《Something Unimaginable (Niall Horan Fanfic) Book 3》Baby Malik
I could feel myself grinning from ear to ear for two reasons. One, I had a beautiful daughter and two, Niall and Kiersten looked pretty cozy too.
Suddenly seven bodies suddenly crashed into me wrapping me in a giant group hug. "Can we see her?" Kiersten asked, since she was squished into my side between Niall and I.
"Yeah come on." I said squeezing out of them. I threw my arm over Kiersten's shoulder and lead them all down the hall. "So you two are..." I asked looking at Niall and Kiersten.
"Back together." Niall said grinning.
And Kiersten just nodded ginning brightly.
I did a little dance and we approached the window to see all the babies. "That's her right there!" Harry said pressing his face up against the glass and pointing to a baby wrapped in a blue blanket.
"Harry! That's a boy!" Eleanor said giggling.
"That's her!" Niall said pointing, "She's the prettiest and she looks the best with a quiff!" Everyone laughed.
A nurse came out of the room, "Would you like to see your baby, Mr.Malik?" She asked grinning at me.
"Yes, please." I said, smiling.
"You haven't seen her yet?" Louis asked as the nurse walked back into the room.
"Nope. They took her to clean her up and then they had to stitch Reyna up, since she had to have a c-section because she wasn't facing the right way." I said as the nurse made her way through the rows of babies.
"Ha! I was right!" Niall cheered as the nurse picked up the baby Niall had pointed out. Kiersten pecked his cheek quickly.
"What's her name, Zayn?" Danielle asked as the nurse handed me the little pink bundle.
Reyna and I had picked out a name but kept it a secret. "Xara Allison. Allison after Reyna's sister who passed away when she was five." I whispered as I felt tears well up in my eyes as I stared down at the prettiest baby I had ever seen in my life.
"Xara Allison Malik, the prettiest girl on the planet." Kiersten said smiling at her.
"Hi, baby girl. I'm your daddy. And these people here are your aunts and uncles. They're all a bit crazy but they love you so much." I whispered stroking her soft cheek.
"And we're going to spoil you like crazy." Harry said laughing, "Wait till you see everything we got you little one."
"Can hold her?" Niall asked bouncing up and down like a little kid.
"Only if you stop bouncing." I said continuing to stare at my beautiful daughter.
Niall stopped immediately and I passed Xara over to him.
Kiersten wrapped one arm around Niall's waist and watched the sleeping baby in his arms. "She's so tiny." Niall whispered softly.
"She looks just like you, Z." Kiersten said looking up and grinning at me.
Xara got passed around the group and Louis was gently rocking her in his arms. "She needs a nickname." Harry said looking down at my sleeping daughter.
"How about tootie?" Louis asked not looking up from her face.
"Why that, Lou?" Liam asked.
"Because she just farted on me." Louis said giggling. And all of us laughed.
"You can go see Reyna now. She's awake." A nurse said appearing in front of us.
"Come on tootie-loo." I said taking her from Louis, "Let's go see mummy." I said walking down the hall.
We walked into the room and it was covered in pink stuff. "Hi, guys!" Reyna said quietly, "Thanks for all the ...stuff."
"It's the first One Direction baby! What were you expecting?" Liam said.
"I'm so happy, babe." I said kissing Reyna's forehead as I handed her Xara.
"Me too, Zayn. Me too." She whispered as we stared down at our daughter.
The boys started singing Isn't She Lovely. And I smiled at two of the most beautiful girls in the world.
Xara had been home for exactly a week and everyone was sitting in Harry and Louis' flat.
My family has been in from Bradford for a week and left that day. My sisters absolutely loved Xara. And while my mum wasn't exactly ecstatic about me being dad so young and at this point in my career, she loved Xara so much.
I was sitting on the couch with everyone. Xara or Tootie as everyone had started calling her, was in a bassinet next to the couch. I had my hand in there and her little hand was curled around my finger as she slept.
Everyone was sitting on the couch watching a movie, except Kiersten and Niall.
Kiersten stumbled into the room trying to put a heel on and put in an earring.
"Do I look okay guys?" She asked smoothing out her cream colored long sleeved dress.
"Kiersten are you nervous?" Danielle asked looking at her.
"Kinda, yeah." She said fidgeting with the promise ring she was again wearing on her finger.
"Kiersten! You're going out with Niall! You've never been nervous around him." Liam exclaimed.
