《Something Unimaginable (Niall Horan Fanfic) Book 3》Finally Married
"Louis William Tomlinson I am going to kill you." Eleanor hissed when she realized we were on a plane.
I just chuckled and kissed her temple, "It's going to be alright, babe. I've got everything under control."
"You know I don't believe you right?" She said.
"Yeah, I'm aware. Here have some champagne," I said handing her a glass.
"Louis we can't drink yet we haven't even gotten to the wedding! And you already saw me in my dress! This is awful! If we miss our own wedding I am seriously going to chop you up in little pieces and dump you in the Thames."
This made me laugh, "El, baby, relax. That's why I did this you need to relax." I said rubbing her back lightly. "And you look beautiful." I said kissing her cheek. And she did look beautiful. (http://www.polyvore.com/untitled_60/set?id=66081825) When I kidnapped her this morning and made her put on her dress I couldn't even talk I was so taken back by how beautiful she looked. "I honestly can't keep my eyes off of you."
"But you still forced me to put on my dress, Lou. I didn't even get to have my girls help me." She pouted.
"Yeah, but Lou did a great job on your hair and make-up." I said looking at our hairdresser who was passed out curled up in a chair. I had begged her to stay and help Eleanor with hair and make-up and let Tom take Lux to London.
"Well, yeah that's because Lou is amazing. But you are not. You suck." She crossed her arms and leaned away from me.
I sighed, I desperately wanted to tell her what was going on so she wouldn't be mad at me, but I knew in the end it would be worth it. "Please just relax babe." I said gently putting an ear bud in her ear and turning on one of her favorite songs.
I had just been in my normal clothes when I kidnapped her so I slipped away and changed into my tux. I knew we had to be almost there and the door to the cabin opened, "Sir we're about to land." The co-pilot said.
"He better mean we're about to land in London, Louis."
I just chuckled and woke up Lou. We finally landed and I helped Eleanor into the car were taking to the Eiffel Tower. I didn't want to risk the chance of her hearing someone say something in French, so I had everything arranged before we got there. I nodded at the driver and we set off to our destination.
I saw everyone waiting for us and I smiled, this was going to be perfect. Eleanor's arm was hooked through mine and I walked up to where her dad was waiting with his arm. "I'm going to let go of your arm for a second." I told Eleanor kissing her temple.
Her dad quickly took my place and Harry rushed me up to the front so everything could get started. Eleanor's mom had tears in her eyes as she waved at me. I quickly ran over and gave her hug. "I'm so glad she picked you." She whispered
"I agree with you so much you don't even understand." I whispered back before she pushed me back to my place.
Kiersten, Niall, and Daisy started walking. I saw a black cast on Niall's hand and narrowed my eyes at him but he just shook his head, silently telling me he would explain later. Daisy was practically jumping out of her skin. She was so excited that I was marrying Eleanor and that she got to walk with Niall. Even though she was in love with Niall she still loved Kiersten too, so she was extremely excited.
They got to the front and Daisy quickly ran up and hugged me. I bent down and she gave me a kiss on the cheek before running back to join Kiersten. Everyone let out an 'aww' and took pictures.
Fizzy and one of Eleanor's really good guy friends went next, then Liam and Danielle.
Zayn and Samie walked together since Harry was my best man, just like we promised he would be so long before that.
Harry and Eleanor's best friend came next and last Lux and Xara who earned lots of 'awws' from the crowd. Lux gracefully dropped the white rose petals like she was supposed to and Xara just dropped clumps of them whenever she remembered. The got to the end and Lux quickly ran to Lou and Xara waddled over to Zayn's sister who was holding a package of goldfish and a couple dolls for her to play with during the ceremony.
I had to admit I was really happy with what Eleanor had picked for everyone to wear. (http://www.polyvore.com/untitled_61/set?id=66082557)
Harry patted me on the back when Eleanor stepped into view. I sucked in a deep breath as her dad slipped the blindfold from her eyes. I watched her gasp as tears fell from her eyes as she took in everything that was happening. I on the other hand couldn't stop staring at her. I couldn't believe I was finally marrying the girl of her dreams.
