《The Falcon And The Winter Soldier: Made This Way》Gabby Anderson


An: Okay guys, This is my Winter Soldier story, since it hasn't come out yet, this is about the character.

Gabriella 'Gabby' was taken by Hydra when she was 10 years old, her family was killed and she was experimented on with the mind stone, She never found out why Hydra chose her, The experiments gave her the power of sound manipulation and Telepathy.

Gabby was terrified of her own powers, as she knew what Hydra was capable of and was afraid that her powers would go out of control and she would hurt someone but she couldn't control them, she could see all that everyone was thinking and hearing everything, and at first was out of control.

She was saved by Steve rogers 3 years after that, when the Avengers stormed the Hydra Base, Steve took in Gabby and asked her if she wanted to be an Avenger.

Gabby became an Avenger and lived in the Avengers Compound, She didn't use her powers as she saw it as part of Hydra that she didn't want to accept, but after talking to Wanda, who helped her accept her powers.

Gabby while in the avengers compound started to become an expert in Science and Math, since when she was trapped in Hydra , it was the only thing she could read, She's an expert in Computer Sciences and Mathematics.

Gabby was in hiding while running as a fugitive, she also became an expert in hand to hand combat. Also using her intelligence of Computer Sciences and Sonic manipulation to get away from the government so they wouldn't find them.

Gabby was snapped away during Infinity war, Gabby came back and when Cap left, Sam took Gabby in , helping her out.

Now, Gabby is 16 years old and is helping Sam and Bucky.

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