Kiersten sighed, "I know. I just haven't been out with him alone in over a month."
Niall was taking Kiersten out to celebrate. And Kiersten had a lot to celebrate. Her and Niall were back together. She had one the trial and a very large sum of money that all went straight to BYOKB. And the people who faked her sex tape were in huge trouble, along with the hotel that they stayed at in New York.
This is what happened, according to Kiersten. Someone set up a secret camera inside the hotel room she stayed in while in New York. They video taped her and Nick kissing, then found two people who slightly similar to Nick and Kiersten. They planted them in a hotel room that looked exactly like the one Kiersten stayed in. The two then had sex. Then someone edited to make it look like it was Kiersten and Nick had sex and then posted it online.
The tape didn't do too much damage. Kiersten quickly released a statement saying that it was fake and soon the people were caught and everyone accepted that the tape was fake.
"Kiersten! Niall is your best friend! You have got nothing to be freaking out about!" I said grinning at her.
Kiersten sighed, "I know, I know." She said sitting on the arm of the couch and staring down at Xara.
There was a knock on the door and Kiersten jumped up. "Nuh uh. Sit down young lady" Louis said pointing to the couch.
Kiersten rolled her eyes but nevertheless sat down next to Eleanor on the couch.
Louis raced down the stairs and Liam muted the TV so we could all hear. "Hey Lou! Is Kiersten ready?" A chipper Niall asked.
"It's Mr. Tomlinson to you, son!" Louis yelled, "Now come on. We've got some chatting to do before you get to take my little girl out." I heard Kiersten sigh, and I chuckled. I hoped Xara would never bring home boys. Maybe I'd just lock her up in tower somewhere.
They started coming up the stairs but Louis quickly covered Niall's eyes before he saw Kiersten. Which cause Niall to trip. "Niall!" Kiersten yelled jumping up, "Are you okay?"
"He's fine." Louis said picking Niall up. "Girls go to the kitchen with Kiersten. Us men have some talking to do with Mr. Horan."
"Right, men." Danielle said laughing but going into the kitchen with the other girls.
"Hey Tootie is a girl too!" Harry said.
"Wake her up and I will kill you." I growled. Xara had been fussy all day and now she was sleeping peacefully. Ever since she came home she had to be touching me or the pink giraffe Kiersten gave her to fall asleep.
Harry threw his hands up in the air and Louis pushed Niall onto the couch. "Why can't I just see Kiersten? You guys no I'm not going to do anything." Niall whined.
"Did you ever think what we wanted to talk to you about is a good thing?" Harry asked raising an eye brow.
"We just wanted to tell you that we're really happy for you two." Louis said, "But if you hurt her we will kill you."
"But we're really happy for you guys. You're happiest together. And that's how we like you guys, happy." Liam said and I nodded in agreement.
Kiersten came out of no where and tackled the five of us into a hug. She planted a wet kiss on Louis cheek and then turned to Niall, "Hey baby!" She said excitedly.
"Hey beautiful. You look stunning. From what I can see." He said glancing at her butt.
"Niall!" I said laughing, "Way to be subtle."
Niall just shrugged and kissed Kiersten.
"My eyes!" Louis screamed way too loudly.
I felt Xara stir under my hand which had been resting lightly on her tiny torso. "Louis." I growled, really hoping she wouldn't start crying.
"On it." Louis said jumping up and prancing, yes prancing, over to the bassinet. "Come on Tootie-poo. Come hang out with Uncle Lou. Hey that rhymed!" He cooed at Xara, giggling. I saw Eleanor watching him lovingly from the kitchen.
"Well we're off." Niall said as he and Kiersten stood up from the couch. He placed his hand lightly on the small of her back, "You really do look stunning. I'm breathless." I heard him whisper in her ear as she blushed.
"Be back by nine." Louis said coming back into the room Xara now wide awake and staring up at her crazy uncle in amazement.
"Lou! It's already eight!" Kiersten said glaring at him.
"Not my fault you've got a lousy date." Louis said shrugging.
Niall glared at him, and Louis laughed, "Haha you can't hurt me cause I've got a baby!" Louis bouncing.
Kiersten flicked him in the ear and her and Niall disappeared down the stairs.
"That really hurt!" Louis said as he kept bouncing Xara.
The girls came back in the room and Reyna sat down next to me snuggling into my side. "Lou, if you keep bouncing her she's going to throw up all over you." Reyna warned him.