I suddenly felt the blindfold being removed and I gasped as I saw what was in front of me. Tears started falling from my eyes as I looked around. There was a long white aisle that was covered in a graceful even layer of rose petals on one side and random clumps of them on the other side, making me know which side Xara had been walking on. All of our family and friends sat in white chairs with purple satin ribbon on the backs of them. There were white roses and purple lilacs everywhere. They matched mine and my bridesmaids' bouquets perfectly. Our wedding party was standing in their dresses and tuxes, looking perfect. Lastly was Louis, who looked perfect in his tux just like I had expected him to on our wedding day. He looked good in anything but I had a hard time keeping my eyes away from the way the tux fitted across his broad shoulders and his protruding biceps. I could see his blue eyes shining from all the way down the aisle. I hated him for basically making me have multiple panic attacks on the plane. But, as I looked at him standing there with a look of pure joy on his face in front of the Eiffel Tower I couldn't help but not be mad at him and realize how ready I was to finally become Mrs. Tomlinson.
I looked up at my dad, who was smiling down at me. "I know what you're thinking, baby." He said his eyes crinkling, "Go."
I kissed his cheek and quickly slipped my shoes off. I lifted up my dress feeling the warm Paris air hit my now bare feet and I ran. I ran as fast as I could down the aisle and I ran straight into Louis' arms. He picked me up from the ground slightly and squeezed me tightly, "So does this mean you forgive me?" He asked and I knew he had that stupid smirk on his face.
"Of course. I love you so much. This is absolutely perfect." I whispered too happy to even care about his cockiness.
"I know." He chuckled, "I'm pretty amazing. But I love you too."
"Let's do this wedding thing, yeah?" I asked setting her back on the ground. I quickly wiped a tear when she wasn't looking at me and then wiped hers, gently, since I didn't want to mess up any of her make-up, even though she didn't need to wear it, ever. I wanted to kiss her so badly, but I knew I had to wait until we were officially married.
She laughed and we took our places. The ceremony was absolutely perfect. We wrote our own vows and they were they were the perfect mix of us. They were funny, yet sweet and heartfelt. Eleanor cried and even a few tears slipped from my eyes, I just loved her so much.
We finished the ceremony and I scooped Eleanor up and walked down the aisle with my wife. Everyone blew bubbles at us and Eleanor just buried her face in my neck giggling and leaving little kisses on my neck as I carried her.
We posed in front of the tower with our families and the wedding party for a lot of pictures, that I knew would turn out great and then it was time for the real party.
I held Eleanor's hand as we were introduced as Mr. and Mrs. Tomlinson for the first time.
I spun her around on the dance floor making her laugh during our first dance as a couple to Amazed by Lonestar. We had been discussing a song, when Kiersten was talking about songs she loved. She showed us Amazed and told us we could use it, because she knew her and Niall weren't going to and it ended up being perfect.
I danced with my mum and all four of my sisters, who all looked absolutely beautiful. I was so glad that they were there and loved Eleanor almost as much as me. I only say that because I don't think it's possible for anyone else to love her as much as me.
Eleanor and I slipped away to our table after a while and just watched the people we loved celebrating our love for each other for a bit. I watched my bandmates dance with the most important girls in their lives. Each one of them was in a different stage of life.
Harry and Samie were the blissful new couple who had yet to deal with any real hardships, but loved each other so much. They were in complete bliss, and would soon start maturing into a couple that really was ready to get married.
Liam and Danielle were married and expecting a baby soon. They were both so happy. They split up for a short almost four years before and now they were better than ever. We all knew Liam wouldn't last without her and Danielle wouldn't last without Liam. They were made for each other and now they were expecting little Elise Claire in three months. Everyone was really excited for her to come. We knew she was going to be perfect.
