I was so pissed and I was trying really hard not to snap at my parents. I was actually anxious to see him, but overall I wanted to get the heck out of this deal before I kill someone. I knew that any careless action would cost me a lot, so I decided to keep my mouth shut and my temper under control. I needed to get some sleep, for a long day awaited me tomorrow, and unbeknownst to me, I will be more surprised than agitated.
Harry's POV
I knew accepting that offer was my only chance. No one would ever want to be stuck with a 'mute' boy. I wasn't exactly mute, I just preferred not to talk since that accident. The day that my biological father abandoned my mother and I was the most horrific experience of my life. He left because of me; because of my sexuality. He claimed that I was a disgrace to human nature and that he didn't want to be my father anymore, so he left. My mother was the only person that supported me. She married a rich guy a couple of months later, only because she fell in love with him. He was kind to me as well, he treated me as if I were his own son. When he told me about this ordeal I agreed, nodding my head in confirmation. I just hoped that I would somehow maybe find my happily ever after with that guy. Like maybe we might fall in love on the way. The main reason I agreed to this is just because it was a really good opportunity for Robbin and I didn't want to ruin that. So I agreed, if it ended up being a bad choice then it would just add to my existent misery, and if it was a good choice then it would be my remedy.
The wedding was tomorrow and we were a couple of hours away from sunrise hinting that I should probably get some sleep, but my raging thoughts wouldn't allow me.
I was fumbling with my bow tie nervously when my mother walked in.
"You look lovely baby." I only smiled at her. It's not like I don't talk to my mom, she's the only person whom I've uttered out some words to since that day.
"I'm sure you'll be alright Harry, do you really want to do this angel?" She asked softly.
"Yes." I whispered, deciding to tell her something before leaving her for god knows how long.
"C'mon handsome, they're waiting." She extended her hand for me to take it, which I did after a moment of hesitation. I was quite nervous, for I never saw the guy. I only knew that his name was Niall Horan and that he was filthy rich as well.
My mother lead me down the aisle towards the awaiting blonde man. Only then did I raise my head to look at him. I was awestruck, he was really really good looking. His blonde hair was styled into perfection, his eyes were an intoxicating shade of blue but they had a cold glare in them directed towards me, his lips were cherry red looking kissable and inviting. I blushed at my thoughts and looked towards his eyes again to see him checking me out as well. His sinful lips turned up to a smirk when he saw the faint streak of red highlighting my cheeks.
After all the necessary rituals were done, I found myself on a private jet with none other then my 'husband'. It was all arranged by our parents and my head was starting to ache from how fast things were going. Niall was clearly against all what was happening and he was even more distressed when he found out that I don't talk.
"Great, so I was forced to marry a mute kid as well? That's just terrific." Ouch, I can't say that it didn't wound me slightly. I've heard it a lot, but I don't know why hearing it come out of his mouth was any different. The workers in the mansion took it upon themselves to make fun of me, secretly of course. I could've easily stopped them, fired them even, but I didn't want to make them lose a well paying job. I deserved it anyways, I was a disgrace to my father and I deserved some sort of punishment. I just looked at him, unresponsive which wasn't quite a surprise. That aggravated him even more, and he stood up angrily walking the short distance towards my seat that was on the opposite side of his own.
"Listen you idiot, I hate you for ruining my life, and I hate you for accepting this arrangement. I hate the fact that you don't talk as well, I just hate you." He growled, causing my eyes to brim with tears.
"Oh how pathetic, you're going to cry now?" He snarled as he chuckled humorlessly. I wiped at my eyes furiously, not wanting to give him the satisfaction of seeing me weak and willing my tears to stop.
The rest of the flight was, thankfully, quiet and somehow peaceful. Niall didn't talk to me again, but he threw some nasty glares my way every now and then. We reached the hotel booked for us which was of course the most expensive one in Paris. Couldn't they be more cliché? Like a honeymoon in Paris with a boy that hates my guts. How wonderful is that? Not.
