《✓ bromance one shots ✎ major editing ✐》Can't Let Go (Zarry)


Zayn's POV

I really don't know what happened. I really don't know what went wrong. Was it me or was it him? Or maybe it was the both of us. I really don't know. But it wasn't just one fight. It was more than that. It was all the pent up anger of many fights left unresolved and that are usually cut off by angry sex. I think this solution wasn't such a smart idea, for it caused the heartache I'm facing right now. I can't believe I haven't seen him for 2 months now. But he hurt me pretty badly. I missed his green irises, his cute dimples, his curly locks, his hands, his face, everything about him. I miss him dearly, but does he miss me? Does he still love me? Being far away from him made me start doubting myself.

The last fight that we had was pretty ugly.


I've been worried sick. He's never this late. What if something happened to him? It's 1:00 A.M, he always comes back no later than 11 o'clock. I was snapped out of my worried thoughts when I heard the front door slam shut. Harry stumbled in, drunk of course, muttering something incoherent.

"Where have you been Harry?"

"In the c-club w-with Ni-Niall."

"Are you always with Niall now Harry? It seems to me that you've been spending more time with him than you are with me, your own boyfriend! What's wrong with you Harry? You've been picking out fights with me for some time now, always coming back home late and drunk off your ass. And when I ask you who you've been with it's always Niall." I growled angrily. My words and angry tone seemed to sober him up a bit.

"Well what if I want to spend some time with Niall? Who are you to tell me who to stay with and who to avoid? At least Niall doesn't annoy me and smother me with questions every time I see his fucking face!" He shouted back his tone matching mine, but I wasn't having that.

"Incase you haven't noticed I'm your fucking boyfriend! And I'm annoying now? Excuse me for actually caring about you! And if you fucking love Niall so much, why don't you go and date him instead!"

"Ha! Maybe I will. And yes you are annoying, probably that's the reason that made your father walk out on you and eventually your mom realized how worthless you are so she kicked you out of the house!" His eyes widened in realization when he finally comprehended what he had just said.

But it was too late. The words have been spoken and my heart was shattered. I can't believe he just said that. He knew how I felt about this subject yet he had the nerve to remind me about it. Tears of sadness and remorse cascaded down my face as I stared wide eyed at him. It hurt so much to hear these words coming from him. He just called me worthless. How could he? I thought he loved me? I guess I was wrong. Sobs racked my body and I collapsed to the floor unable to support my weight anymore.


"Z-Zayn I'm s-so so-sorry I-I didn't me-mean to say that." He stuttered as his voice sounded like he was about to join my sob fest anytime soon.

I ignored his plea while I pushed my weight off the floor heading over to the front door. As I placed my hand on the knob ready to twist it open, I was stopped by a familiar warm hand that was wrapped around my own. I slightly craned my neck to the right and said,

"Harry I think you've said too much already, please let me go." I whispered the last bit as my voice cracked slightly.

A couple of seconds later, he hesitantly unwrapped his wrist from around mine and I immediately left the house, hopped into the car and drove off to the only other person I had left in this world, Liam Payne.

**Flashback over**

And that's where I have currently been staying, at Liam's house. As much as I love staying with Liam I just want to go back home. My home with my Harry. But he thinks I'm worthless, so does he really want me back? I just...... I miss him so much.

Harry's POV


"Where have you been Harry?"

"In the c-club w-with Ni-Niall."

"Are you always with Niall now Harry? It seems to me that you've been spending more time with him than you are with me, your own boyfriend! What's wrong with you Harry? You've been picking out fights with me for some time now, always coming back home late and drunk off your ass. And when I ask you who you've been with it's always Niall." I sobered up a bit at Zayn's harsh tone, but I just felt angry and I have no idea why. I was the one at fault here not Zayn.

"Well what if I want to spend some time with Niall? Who are you to tell me who to stay with and who to avoid? At least Niall doesn't annoy me and smother me with questions every time I see his fucking face!"