Niall and Kiersten, I knew that something had happened the day before as they both had happy faces on but a distant look in their eyes. Niall held her close as they lightly swayed back and forth on the dance floor. I thought about their relationship, so filled with drama, and they were still surrounded in it, but they would be married in a few months and I knew that it was what they both wanted. They had gone through so much together, but they still loved each other endlessly and that was one relationship that I knew would last a long time. They both knew that it wasn't going to be easy for them in the future, since it seemed like the whole world is against them being together and being happy, but love conquers all.
Zayn and Xara are a perfect example of that. Zayn is perfectly content in being a single dad. His love for Xara conquers anything else that will get in his way. He would do anything for her and honestly so would anyone else. You look into those big green eyes for one second and you're hooked. He never let the pain of Reyna did effect his love for Xara and I praise him for that because I don't know very many people who could handle it as well as Zayn did. He's a great dad.
Everyone started clanking their glasses signaling us to kiss. I grinned at Eleanor and winked at her as I pulled her in for a passionate kiss. "I love you Mrs. Tomlinson."
"Mmm. I love you too." She said pecking my lips before resting her head on my shoulder as we continued to watch our loved ones.
Eleanor's best friend stood up and started to give her speech but she was too drunk to form any coherent sentences so Harry escorted her away and then took the microphone. "You know I honestly had my doubts about Louis being able to pull this whole thing together. Obviously I thought it was a great idea, but I feared for the whole relationship when he screwed this up. He just told me that on the plane here Eleanor threatned to chop his body up into little pieces and throw it in the Thames if they missed their own wedding. But he didn't he pulled it off, and honestly I'm proud to call that man my best friend." He said pointing at me, "Here they are at a damn good wedding, if I do say so myself, now happily married and hopefully Eleanor will keep his body in one piece and on dry land." Everyone laughed and then Harry continued, "I think us boys knew as soon as Louis met Eleanor that he was in love. There was something different about him, and it was a good different. I have a lot of crazy stories I could tell about Louis, but honestly most of them are probably on YouTube already anyway, so you can just look them up there if you really want to see them." He said making the crowd laugh. "I'm sure there are some crazy stories about Eleanor too...but I don't think anyone is prepared to hear those stories." He said shooting a wink at Eleanor who glared at him. "And obviously the person who was going to tell them wasn't prepared either." He said gesturing to the past out maid of honor causing chuckles from the crowd, "But I wish the best to the both of you, stay happy, say I love you every day, and have lots of sex." He cheered bowing and stepping away from the microphone.
He came over and gave the both of us a hug and chatted for a bit before making his way back to Samie who was chatting with his mum and sister.
The night went on and we did all the classic wedding stuff. Lottie caught the bouquet and her boyfriend caught the garter. "No. Absolutely not." I said taking it out of his hands. "You two are not getting married. You're not nearly old enough."
"Louuuis." Lottie whined covering up her red face.
"Are you two sharing a bed tonight?" I asked, "Because there are going to be a lot of people having sex in that hotel tonight but the two of you will not be joining them." I said pointing between the two of them.
"Lou," Eleanor said tugging on my arm, "Come on leave the two of them alone." She said kissing my jaw gently.
"Fine, but if I found out something more than sleeping happens in that bed, I'll kick your ass." I said growling at him before wrapping my arm around Eleanor's waist and going to talk to her grandma.
The party eventually ended and we started heading back to hour hotel. Kiersten and Niall walked to their own cab with Bob, Kiersten's security guard, and started getting in. "Hey!" I yelled at them, "What are you two doing? Get in the limo!"
"We're staying at a different hotel, Lou. We'll see you tomorrow before you and El leave. Have a good night. Congratulations, mate. We're really happy for the two of you." Niall said ushering Kiersten into the car as she waved at me.
I furrowed my brows but got into the limo anyway. We got to the hotel and I pulled Harry away from Samie, who gave me a look before adjusting her dress, "Why are Kiersten and Niall staying at different hotel?" I asked quickly.
"It's just safety precautions, Lou. Don't worry about it. Go be with El." He said nudging me towards the elevator where my beautiful wife was waiting. I smiled and pulled her into my chest once we were inside the elevator but my mind was still reeling with thoughts of what was going on.
