《Something Unimaginable (Niall Horan Fanfic) Book 3》Power Outage
I sighed walking into our house, with Frank trotting right behind me. He was in a stubborn mood and refused to let anyone carry him. I dropped my bags on the floor and set Nando down next to them. We had just picked him, Frank, and the cats up from Niall's friend who was watching him while we were in Paris.
"Well you sure were in a hurry to get inside." Niall said setting the cat's carrier on the floor. He let the cats out and wrapped an arm around me. "You okay?"
I shrugged, "I just feel like once I step inside our house the world can't touch us."
Niall nodded wrapping the other arm around me and pulling me close to him, "I understand, but I still want to check the house over just to make sure everything is safe, stay here." He said giving me a kiss. "Nando." He said getting the puppy's attention "Watch." He said pointing to me. Nando sat dutifully next to my feet staring down the entire room ready to pounce if anything came even close to me.
One of Niall's friends was a dog trainer and he completed Nando's trainingin being a guard dog while we were gone. I wasn't really sure how scary a miniature bulldog would be, but Niall seemed to feel a little better with him around.
I found some grapes and a cheese stick and sat down at the bar to eat. Niall came back down, "All good." He said kissing my cheek and stealing my grapes. He sat down next to me and grabbed his computer going on Twitter and replying to some fans, every few seconds giving me a kiss somewhere random, like the crook of my elbow or one of my fingers.
I got up after a few minutes and started going through our mail that Niall had brought in. "Ni, you have a package."
"Oh? Who's it from?"
"There's no name." I said looking all over the package for some clue, as to who sent it.
"Do you think it's a bomb or something dangerous?" He asked looking up at me.
"No, it's light and soft." I said squeezing the package a bit.
"Open it." He said with a shrug, turning his attention back to Twitter.
I opened it and out fell a pair of boxers and a note.
You forgot these when you came over that night...thought you might want them back.
We should meet up again soon babe. That was a lot of fun (;
-Kati xx
"What. The. Fuck." I said staring at the note and the white Calvin Klein's that I knew Niall wore.
"What is it, babe?" Niall asked.
I took a deep breath. When had this happened? Was there a night that we hadn't been together? I knew Niall wore those boxers because I folded a pair just like the ones in front of me and put them in his suitcase when we left the hotel earlier in the day. And who the hell was Kati?
I looked at the boxers again and chucked them at him along with the note. I grabbed my keys and stomped out of the house. I jumped in my car and sped to the end of the driveway. It was raining, of course, it's always raining when you get in a fight with someone, so I couldn't see anything. I hydroplaned and spun out, crashing the back of my car into a tree. I knew there was no damage to my body but there was no way I would be able to drive back up to the house. I was too stubborn to call Niall though so I climbed out of the car and checked the damage. Since it was raining I wasn't quite sure how bad the damage was on the car, but I knew I wasn't going to be able to drive it up.
As I walked back up the long driveway I thought about the boxers that came in the mail and about the whole situation that was going on. Niall knew something and he wasn't telling me. I knew he wanted me to be safe, but I wasn't sure if Niall keeping things from me was doing that. As I finally reached the front door I realized that they probably weren't even Niall's boxers, someone had sent them to get us to break up. I opened the door and carefully walked around trying to find Niall. I found him in the same place I had left him in. He was holding his head in his hands and the boxers and note were nowhere to be found.
"They aren't yours are they?" I asked quietly.
He shook his head no before lifting his head to look at me, "Babe!" he gasped, "Why are you soaking wet?" He asked jumping up and running over to me, wrapping his arms around my wet body not caring that I was also soaking his clothes. "You're chilled to the bone, love." He whispered rubbing my arms quickly trying to create some heat.
"I crashed the car, but I'm fine. I'm not sure how bad the car is, the rain was coming down too hard to check. I'm sorry I just left. I was just angry and, I-I" I started crying into Niall's shoulder.
"Shh, babe. I understand. I completely understand. I would have done the same thing, but we should get you out of these wet clothes. You're going to get sick." He said walking me to the elevator. He took me up to our room and into our bathroom. He started a hot steamy shower for me, but never once let go of me. "Okay babe, get in here and take a nice relaxing shower. I'm going to get you some warm clothes then make you some tea and I'll make some popcorn and put in 21 Jump Street, you just get warm, okay?" He said giving my blue lips a sweet kiss before heading out of the room.
I took off my soaking wet clothes and stepped into the steamy shower and shivered. My skin was ice cold and the hot water was almost painful. I sat down on the floor and pulled my knees to my chest. I cried and cried, letting the sobs rack my body. I tried to stay strong through the whole thing but it was really hard knowing that at least one person not only wanted Niall and I not together, but was doing everything in their power to break us up. I loved Niall so much and I knew that he was the one that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with, but I wasn't sure how much more I could handle. My safety was threatened and I just wasn't sure if I was emotionally stable enough to handle much more of it.
