《Hot 4 Teacher | Johnny Depp [Complete]》Almost Late


I ran through the parking lot, hopping that I wasn't gonna be late for class. I tore through the front doors and almost slept and fell on the slippery floor when I cut around a corner, but thankfully I regained my balance. People who were just walking looked at me weirdly, and others hurried out of my way. I ran into the classroom and opened the door. To my surprise, no one looked up; they were all listening to music while they were finishing their work from last time. I quietly took my seat, and when I checked the time I found that I had a couple minutes to spare. I took a deep breath and started on my own work.

~ Flash Back ~

I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock going off. After I rubbed the sleep from my eyes, I walked into the bathroom to get ready for the day. I decided to wear a plain black t-shirt and a pair of plain old blue jeans along with my black and gray converse. Once I was dressed, I walked over to the room where Johnny was staying in. He ended up falling asleep when we were watching the last movie of the night, and so I suggested that he spend the night. He agreed since he was really tired, and he didn't think he should be driving in fear of falling asleep at the wheel. I slowly opened the headroom door to find a sleeping Johnny; my heart melted at the sight. I quietly crept over to the bed, since I didn't wanna rudely wake him up. I hoped that I was able to wake him up gently and sweetly. He had his tattooed arms underneath the pillow his head was laying on; I could tell he was shirtless because of his bare shoulders that were showing above the covers. He was softly snoring, which made my heart melt even more. His hair was messy, and he just looked so adorable. "Hey, wake up. We have to go to college." I whispered softly as I rubbed his back gently. He groaned and flipped over on his back before he rubbed sleep from his eyes. "Good morning, Johnny." I said with a slight laugh. "Morning." He said in his raspy morning voice. 'He's so hot.' I thought inside of my head. "What do you want for breakfast? I'll pay for our food at the White Rabbit." I said. "It doesn't matter as long as you get me coffee." He said before he yawned and ran a hand through his disheveled hair. "Okay." I replied with a slight laugh. "Hey, help me up." He said with a sleepy little smirk. "What?" I asked with furrowed brows. "Help me up." He said once more, but this time he held out his arms for me to grab his hands. I firmly grasped his hands, but he ended up pulling me onto the bed instead. "Johnny." I said with a giggle. He chuckled lightly as he wrapped his arms around me and I snuggled into the crook of his neck. "You should have seen this coming." He said with an amused smile on his handsome face. "I know. I know, now get up. We have to get going." I said with a laugh. "Not yet sweetheart." He said with a look in his eyes that made my spine tingle, but in a good sort of way. He leaned over me and placed his hands on either side of my head, but he wasn't on top of me. His shoulders were broad, and his skin had a slightly tanned look to it. "Johnny, I can't miss another day. I'll have way too much homework to make up." I said with furrowed brows. "Shhh, just let me cuddle with you for a few minutes." He said as he wrapped my arms around me once again. He nestled his head in the crook of my neck, which made me giggle once more. I wrapped my arms around him as well, and we just enjoyed each other's company and warmth. After a few minutes I checked the time, and I was surprised at how fast the time flew by. "Johnny, we have to get going or we'll be late." I said in a slightly panicked tone. I placed my hand on his bare torso and felt my cheeks heat up. His body was toned, but not overly toned. I quickly removed my hand from his body and untangled myself from him. A smirk was plastered on his face, because he knew why I was blushing. I left the bedroom and made sure I had everything I needed in my backpack before Johnny was ready. My stomach filled with anxiety as I counted down the minutes. Johnny came downstairs and I hurriedly locked up the house before we left. "Shit, I should have gotten ready when you woke me up. Now we don't have time to stop for breakfast." He said as he threw the car in gear and pulled out of the driveway. "If I'm late, I blame you." I said with a small smile. "Oh, come on. Don't act like you didn't enjoy our little cuddle session." He said with a smirk, and I felt myself blush again. I turned my attention to the window and bit my bottom lip slightly. He was right, I did enjoy our little cuddle session.


~ End Of Flashback ~

"Thank you so much! I said as Garrett walked into the study room with food. "No problem. I know you're working hard to make up everything you missed," He said as he sat down at the table with me. I opened the styrofoam container he brought me, and my stomach growled at the smell of the delicious food. I grabbed the fork he got me and shoved a fork full of mac and cheese into my mouth. "So, how was your day off with Mr. Brown Eyes?" He asked after a few minutes of comfortable silence. "It was nice. We just watched movies and listened to music." I replied. I ate more of my food while I continued working on my assignments. Once I finished my food and most of my homework, I told him about this morning. I couldn't help the blush that spread across my cheeks, and Garrett smirked slightly. "Damn, I was hopping you would have told me you two had sex." He joked. "Garrett!" I said with a fake shocked look on my face. "Oh, come on! He's hot as hell, and you're beautiful. Besides, you two already have a liking to each other." He said, and I just shook my head at him. We talked for a little while longer before I had to go to Johnny's class. Garrett said he'd help me with my computer class assignments after I got out of my art class. When I walked through the classroom doors, I wasn't surprised that I was the last one there. I didn't mind though, especially since I had a strange morning. After I grabbed all of my stuff I put my ear buds in to listen to some music. The whole time all I could do was think of Johnny, and it didn't help since he was in the classroom. I kept imagining him with his shirt off; I'm sure I looked as red as a tomato. "Alright, that's enough for today everyone. Have a great evening everyone." Mr. Depp said. Everyone cleaned up, and I ended up to be the last one there. Once everything was put away, my phone buzzed. "Hello?" I asked in a curious tone. The guy I called to take a look at my car said that he had to order a few parts, and that it would probably take a week to get it fixed. I told him to charge it to my parent's account before we said our goodbyes. "Who was that?" Johnny asked me curiously. "The mechanic I have fixing my car." I replied. I told him that I had to stay at the college a little longer so I could finish me homework, and he didn't seem to mind. He went to his office, but not before he gave me his phone number. He said he wanted me to message him once I was finished so he could head out to his car. I went to the library where I met up with Garrett. He helped me with my homework, which I was grateful for. We said our goodbyes once I was finished, and I messaged Johnny. During the car ride I sort of hoped that he'd spend the night again, but I doubt that he would. There's no way he could get away with wearing the same clothes for tomorrow. "I wish I could spend the night, but I can't." He said once he parked in front of my house. "I wish you could stay too." I said with a slight blush. "Maybe I could spend the weekend with you... if you'd like." He said with a soft look in his beautiful eyes. "I'd really like that." I said with a smile. "Come here." He said with a small smile. He moved closer to me and gently kissed my cheek. "I'll see you tomorrow, Johnny." I said as I gave him a side hug. "I'll see you tomorrow sweetheart." He said sweetly, which made my heart melt. I gave his cheek a quick kiss before I got out of his car and walked up to the house. When the door closed behind me I started to miss him instantly, and I couldn't wait until tomorrow to see him again.

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