"Lou, what's on your mind? Why are you so distracted?" Eleanor asked as she ran a hand down my bare chest and kissed my jaw as I absent mindedly played with top of her panties.
I sighed leaning forward to press a kiss to her shoulder. I mumbled my concern for Niall and Kiersten and she looked at me smiling, "Call him."
"Are you sure I-"
"This isn't going to be enjoyable for either of us unless you're focused," She said kissing my collarbone lightly, "Besides I love how much you care for our friends, even if it is at the most inconvenient times."
I nodded, "I love you." I said kissing her shoulder once more before grabbing my phone and calling Niall.
"Lou? What's going on? Why aren't you with El?" He asked sounding exhausted.
"What's going on, Niall? Why are you and Kiersten staying at different hotel?"
Niall sighed and explained everything from his suspicions about Demi to what had happened the day before. "Well why aren't we figuring out what to do?" I practically yelled when he finished.
"Everything that we can do has been done, Lou. Security has been upped, the police have been notified all we can do is make sure that Kiersten is safe, and that's what we're doing. I'm going to figure out how to prove that Demi isn't pregnant but there isn't a lot that I can do here, Lou. Just go make love to your wife and don't worry. Everything is going to be just fine."
"Okay. Love you Nialler. Tell Kiersten I love her too."
"Okay, I will. Love you and El." He said hanging up.
Eleanor looked up at me with expectant eyes and I told her everything Niall told me, "Well I think I know the perfect way to get your mind off of everything." She said crawling towards me.
I chuckled and kissed my beautiful wife.
The next day we met up and had breakfast with everyone. Niall promised that he would keep Kiersten safe and would let me know if anything drastic happened while El and I were in the Bahamas.
We said our goodbyes and then El and I were off to the airport. We snuggled on the plane and Eleanor looked up at me smiling, "I'm the luckiest girl in the world." She said kissing my cheek.
I shook my head, "No, no. I'm the lucky one."
"No, Lou, seriously. That wedding was perfect. I can't believe you did that."
"I'm sorry for making you have a panic attack." I said grinning and kissing her lips.
"Well I guess I can forgive you. But only because you're my husband now." She said pulling me closer with a laugh.
We landed in the Bahamas and headed to our resort. I carried Eleanor bridal style into the small cabana hut thing we were staying in. We changed into our swim suits and then we stepped outside our door. Our hut was out on a dock surrounded by water. It was about a fifteen minute walk up the beach to any other sign of civilization and it was perfect for us. Even though the cabana was small it was extremely luxurious.
Fresh fruit and brunch was brought to us late every morning and we would go into the small city for dinner at night. During the day we swam in the ocean, explored the area, or just had lazy days. A couple nights we went to the club that wasn't far from where we were staying and other nights we just stayed in and enjoyed each other's company if you know what I mean.
All in all I was as happy as a man could be. Married to the most beautiful girl in the world and spending a week in a gorgeous place with just her and no distractions
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🌙 ¡will be under editing soon!🌙✨completed jan 2020✨⚡️boku no hero acidamia⚡️🌻cover by @doodlelotta on insta🌻(Bnha/mha story) A boy no older than 16 with mesmerising green eyes that glowed and reflected nature's beauty when you looked at them. A boy with green fluffy hair that held a crown of flowers that never died. A boy that was in charge of bringing happiness and beauty into the mortal world. A boy referred to as Mother Nature or guardian spirit. A boy with a sad past that lead to his immortality. A boy blessed by the gods. A boy called Izuku. . . . This story doesn't really follow the plot of MHA. As re-writing would be boring if you watched/read the original story. Nothing but the story plot belongs to me. . . . Quirks are a thing in this and so is UA.Izuku doesn't really have a last name. And very few know his last name. He doesn't attend UA but does visit a lot as he is a dear friend of Nezu. He also lives on school grounds. There are a few character personality changes but not by much. Things like bakugou is sometimes nice. And kinda likes deku but not much. Tododeku = main ship Everyone else = secondary shipsBest:#1 in nature #1 in Mother Nature Read to find out more!And enjoy! -STARRY
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