"Pshh. We'll be fine, won't we, babe?" He cooed and kept bouncing and as if on cue Xara spit up all over him.
"Arrrrghhh." Louis grumbled, but he knew it was his own fault.
"I'll go get her cleaned up" Reyna said moving to get up.
"Nope, I got it. You stay here." I said jumping up and taking Xara from Louis.
I carried her to my flat and into her nursery. I smiled as I looked around the room. Three walls were pastel pink while one wall was a light grey. On the grey wall was a cherry blossom tree that looked like it was being blown in the wind, and the blossoms were coming off the tree and random blossoms were painted all over the other walls so it looked like they had been scattered there by the wind. In the middle of the room was a dark brown circular crib with sheer white fabric hanging from the ceiling and falling around it. All of the furniture was the same dark brown as the crib. There's a rocking chair in the corner and one wall is covered in black and white pictures in frames that match the furniture. There were pictures of everything. The boys and I, our whole group, Reyna and I, our families, our friends, flowers, animals, whatever we liked. There was one stuffed animal in the crib and it was the pink giraffe Kiersten had given her. The rest sat on shelves and on the floor.
I changed Xara's diaper and put her into a cute pair of purple pajamas, grabbed the giraffe and headed back to Louis and Harry's.
Danielle grabbed Xara from me and snuggled up with Liam. I plopped down next to Reyna, pulled her onto my lap, and kissed her softly. "Just because you have a kid doesn't mean you get to kiss whenever you feel like it. Get room!" Louis yelled at us.
I grabbed a pillow from the floor and held in front of our faces and kissed her again. "I still know what you're doing!" Louis said.
I slipped out from underneath Reyna and and sat down on Louis' lap. "Aww is Boobear jealous?" I said messing up his hair.
He pushed me onto the floor just as Harry was walking by. And Harry being as graceful as Harry is ended up face planting on the carpet. I wrapped my arms around Harry's torso and snuggled into him. "Your daddy is silly." I heard Reyna say and I turned to look at her and grinned. She had Xara laying on her thighs and she was bent over the baby grinning at our daughter.
I got off the floor and sat back down next to Reyna, "How did I get so lucky?" I whispered to Reyna as I wrapped my arm around her. She just smiled and kissed my cheek as I ran my hand over the dark mass of hair on Xara's head.
She looked a lot like me, but she had Reyna's piercing green eyes. She was going to be absolutely stunning when she grew up. She would have my dark skin and hair but with bright green eyes.
"Well I've got to go get Samie from the airport." Harry said finally getting up off the floor, "I'll be back later." He said kissing Xara's forehead and disappearing out the door.
"Hey look! Kiersten's on TV!" Louis said turning up the volume of some celebrity gossip show.
"Let's talk celebrity feuds. We've got the info on the latest feud. Disney darling Demi Lavato brutally attacking Kiersten Clifford over One Direction's Niall Horan. Demi accompanied Niall to the Brit Awards last week, but Niall was spotted leaving the hospital where bandmate Zayn Malik's girlfriend Reyna gave birth to their daughter hand in hand with Kiersten hours after Demi left. The couple seems to be happier than ever, after their break up, which is reported to not be mutual as they once announced and was due to the drugs that the modeling agency had given Kiersten. Demi has been bad mouthing Kiersten on Twitter at least twice a day since the Brits. But Kiersten seems to be laughing them off. After a few of Demi's vague tweets that seemed to be directed at Kiersten, Kiersten tweeted 'Vague tweet even though the whole world know who you're talking about. #lotsoflovedoll' Can you blame her for finding them funny? She has a lot to be happy for right now. She won the trial against the modeling agency, her sex tape turned out to be a fake, she just wrapped up a movie with Rober Downey Jr. that is predicted to do very well when it comes out next January, and the ever adorable Kiall is back together. What doesn't this girl have to be happy for? But we're sure that's not going to stop Demi. Disney darlings always get what they want don't they? And she wants Kiersten's man."
"I think it's funny, that Demi dislikes her so much. Kiersten never did anything to her." Eleanor said.
"She really had no chance with Niall. He's always been Kiersten's." Danielle agreed.
"Niall and Kiersten are back together. Thats all the matters. Let's watch a movie." Liam said changing the subject.
"I'm going to go and go to bed. I'll take Tootie with me. Stay here and hang out." Reyna said yawning.
