《Something Unimaginable (Niall Horan Fanfic) Book 3》Horan Household
I thanked the guy at Starbucks as I took mine and Kiersten's drinks off the counter.
I had an early morning studio session so Kiersten was back at my nearly empty flat sleeping in.
Kiersten and I were going house hunting today and I was excited. We were looking at five houses today and if we didn't like any of them we would look at four the next day.
I walked into my flat and found Kiersten sitting on the end of my bed, putting lotion on. "Morning boo." I said kissing the top of her head. "I got you a chai latte."
"Aww thanks, Ni. How was the studio?"
"It was good. I got a few more guitar tracks laid out." I said changing out of my sweatpants and into a pair of grey chinos. I pulled on a blue Jack Wills jumper and grabbed my green snapback.
I smirked as Kiersten pulled on her leggings. One leg was cut off so she could still wear them with her cast on. She pulled on a light blue oversized sweater.
"Will you get my white beanie?" She asked batting her eye lashes at me. I smirked and tossed it to her.
We walked out of the building and down to my range rover.
Kiersten climbed into the passenger seat and I put her crutches in the back. We met the realtor and she led us to the first house.
"There's no yard." Kiersten noted as we looked out the back door, which was about three steps from the edge of a cliff.
Every house we went to there was just something that we hated.
Kiersten changed into her pajamas and flopped onto her bed. We were staying the night at Harry and Louis' flat. She sighed and I crawled onto the bed and wrapped my arms around her. "Why didn't we find a house today?" She asked resting her head on my chest.
"Because we want the perfect house we don't want to settle." I said into her hair.
"I love you Niall." She mumbled sleepily. She titled her head up and puckered her lips for her goodnight kiss.
"I love you too, baby." I said. I kissed her and then closed my eyes.
We woke up the next morning and headed to the first house, that we hated.
We were on the last house and Kiersten and I were both tired and discouraged.
I followed behind the relator as she drove down a long road. "I like the location." I said and Kiersten nodded in agreement. The house was thirty minutes outside of London.
We pulled up in front of a tall gate and I heard Kiersten gasp. "It's gorgeous." She breathed out. You couldn't see the house from the front gate but the property was really pretty. There were a lot of trees but a lot of space where there would be grass in the summer months. As we drove down the long driveway the property only got prettier. It was extremely secluded so we wouldn't have to worry about paps.
"Holy shit!" I said as we pulled up in front of the house. I pulled my car around the driveway that circled around a large fountain. "It's huge." I said.
I jumped out of the car and grabbed Kiersten's crutches. I opened her door and she smiled at me, "I'm liking this one boo boo." She said, "Even though it is gigantic."
We walked up to the front of the house, "So what do you think so far?" The lady who was showing us the house asked.
"It looks like a castle." I said.
I could tell the lady was trying not to roll her eyes at me. I'm sure she was trying to figure out how someone as young as me could afford this house. But what can I say? My fans are amazing. "Well let's take a look inside shall we? One thing you should know about this house, is it comes furnished. Obviously you are free to change it, but just know that everything you see inside is included in the purchase."
I nodded and Kiersten and I slowly made our way up the large steps. I walked behind Kiersten making sure she wouldn't slip with her crutches.
The lady unlocked the giant door and it swung open. "Wow." Kiersten said as she went inside. "Niall, I love this." She whispered as I came up behind her.
I had to agree it was amazing. The foyer was absolutely gorgeous. And even though the house was huge and mostly made of stone it still had a warm and homey feeling to it. There was a large staircase leading to the second story. "So there are actually three stories, and a basement. So there is an elevator in the laundry room which is just off the kitchen near the garage entrance. But let's start with this floor first." She said leading us farther into the house. "This is the living room." She said leading us to a room with an entire glass wall that over looked the large garden behind the house, equipped with a patio with an outdoor fireplace. "There's a barn down near the pond. It's ready to be equipped with animals. You just have to get them." I turned and grinned at Kiersten, already seeing myself teaching our kids how to race horses. "As you can the couch is sunken into the floor."
"Whoa!" I said noticing the circular couch that was sunken into the floor and surrounded a fire place.
