《✓ bromance one shots ✎ major editing ✐》Stupid Love (Nouis)


Louis's POV

I've tried anything and everything to grab Niall's attention more often but nothing seems to be working. It's not that he doesn't love me, I know he does. It's just that I wish he would pay me more attention like he does to his football matches and friends, or even worse his precious snap backs. I know Niall isn't quite the one for expressing feelings, but I'd like to know I matter to him a bit more than he shows.

I got a tattoo with his initials on it right above my heart and all he did was give me a short lived kiss and mutter a thank you. That's all, I expected a better reaction out of him but that's all what I got. If it were him who did that, I would've probably fainted out of sheer happiness. He bought a dog and he knows how much I hate dogs, and yet, I'm the one who takes care of it, for him, but he still doesn't notice that.

Once, I planned a grand romantic date for him, candles and home made food and all. He came back from work tired and he said we'll do it another time. At night, my only assurance was when he wrapped me up tightly in his warm embrace and kissed my neck repeatedly and muttered over and over again about how much he loved me. That was the only time where I got to see Niall's affectionate side. The only time where I got to know that he does love me.

I wouldn't hesitate to get whatever he asked for, I wouldn't even think twice about it. That's how much I love Niall. Everyone who saw how much I try for him and how he doesn't spare me much attention has asked me why do I love him and why am I still even with him. They said that I deserve much more than he gives me. But I don't care about what they say, I would never leave Niall, no matter what he does I'd never leave him, as long as he wants me by his side I will stay and I won't go elsewhere.


Another time where his lack of attention towards me wounded me way too much was when I was sick. He didn't seem to care, he didn't offer to stay and look after me. He wasn't obliged to do so, but I would've done it in a heartbeat. He just wished me a get well soon and he was out of the house. Later that night when I was laying down in bed awake still, waiting for him to come back, he climbed into the bed and pulled me closer to him by my waist. He planted a warm kiss on my temple and asked me if I was still sick. Although I was, I just replied with a quiet no, not wanting to worry him about my well being.

It was our five year anniversary and I was planning something special for him today. I hope he doesn't forget this time. I rented a yacht for us and I just wanted to fall asleep in his arms while we watched the beautiful scenery that is the night sky. I heard the front door slam shut, alerting me that Niall came back. He walked into the living room and his eyebrows rose in question when he saw my chosen, formal, attire for the night.

"Niall can you please change your clothes because I'm taking you out on a date tonight." I don't know why, I was just hoping that he'd remember what today was. I mean five years is something special, it should never be forgotten by any of us that we've been together for five straight years.

"Why tonight Louis, can't you see I'm tired? We can go out on Saturday." Niall stated with an annoyed expression. I just broke, I exploded because I just felt so hurt by his ignorance. It's the first time I feel so broken by Niall's now, usual, actions.

"Because Niall, today is our fucking five year anniversary! It seems that yet again, you've forgotten. Just like you forget everything else. I'm sick and tired of being ignored by you! You tell me you love me but you do nothing to prove it! Your actions say that you don't give two shits about me, but then at night you tell me you love me! Well guess what Louis, I don't believe you anymore!" I cried out tears cascading down my face. I turned around abruptly and ran out of the house.


"Louis wait!" Niall yelled, so he came after me. I'm surprised he did. I ignored his calls and kept on running further away from our house.

"Louis please! Just stop running for god's sake, hear me out." I stopped and turned around to face him. He was standing in the middle of the empty road while I was standing on the side walk.

"I'm sorry I forgot Lou, I'm really sorry. I never thought that you'd feel like this. How could you question my love for you? I know I don't show it, but I love you, I love you so fucking much Louis you have no idea how special you are to me. You're the only reason I'm living Louis just because you're my life and I can't live without my life. I'm sorry baby, please Louis look at me." He pleaded, his voice strained.

I looked to my right only to see a car speeding down the road towards Niall who didn't seem to notice the death machine coming his way. I did the first thing that came to my mind, I ran as fast as I could towards Niall, I wasn't fast enough to push both our bodies out of the way, I only managed to move Niall out of the way, having the car collide with my body, sending me spiraling down to the ground full force. My body hit the concrete forcefully, the pain was unbearable and I wanted the numbness to envelope me, however before my wish was granted I heard a cry of horror coming from none other than my lover,

"Louis! No!" My eyes slipped shut and I was encaged in darkness.

I groaned in pain, fluttering my heavy eyes open and trying to adjust to the harsh light hitting my face. I felt a body jerk in alert next to me and frantically grab my hand.

"Louis! Oh my god Louis, are you okay? Are you in pain? Should I call the doctor?" As much as I loved Niall's voice, it was way too loud for my liking right now.

"Niall can you please shut up for a second?" I grumbled.

"Sorry." He whispered sadly and I immediately felt bad. I squeezed his hand in apology and a smile made its way on his exquisite complexion.

"Louis why did you do that? Why did you throw yourself in front of that car? Why didn't you let it hit me instead?"

"In case you didn't notice Niall, I would do anything for you, dying for you is one of those things as well." I muttered shyly.

"Oh god Louis you're so stupid! I love you and I'm sorry that I haven't been the best boyfriend around, but I promise you that from now and on I will pay you all the attention you deserve baby, you deserve the world Louis, you're so precious." Niall said causing a faint blush to highlight my cheeks.

"I guess I'm stupid in love." I said smiling, pulling Niall's face towards my own, connecting our lips in a passionate kiss.


So what do you think? Tell me your opinions, I would love to know them.




Thank you lovelies


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