"Listen mute boy, we are not sharing a room. Here's the key to yours. Stay out of my way and don't come near me alright?" He said more than asked. I nodded my head quickly and fearfully. He handed me the key to my said room and walked to his own, which was in front of mine. I walked into my room, shutting the door in the process then just slid down to the ground and hugged my knees tightly to my chest and let the tears flow unrestrictedly. So it wasn't a smart choice after all, when will I ever be happy? When will my misery end? Will it be when I die? If it will then I want to die now. I didn't experience anything in my twenty years of existence other than heartache and vulnerability. I was still a virgin and I didn't even have my first kiss yet. I am a twenty year old who has never kissed a person before. I was hoping that maybe Niall would change that, but he clearly wanted nothing to do with me as well, just like how my dad didn't want me.
Niall's POV
I stormed angrily into my hotel room. Out of all of the people in the world, I had to be stuck with a mute lad. I huffed in a frustrated manner not knowing what was I supposed to do right now. I decided on taking a nap to soothe and pacify my raging temper before deciding on how was I to spend these coming two weeks.
When I woke up, my state of boredom and frustration seemed to have increased. I wanted to go out somewhere and I wasn't one for going out alone so I will, sadly, have to drag my mute husband. Besides, we were in Paris after all, we can't stay locked in this hotel. I got up and straightened out my clothes a bit before leaving my suite and walking straight to his. I walked in without knocking since I had a spare key to his room as well. He was curled up in a small bundle on the floor right next to the door. I kicked him with my foot slightly to wake him up. It's not the nicest way, but I wasn't too fond of him right now to care. It seemed to work and his eyes fluttered open. They were red and his cheeks were tear stained. His state strung on my heart strings slightly, but I didn't let it change my stance.
"Get up and get dressed curly, I want to go out and you're coming with me wether you like it or not." I spat the last bit causing him to flinch and nod quickly.
"What you've been crying? Can you be more pathetic, who still cries at this age?" I glared at him one last time before motioning for him to get up. He looked at me with so much hurt in his eyes that it made me turn my face away from him. He grabbed some clothing from his still unpacked luggage and walked into the bathroom. A couple of minutes later, he walked out of the bathroom seeming to have freshened up a bit. He was quite handsome there was no denying that. From his long torso to his slender figure and his perfect face complexion, he was over all exquisite. His eyes held a certain amount of sadness that managed to make him look even more innocent. He looked untouched, so fragile and precious. Yet all of that, didn't falter my harsh treatment towards him. While he was in there, I took his phone and put my number in his and saved his own to mine as well, in case I needed to find him or anything.
"I put my number in your phone. Are you ready curly?" He only nodded in response.
We did a lot of activities. From the Eiffel Tower to sight seeing, it was hectic. Harry was smiling throughout, it made me feel some sense of accomplishment, and I don't know why was I proud that I was the reason for that smile. Our last destination was my favorite kind of place of all times, the club. From the looks of it, Harry hasn't been here a lot, or at all actually. He was staring at everything in wonder and sometimes disgust.
"Do you drink curly?" He shook his head no, causing me to stare at him in disbelief.
"Not even one shot?" I asked him incredulously, for him to shake his head no again.
"Suit yourself." I shrugged my shoulders, then left him to go to the dance floor. It's the first time since I came here with him that I felt at ease. I was used to this kind of life everyday, and it was good to be back for a while.
Harry's POV
Well today was peculiar. I surprisingly enjoyed my time with Niall. He seemed alright, but I know that he doesn't like the fact that he was stuck with me, the mute lad. I watched him dance and grind on different people as he laughed and stumbled over his own feet. He didn't look that drunk, just tipsy. I didn't want to stay and watch him do that, and besides this place was creeping me out. People were eating each others' faces and some of them were close to doing it right there on the dance floor.
I walked out of the club and tried to remember the way in which Niall walked us here from the Eiffel Tower, for the hotel was in front of it. I aimlessly walked around for quite a while huffing when I realized that I was officially lost. My only hope being Niall, I remembered that he said that he slipped his number into my phone and I couldn't be happier that he did so. I texted him hoping that he would hear his phone or at least he'd feel the vibration. My hopes were granted when he called me, but then I realized that I'd have to talk to him. Weighing out the circumstances, this place was starting to creep me out; it was really dark out there. Just as I was about to answer his call, someone pushed me into the wall, causing me to drop the phone.