"Now, I'm sure you two are thinking about kids, but don't worry this fireplaces is one hundred percent kid friendly. There is a special type of glass, called invisiglass, that still allows heat to come out but the glass itself doesn't get hot. Feel for yourself." She said flicking a switch making the flames pop up.
"I love that!" I said. And the lady smiled at me. "Now the person this house was originally designed for was a musician. So the next room may not be of any use to you." She said leading up a set of steps and through a set of French doors to a room with another window wall.
"This is awesome!" I said noticing the large sound table and recording booth in the corner of the room. There was a grand piano next to the window and other various instruments located around the room.
"Are you interested in music, Mr. Horan?" The realtor asked.
"Uh, yeah. That's my job."
"Oh gosh. I'm sorry! I'm just now recognizing you! Your face is all over my daughter's bedroom! Maybe I could get an autograph when we're done?"
"Sure." I said looking at Kiersten who was trying not to laugh.
"Well shall we move onto the next room?" The lady asked heading out of the room.
"She threw that one in there rather smoothly." Kiersten whispered as we followed the lady.
I laughed as we got a tour of the rest of the first floor. The kitchen was exactly what we were looking for. Double ovens, a huge refrigerator, a giant island, and just everything else. The house had an internal vacuum system and heated floors. The laundry room was state of the art, the dining room was beautiful, there was a cute little breakfast nook off the kitchen. There was a little organization station, as the relator called it, in one corner. It had a counter where you would hook up a phone, a mail sorter. One wall was a chalkboard where you could write messages and the other was a whiteboard. There was a mudroom coming in from the garage with a wall of cubbies, as Kiersten called them, that she was very excited about. There was a small library next to the music room. Kiersten was also really excited about it. Even though books didn't appeal to me the room was still cool. It was two stories, seating on the first story and then books on the second in like a loft type thing. Plus two offices connected to each other, one of them with a small photography/art studio connected to it, which would be Kiersten's. There was two powder rooms on the first floor.
"This is the last room on this floor then we'll go up to the second floor." The realtor said as
The second floor was all bedrooms each with its own bathrooms, nine in total for guests and potential children.
"Now the third floor is the master suite." The lady explained as we stepped into the elevator. The doors opened to reveal a large foyer. We walked into the bedroom to and found a huge room. Everything was white but with different shades of blue accents.
"Picture wall." Kiersten said pointing to the wall with nothing pushed up against it. I nodded and kissed her temple.
"You can't put pictures on that wall. It's a TV." The realtor said as she pushed a button on a remote sitting on the nightstand.
The wall lit up and I gasped, "Think of all the football games that can be watched there, babe!" I said and Kiersten glared at me, "And romantic movies, of course!" I said and she rolled her eyes at me. "There's also one in your closet Niall, and one in the bathroom. Plus each of the guest bedrooms."
The realtor flipped a switch lighting up a small screened in porch. "Now the porch is all seasons. There is enough roof on all sides to keep precipitation out. The floors are heated, there is a fireplace, and obviously a hot tub. But none of it is turned on right now, so its freezing, let's go back inside."
"Well that's romantic." I said softly scratching the small of Kiersten's back. She just grinned at me.
We went into the huge bathroom with a large shower, two sinks, and a giant bathtub.
"Kiersten your closet is here, Niall your closet is there." She said pointing to a door. "They connect though don't worry. Each closet has its own shoe room," Kiersten hit me when she heard that part. "Plus lounge area. Then they connect in the middle in a mirror room. This center thing here, hold all accessories and foldable clothes." She said gesturing to the large white thing in the middle of the room. "Jewelry though, goes here." She said pressing on a spot in the wall causing a cabinet and a drawer to pop open.
"Wow!" Kiersten said and I smirked.
My closet was a more masculine identical copy of Kiersten's. "Now this is the most exciting part of the house. The basement." The realtor said as we stepped into the elevator.