I slowly stood up and washed my hair. I lathered on some of the vanilla scented body wash that Niall loved. I stood in the shower still shivering and let the water run over my body. Nothing really seemed to be helping since I was still shivering and the shower still felt like nails hitting my skin. I finally decided to just get out of the shower and let Niall's body heat warm me up. I stepped out of the shower and wrapped myself in a giant fuzzy towel that Niall had set out for me. I made my way across the heated tile floor and into the bedroom where Niall was stretched out on the bed.
"Any warmer?" He asked getting up off the bed and walking towards me.
"A little." I said my teeth still chattering.
"Aww, my poor baby." He cooed kissing my forehead, "I got some clothes for you." He handed me a sports bra and some underwear. I quickly yanked them on and he handed me a pair of sweatpants that say I on the butt. I laughed and yanked them on along with a long sleeved shirt that said Mrs. Horan in script writing across the chest. I laughed and pulled on the One Direction hoodie he had waiting for me and a pair of fuzzy giraffe socks.
"Where did you get these?" I asked as I climbed into our comfy bed.
"They give us a copy of all the merchandise that they put out and I ask for it all in your size." He said as he climbed in next to me and wrapped his arms around me, "I'm so sorry that you have to deal with all this shit." He mumbled into my hair. "I feel awful but I promise you that I will never cheat on you. You just have to trust me. I wish I could change all of this, and I am trying but there are things that have to happen first. I have to prove some stuff first. I need to see if my suspicions are correct or not. "
"I know I'm sorry that I left. I just know that you could do so much better than me and I'm afraid of you realizing that too, and finding a better girl." I said avoiding eye contact with him.
"That's never going to happen, darlin'. There isn't a better girl, because you're the best girl." He said pressing a kiss to my head, making me smile a little bit.
"Yes, babe?"
"What are your suspicions?"
I heard him take a deep breath. "I think Demi is behind it all. I think she herself attacked you, and I also don't think she is pregnant. That's the first thing I need to prove I just don't know how to go about doing that."
My phone buzzed and I saw it was Leslie calling, "Hold on a sec, babe." I said grabbing my phone, "Hello?"
"You're seriously going to take care of that bitch's kid?" She asked.
"Well hello to you too. What are you talking about?"
"E! News just showed an interview where Demi says that you begged for Niall and you to take care of the baby, and she finally gave in to your constant begging."
"Fuck, no. We're not taking the baby. We aren't even sure that there is baby." I said angrily before glancing at Niall who raised an eye brow at me.
"Okay, well that's good. I just wanted to check and make sure you're not doing that. How was the wedding?"
"Beautiful. I almost cried. How's married life?"
"It's good. We're looking at buying a house, now that I've graduated and stuff."
"Oh cool! Do you know where you're going? Have you gotten a job or anything yet?"
"Not yet, but hopefully soon! But hey, I have to go. I'll talk to you soon! Miss and love you!"
"Miss and love you too." I said hanging up. I opened up YouTube on my phone.
Niall and I watched the interview together and afterward Niall was furious. "I know why she did it. She just wanted to be able to say that she gave us the baby and then once that happened and the baby never shows up she can blame us and we look like the bad people."
"Niall." I said straddling his hips. "Calm down. We will figure this out, okay?" I whispered rubbing circles on his chest to try and calm him down. "Everything is going to be fine. Let's just forget about this for tonight okay?"
Niall nodded and pulled me down so I was lying on top of him with my head on his chest. "Do you remember the song Truly, Madly, Deeply?" He asked running his fingers through my hair.
"The one you guys released only at Target?" I asked looking up into his blue eyes.
"Mmmhm." He hummed before leading into the tune.
"Of course I remember it. It was one of my favorites. Why?"
"Well while you were sleeping on the plane Liam and I were talking about some of our old music, and I realized how perfect it is for us. Especially my solo, it's so accurate."
"Sing it to me." I mumbled curling myself into his body even more.
He started humming as his fingers ran up and down my spine, before starting the song "Am I asleep, am I awake or somewhere in between. I can't believe that you are here and lying next to me or did I dream that we perfectly entwined? Like branches on a tree, or twigs caught on a vine? Like all those days and weeks, and months I tried to steal a kiss. And all those sleepless nights and daydreams where I pictured this, I'm just the underdog who finally got the girl and I am not ashamed to tell it to the world. Truly, madly, deeply, I am foolishly completely falling. And somehow you kicked all my walls in. So baby, say you'll always keep me truly, madly, crazy, deeply, in love with you, in love with you. Should I put coffee and granola on a tray in bed? And wake you up with all the words that I still haven't said? And tender touches just to show you how I feel. Or should I act so cool like it was no big deal? Wish I could freeze this moment in a frame and stay like this. I'll put this day back on replay and keep reliving it. Cause here's the tragic truth if you don't feel the same. My heart would fall apart if someone said your name. Truly, madly, deeply, I am foolishly completely, falling, and somehow you kicked all my walls in. So baby, say you'll always keep me truly, madly, crazy, deeply, in love with you. I hope I'm not a casualty. Hope you won't get up and leave. Might not mean that much to you but to me it's everything, everything. Truly, madly, deeply I am foolishly completely falling. And somehow you kicked all my walls in. So baby say you'll always keep me truly, madly, crazy deeply in love with you. In love with you. In love with you. With you, ohh."