"Hey there pretty boy, what are you doing out here all alone?" A gruff voice slurred in my ears.
Oh no.
Niall's POV
After I got Harry's text, I quickly called him, too lazy to text, and momentarily forgetting about his disability. He answered the phone and I just heard whimpers and a gruff voice which clearly wasn't Harry's.
"I'm going to do you so hard, you'll forget your name." I heard an unfamiliar voice state mercilessly and then I heard it, that sound that broke my heart, Harry's desperate whimper.
"Why aren't you talking sweet thing, I need to hear you moaning my name. Oh you scream virgin, and I'm sure you are one, but not for long." My blood boiled and I found myself running out of the club and onto the dark streets. I needed to find Harry and fast. I will never forgive myself if anything happened to him. Harry was innocent and I'm sure he was still a virgin as well and I won't allow that disgusting man to take his purity away from him. I felt a sense of protection overcome me when I heard his heart clenching whimper. He couldn't even use his voice to scream for help. I listened once again to the phone to make sure that Harry was still, somehow, alright.
"C'mon baby, stop resisting me." He said in a voice in which he assumed sounded seductive. I felt even more frustrated. I stopped running for a second to regain my breath when I heard it, his whimper. I turned my head towards the voice and wasted no more time before I began running again.
I came to a halt when I saw that disgusting scene. Harry's shirt was ripped off of him and the man had his hands clasped above his head while he sucked bruises on Harry's pale skin.
"Get off of him." I growled as my fists clenched by my sides.
"Who are you bad boy?" He smirked, releasing Harry's hands causing the boy to slide to the ground in tears.
"I'm his husband." I said as I approached him with nothing but venom in my glare. He raised his hands in fake surrender and started walking away.
"He's all yours, not worth it anyways. The kid can't even talk." He said as he smirked. I was about to punch him, but a scared whimper stopped me. Once I was sure that he left, I turned and crouched down next to the shaking lad. I placed my hand hesitantly on his shoulder causing him to flinch and back away further into the wall.
"Hey Harry it's fine you're safe now, I'm Niall don't worry I won't hurt you." I didn't know what to do because I wasn't used to being nice to people, and I sure wasn't planning on being nice to him after he ruined my life, but right now his state makes me want to hug the life out of him and protect him and hold him in my arms, which was quite weird. He looked up at me hesitantly, and physically relaxed when he realized that I wouldn't hurt him.
"C'mon let's get you back to the hotel." I extended my arm for him, and he grabbed onto it for support as he stood up shakily.
"Thank you." I heard a hoarse voice say. I looked at him in shock, but damn his voice was sexy.
"Wait you talk?" I asked in bewilderment. He nodded as a faint blush highlighted his cheeks, making him look more innocent despite the current situation.
Wordlessly, I hailed a cab to take us home. Leaving him to sit in the back on his own, which seemed to displease him but I didn't think about it much. Nothing changed.
I took him to his room and helped him get into the bed. I was about to turn and leave the room, but I was stopped when a hand gently caught my arm.
"Can you stay with me tonight, I really don't want to stay alone." He looked at me pleadingly, causing me to accept his request. I took off my shirt but kept my pants on so that I wouldn't make him feel uncomfortable. When I slid into the bed, I couldn't help but grab him and cuddle him in my arms gently. Nothing changed.
I woke up to a blood curdling scream coming from none other than Harry. He had tears streaming down his face as his body shook badly.
"It's alright Harry, I've got you, no one will hurt you now. It's okay calm down." He looked at me with nothing but fear and panic in his eyes. I grabbed his chin gently, leaning down and locking our lips together. It was a gentle and soothing kiss, and seemed to have worked because he calmed down.
"Why did you do that?" He asked me breathlessly.
"I don't know, but nothing changed." I tried to convince myself with that, but even my brain seemed to contradict the thought.
"Are you sure about that?" He asked suspiciously, and somehow knowingly.
"No." I said as I leaned down and captured his lips once more.
I don't know what was I doing; I just knew that it felt right and it felt good. I also felt like I was losing myself and sanity with Harry. But if I was losing myself, I wanted it to be by his side.
Please tell me your opinions on this.
Thank you lovelies.
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