The doors slid open and Kiersten squealed. Through the glass on our left we could see a giant pool decorated to look like an underground cave. Equipped with a waterfall, swim up bar, and a slide. "That is the pool as you can tell. And this is the rec room." She said opening two French doors, to reveal a room I knew I would be spending a lot of time in. There was a wet bar in one corner, a pool table, ping pong table, and air hockey table on the other side of the room. There was other games and things scattered around the room, plus a couch that was a three sided square with a table in the middle for playing board games, which we were instructed the closet was completely full of.
"Okay there is one more room that I think you will be very excited about Niall." The realtor said opening a door.
"Is this a theatre?" I asked my mouth dropping open.
"Yes. And that wall." She said pointing to the curved wall that curved up and over a good quarter of the room. "is the screen. If you watch football in here you will feel like you are actually in the game." The wall was lined with a comfy looking couch that actually stretched almost to the middle of the room so you could lay down on it. It was covered in comfy looking pillows. And in here, is a candy collection, a fizzy drink dispenser, a popcorn machine, and a nacho machine."
"Hole-lee, shit." I said and Kiersten giggled.
"Well, let me walk you out and I'll give you some time to think and just call me at the office and let me know when you've made a decision."
"Can we all just move in here? Seriously this could be like the One Direction house." Harry said as he dropped the last box on the counter in the kitchen of the new Horan household. It had been a week and a half since we looked at the house and we were finally moving in.
"Plus the band, and Paul and his family." Josh said joining us in the kitchen. "Think of the parties we could throw in this place!"
"Forget Funky Buddah, this could be Funky Horan!" Harry said laughing.
"Yeah right, once these two get married those guest rooms are going to be filling up with Horan babies, as fast as Kiersten can scream, "OH NIALL!" " Louis said causing the boys to all laugh.
Liam and Danielle were still on their honeymoon, and Zayn and Xara had gone to Bradford to visit is family, so Harry, Louis, Eleanor, Josh, Lou, Lux, and Tom all helped us move in.
Kiersten rolled her eyes and punched him in the shoulder. "Get out. Thank you for your help but you all are annoying. Get out."
"Somebody's cranky." Louis sang as he planted a kiss on her cheek and pulled her in for a hug. "But I've got a date with my cat tonight so we should getting going." He said shooting a wink at Eleanor who just rolled her eyes and went back to talking to Lou.
"Yeah, same. Well, I don't have a date with his cat...but I have other stuff to do." Josh said awkwardly.
"Louis doesn't even have a cat!" Harry said looking confused.
"Of all people you should get that joke. You started it, like five years ago." I said rolling my eyes at him.
"OH! Gross! I'm staying here tonight. I don't want to hear that!" Harry yelled.
"No you're not. I want to spend our first night in our new house, alone with Niall. Besides aren't you going to the airport in the morning?" Kiersten asked looking at him. "That's like a half hour closer to your flat."
"Fine. Whatever. When do you guys leave?" Harry asked.
"Three days." I said and Kiersten smiled at me. "My family will be here tomorrow and we're meeting Kiersten's family in Texas."
"So This is a Christmas and New Years Cruise?" Tom asked, "Why is it two weeks long?"
"Three days before Christmas, four after new years."
"And when do you leave for your promo tour?" Josh asked Kiersten.
"Two days after we get back." Kiersten said sighing. I smiled and kissed her temple.
"Okay, well I probably won't see you again until after you get back from that." Harry said pulling Kiersten into a hug.
He kissed her forehead and everyone else hugged and then just like that they were gone.
Kiersten sighed and leaned against me. I smiled and picked her up. I carried her bridal style to the circular couch and she stretched out on it with her head in my lap.
"So...I have a surprise." I said running my fingers through her soft hair.
"Niall." She warned.
I whistled and smiled as I heard the sound of paws running on the floor.
Kiersten squealed as the miniature bulldog puppy bounded down the steps. He ran over and jumped up onto my legs.
"Kiersten meet Nando. Nando meet Kiersten."
"He's so cute Ni! But what are we going to do when we go on this cruise."
"Lou and Tom are taking him, Frank, and the kittens." I said gesturing to the four other animals who were peering cautiously at the hyper puppy that was now chasing its tail around.
Kiersten giggled and scooped him up laughing as he licked her face. "He's adorable. But Nando, really Niall?"