"I love you, Niall." I mumbled as I leaned in to kiss him.
"I love you, babe. Forever." He said as he pulled me closer so our lips would finally meet.
Awhile later Niall and I separated and I snuggled in next to him as he played with my fingers with his right hand, his left hand which would still be in a cast for the next three weeks was resting lightly on my stomach. "Warmer now, baby?" He asked giving me a cheeky grin.
"Yes, actually." I said sitting up and pulling off the hoodie. I wiggled out of the sweatpants and snuggled back in next to Niall. I grabbed the remote and pressed play.
Niall and I laughed our asses off at the movie and I was blissfully happy. I knew that once we left our bed again the next morning it wouldn't be like that any longer. The movie ended and Niall and I were just lying in the dark. He entwined our hands and then pulled them apart again. His fingertips lightly traced across mine and like always electricity was running through my body, even at the feather light touches. "Nialler?"
"Yes, honey?"
"How are we going to bring kids into this world if most people don't even want us to even be together?"
"First, it's like two people who don't want us to be together. Second, I was thinking we'd be married for a couple years before kids, this shit better be blown over by then. Third, we will get through this. Okay?" He said kissing my forehead lightly.
I nodded and kissed his jaw before slowly drifting off to sleep.
I woke up the next morning by a loud crash outside the door and, "Shit!" in a familiar Irish accent.
I chuckled and climbed out of bed. I opened the door and found Niall lying on the floor covered in breakfast food. "Oh, Ni." I said helping him up.
"I'm sorry. I tried to bring you breakfast in bed but I tripped. And this fucking cast isn't really helping." He said throwing his left hand up in the air.
"It's alright, boo boo. It's the thought that counts. Let's go out for breakfast?" I asked giving him a kiss of appreciation.
Niall shook his head, "We can't. Simon called this morning. He wants us to do an interview with Barbra Walters."
"Whoa, Barbra Walters, really?"
Niall nodded, "She's trusted, she flew in last night just for the interview. It's going to be a serious interview. She's going to be addressing the whole Demi thing. But Simon doesn't want me to say that I think she isn't actually pregnant. He does want me to say that Demi and I have never had sex and none of the accusations that are coming out about me are true. We're clearing everything up, but not telling any of our suspicions. Okay?"
"Okay, I'm a little nervous..."
"Don't worry, babe. Me too. But we just have to remember be completely honest. That's why we're doing it. We're clearing things up, yeah?"
I nodded and gave him a kiss, "You need to get this cleaned up. It's going to stain the carpet. But thank you for the thought babe. I need to go figure out what I'm going to wear. What time do we have to leave?"
"Since this is not only involving one of Simon's employees but also a previous one he's picking us up at ten." He said grouching down and picking up the food that was all over the floor.
I glanced at the clock and realized that it was eight, "Make sure you eat something Ni." I said bending down to kiss the top of his head.
I jumped in the shower and did everything I need to do. I wrapped myself in a towel before going to stand in my closet and try to figure out what on earth I was going to wear. I went back to the bedroom and grabbed my phone and decided to call Lou. "Hey, love!" She answered cheerfully and I could hear Lux giggling in the background.
"Lou! I'm freaking out. Niall and I have an interview with Barbra Walters and I don't know what to wear!"
"Well...what is the interview about?"
"We're clearing up all of the rumors that have been swirling around."
"Well do you want to appear happy, like all of this shit isn't affecting your life or solemn like this is all making your life a living hell?"
"Uhm...hold on. I'll ask Niall." I said stepping into the elevator. Lou and I chatted a bit about Lux and everything that was going on, on my way down.
I found Niall shirt less in a pair of dress pants, that weren't even zipped or buttoned eating in his office, where there was a large flat screen that was playing some soccer game highlights. Apparently he was too lazy to go to a room that had a TV wall or something.
"Whoa, babe. As much as I'd like to see you in just your towel you have to put some clothes on for this interview." He said with a wink and a cheeky grin.
"Oh shut up. I have a question, are we appearing happy like all of this shit isn't affecting our lives or solemn like this is making our lives a living hell?"
"Does it matter?" He asked.
"Does it matter?" I asked Lou, as I buttoned and zipped Niall's pants for him.
"Of course it matters! If you're appearing happy then you will wear bright summary clothes and if not then blacks and greys."
"Did you hear that?" I asked Niall who was still glaring at me.
"Yeah, let me call Simon." He said grabbing his phone. "Yeah, just a quick question. How are we appearing in the interview?" Niall sighed, "No like are we being happy or sad or what?" Niall glanced at me, "I don't know it's got something do with her outfit or some shit." This caused a punch from me, "Ow. No I wasn't owing you she punched me." I heard Simon laugh on the other end, "Yeah okay, I'll see you later." He hung up the phone and turned to me, "He wants us to appear happy but professional. He wants us to seem like we're doing fine and dandy and that we're just clearing up some rumors."
"You hear that, Lou."
"Yep! Get back upstairs I've got the perfect idea."
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