"Incase you haven't noticed I'm your fucking boyfriend! And I'm annoying now? Excuse me for actually caring about you! And if you fucking love Niall so much, why don't you go and date him instead!" I knew Zayn was angry but I could still hear the hurt in his voice and that made my heart clench in sadness. But sadly it didn't stop my stupid retaliation.

"Ha! Maybe I will. And yes you are annoying, probably that's the reason that made your father walk out on you and eventually your mom realized how worthless you are so she kicked you out of the house!" My eyes widened in the realization of what I just said. I can't believe that I went that far. I knew this was a touchy subject for Zayn and I just called him worthless. I'm such a fucking idiot. Zayn fell to the floor sobbing and I just didn't know what to do anymore.


"Z-Zayn I'm s-so so-sorry I-I didn't me-mean to say that." I could feel the tears start to well up in my eyes, threatening to fall anytime soon.

He didn't answer me; he just stood up and walked over to the door ready to leave the house. I hastily ran to him and wrapped my hand around his wrist not wanting him to leave and also not knowing what to say myself.

"Harry I think you've said too much already, please let me go." He whispered the last bit as his voice cracked slightly.

I knew that I've already messed up big time, so the least I can do is to comply to his only request so hesitantly, I let him go.

**Flashback over**

I think that I've already beat myself many times over what I did to Zayn. I still can't believe that I said what I said to him. It was so uncalled for of me to mention his dad. And the fact that I actually called him worthless. He's far from that. He's the best boyfriend a person can ask for. He's sweet kind and caring and just perfect. It's been going on for far too long now. I think it's time I've finally done something to fix this because I was the one who wrecked it in the first place. I know that as of now, Zayn is currently staying with Li. I'm just going to go there apologize to him and own up to what I did. I also have something small planned in mind.

Zayn's POV

I was sat alone in Liam's flat because Liam had to go to his work. I wasn't at work because well you could say I was taking an opened vacation for a while. I still wasn't ready to go out and face people. I still wasn't emotionally stable. My train of thoughts was cut short when I heard a gentle knock on the door. Groaning, I stood up and went to see who was on the other side of the door. To say I was appalled would be an understatement, I never expected to see Harry standing there, looking as bad as I do if not even worse.


"H-hi Zayn. C-can I come in?" His voice sounded so vulnerable and I couldn't help but to comply.

I noticed that he was holding a guitar case which was odd as Harry can't play the guitar. When he sat down on the couch he didn't spare one minute and the words started tumbling out of his mouth.

"Zayn I'm so sorry, I didn't mean what I said, I was stupid I fucked up I know but I never meant what I said about you being worthless and of course everything that I said about your father was absolute bullshit. If anything Zayn, I'm the one who's annoying and I don't know how you manage to tolerate me or my obnoxious antics, but what I'm trying to say is that I love you Zayn and I meant nothing from what I said. And I'm sorry if me spending so much time with Niall bothers you, I promise you that that won't happen again but please Zayn come back to me I've been absolutely miserable and just please Zayn, forgive me?" When he finished rambling vulnerably I couldn't help but realize just how much I missed him. I was contemplating about it but I already knew that I forgave him, but he wasn't done yet.

"I'm not so good with words so I wrote you something, you can tell me your decision after you hear it." He took the guitar out of its black case, adjusted it on his lap and his fingers began to strum the chords of his said song.

He looked at me expectantly and I couldn't help but smile, his song sounded so heartfelt. It basically explained to me how he was feeling. And of course it was undoubtable, I definitely forgive him.

I jumped into his arms, causing the guitar to slip off his lap and hit the floor with a loud thump, but I couldn't care less right now. I was finally back in Harry's protective embrace. I've missed this so much.

"I can't let go either Haz, I'll never let go."


How was it? Please tell me your thoughts I really want to know if it's good or bad and wether I should continue with this or not.




Thank you lovelies


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