"They wouldn't let me take him until I had a name for him, and I really wanted Nando's." I said pulling Frank into my lap. Frank wiggled at the attention and the kittens soon joined us not wanting to be left out. "I love you." I said leaning down to give Kiersten a kiss.
"I love you too, Ni. So much." She said intertwining our fingers.
"Do I look okay?" Kiersten asked making her way into my closet on her crutches.
"Beautiful. As always." I said smiling at her. She had on a royal blue dress and a white cardigan. My family was coming and Kiersten was freaking out.
"I'm serious, Niall!"
"So am I." I said just as Nando bounded into the room, making Kiersten giggle.
"What are you so nervous for?" I asked wrapping my arms around her waist. "You've met my parents before. They love you!"
"Yeah, but I've never met your step-dad! What if he hates me? Or Claire! I know her opinion matters to you! "
I rolled my eyes, "Honestly babe, I don't care if he does. He won't but it doesn't matter to me. And Claire will love you! She already likes you, just from what I've told her! The whole friggin world could hate you and I'd still be right here."
"Even if the boys hated me?"
I nodded.
"Even if your nan hated me?"
I nodded again.
"Even if the owner of Nando's hated me and wouldn't let you eat there as long as you were dating me?"
"Don't push your luck." I said and she made a pouting face. "None of those people hate you, and Chris won't either so stop." I said kissing her scrunched up nose.
"Fine. I have to go check on the food." She said standing up and heading towards the elevator.
Kiersten made dinner for my family that was coming. Which included my dad, my mum, my step-dad, my brother, my granny, my cousin Claire, who I really wanted Kiersten to get to know, since every time Kiersten's been in Ireland she hasn't been, and Sean, who was practically family.
I made my way down the steps with the hoard of animals at my feet to help Kiersten set up the table. "It smells great babe." I said trying to steal a piece of the amazing looking chocolate cake on the table.
She slapped my hand and I pulled the puppy dog eyes on her. "No, Niall James. Go pick out a bottle of wine. And make sure there's enough beer on the table, yeah?" She called as I headed into the pantry to look at the wine selection.
Earlier in the day Josh and I had dropped a car off at the airport for my family to take since I couldn't risk going in the airport and there was no way I was letting Kiersten in there by herself on crutches.
I heard the buzzing letting us know that someone was trying to get in the gate. I looked at the screen and saw my brother in the driver's seat of a minivan I had rented for them.
I opened the gate and grabbed Kiersten from the dining where she was checking to make sure everything was perfect. "Come on their on their way up the driveway." I wrapped my arm around her waist and we patiently waited.
The doorbell rang and I opened the door and Sean rushed in, "I have to pee! Nice to see ya Nialler! You look lovely Kiersten!" He yelled running into the house. "Holy shit this place is huge!" I heard him yell and I laughed.
"Hey mum." I said pulling her into a hug as my nan went straight to Kiersten, who had to practically bend in half just to kiss her cheek.
I gave my dad a hug and quickly introduced Claire and Kiersten, who started talking about clothes right away. "Nice to see you, Niall." Chris said shaking my hand.
"You too. Come on, I'll introduce you to Kiersten." I said turning around to find her. "Babe, come here." I said and Kiersten made her way over to me.
"Chris this is Kiersten, the love of my life." I smirked as she blushed, "Kiersten, this is my step-dad Chris."
"It's lovely to finally meet you!" Kiersten said smiling at him.
"The same to you, I've heard quite a lot about you from multiple people." He said shaking her hand.
"I hope their good things, I know Niall likes to tell people all about my bad habits." She said blushing slightly and Chris chuckled. "Well the food is ready, let's eat." Kiersten said leading us to the dining room.
After dinner we all settled down into the theatre to watch some movie my mum had picked out. I spread out next to Sean and pulled Kiersten down next to me. "I'm going to go up and pack a bit. And I have to make a phone call." She said pecking my lips and disappearing out of the room.
"She's not joining us?" My mum asked.
"No, she's got stuff to pack still and some business to get done, probably with BYOKB." I said starting the movie.
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