"I'll carry her for you, babe." I said taking Xara and standing up. "You're still not supposed to lift heavy stuff."
"Zayn she weighs next to nothing." Reyna said laughing as we walked out of the flat.
I laid Xara down in her crib and set the giraffe next to her and covered her up with a small pink blanket. "Goodnight baby girl. Daddy and mummy love you." I said kissing her forehead softly.
"Love you princess." Reyna said standing up on her tiptoes and leaning over the side of the crib to give the baby a kiss.
"Now time for the queen to go to sleep." I said picking Reyna up bridal style.
"And what does that make you? The court jester?" Reyna asked grinning at me as I set her in our bed.
"Ha. Ha." I said tucking her. "Get some sleep. I'm sure you're exhausted." I said kissing her lips. I swiped the baby monitor off the bedside table and turned the light in the bedroom off.
A few hours later Harry and Samie walked, well Harry ran dragging Samie behind him to his bedroom. "Nice to see you guys again!" Samie said waving at us before she disappeared into the bedroom.
For the next hour we had to listen to them get it on.
We heard a sound at the front door. "They're back!" Louis whisper yelled running towards the door. We all listened intently because we're nosy people.
"Guys this feels wrong." Liam whispered.
"Shut up, Liam!" Eleanor hissed.
"I had a really great time tonight." Niall said. The he laughed, "I still can't believe you fell off the couch."
Kiersten laughed, "Yeah well I'm just glad that it was dark and all of London didn't see pink lace underwear, as I did it."
"Can I see?" Niall asked and I could almost see the slight blush on his cheeks. Louis, who was watching through the peep hole probably could.
I heard Kiersten hit him and Niall laughed again, "You know I'm kidding, babe."
"Are you happy, Ni?" Kiersten asked a little quieter.
"I'm so happy. I feel like I'm floating. Are you happy?"
"We're floating together, Nialler."
"Can I kiss you?" Niall whispered, his accent becoming even thicker with his nerves. I don't know what he had nerves though.
Louis shoved us all backwards and opened the door. Kiersten and Niall didnt even notice they just continued staring into each other's eyes moving their heads towards each other. Louis cleared his throat just as their lips were about to touch causing them both to jump backwards. "Do you know what time it is?" Louis asked crossing his arms.
"Nine?" Kiersten asked grinning her famous smile that gets her what she wants.
"You wish." Louis said not buying it. Louis likes to play it off as he's joking about this whole thing, acting like he's Kiersten's dad and all. And he is, partly. The other part he is dead serious. "Bye Niall." Louis said pulling Kiersten inside. Louis was about to slam the door in Niall's face but Kiersten stopped it. She grabbed Niall's shirt and yanked him to her kissing him hard.
She pulled away and winked at him, "See you later babe." She flounced up the stairs leaving a stunned and blushing Niall standing there, well almost as stunned as Louis.
We all went up stairs and Kiersten turned to look us. "Where's Harry?"
"You forgot didn't you?" I asked.
As if on cue we heard a loud squeal and then Samie charged down the hallway, "KierBear!" She yelled tackling her into a hug.
"Spam-Slammer!" Kiersten yelled hugging her back.
When the finally finished hugging and squealing Danielle piped up, "Kiersten you've got to tell us about your date!"
"Okay. Just let me go change." She said grabbing Samie and dragging her off down the hallway.
Kiersten sat down next to me and rested her head against my shoulder. While the other girls cuddled up to their boyfriends/Harry's. "Alright spill it, girl." Eleanor said lacing her fingers with Louis.
"Okay so he took me to the eye and we skipped the whole line and when we got inside our bubble there was a candle lit dinner set up. We had spaghetti and we just sat and talked and drank wine. Then he led me to couch that was pressed up against the side of the bubble facing out. And we cuddled and fed each other cheesecake and chocolate covered strawberries. Then he sang me a song that he wrote for me. Then we were making out and I fell off the couch. Then we cuddled some more and he convinced me that we had to stop for ice cream, and we couldn't find a place to park by the ice cream place so we had to walk twelve blocks to get it. And we did and as we walked back to the car it started to snow. Niall finished both of our ice creams. And then we found an empty parking lot. We slow danced under the street light as he sang to me until we were both shivering. Then he gave me a piggy back ride and then he dropped me off. And as he was about to kiss me good night we were rudely interrupted." Kiersten finished punching Louis in the arm.
"You two are so freaking cute." Samie gushed.
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