《the mr and mrs : e.d》seventeen


ethan dolan

I woke up around 8am the next morning after our gender reveal party while Jordyn was still asleep.

I walked into the kitchen once I got to the bottom of the stairs and started to turn on the coffee maker.

I turned towards the living room while stretching and jumped when I saw Grayson sitting up.

"Shit, man, I forgot you were here." I put my hand over my chest.

"Sorry, man." He stood up while rubbing his eyes and walked over to me. "I'll be outta here soon."

"No, stay as long as you need." I placed my hand on his shoulder. He nodded while looking at the ground. "Want some coffee?"

"Yeah, thanks." He ran his hands over his face and sat at the kitchen island.

I turned back to the coffee machine and began to brew some in a mug.

I know he's still feeling like shit with his relationship with Vivian, I really didn't know what to do. Is there even any advice you can give someone who's going through that?

"How'd you sleep?" I asked while grabbing some creamer from the fridge.

"Not good. Thinking too much about Vivian." He lightly pulled on his hair.

"Like what?" I pulled the mug out from the coffee machine and put some creamer in it. "Do you want to get together with her?" I handed him the mug.

"Not that I want to, I feel like I need to." He looked up at me.

"Why?" I started to make my cup of coffee. "She betrayed you and made you feel like shit."

"It's my family, Ethan." He lightly slammed his hand on the counter, he was getting upset.

"Your family isn't suppose to make you feel like shit, bro." I was getting more worked up by the second. He was being unreasonable.


"I don't expect you to understand. You don't have a kid, you wouldn't be tearing your family apart, you don't get it."

"I'm having two kids in a few months. Bullshit I know nothing about family." I hit the countertop while yelling quite loud for the morning. Now I was pissed.

"You're not having your wife go behind your back, cheating on you with another man while you're little girl is just in the background thinking everything's fine. You don't understand what I'm going through."

"This is complete bullshit, man." I started to laugh because I was so frustrated.

"What's going on?" Jordyn walked down the stairs while putting her hair up in a ponytail.

I shook my head and bit the inside of my cheek. "Ask him." I scoffed.

Jordyn looked over at Grayson, as confused as ever. She gave him a look to explain. I, on the other hand was trying my best to calm down.

"I was just saying that he doesn't understand why I need to go back to my family. He doesn't get what family is-"

"This is fucking bullshit! I'm not gonna just stand here with take this shit!" I yelled back.

"Hey, hey!" Jordyn put her hand on my chest and pushed me back a little. "Go outside." She ordered nicely and I did as she asked.

I swung the back door open and walked onto the patio. I placed my hands in my pockets and tried to calm down by pacing.

Grayson is the only person, I know who can rile me up this much where my body will shake in anger.

"What is going on with you?" Jordyn walked out and closed the door behind her.

"He's acting like I'm so much younger and so much immature than him." I took my hands out of my pocket. "This is just complete bullshit." I began to walk away from her.


"Hey, hey, hey." She grabbed my arm.

"And what's with him saying I don't know what family is. You're my family, you're carrying our family!" I held onto her belly for a quick second before turning back around.


"I know he's going through some shitty times, but-God, this is such fucking bullshit." I sat on a lawn chair with my feet planted on the ground and covered my face with my hands.

Jordyn sat the correct way on the chair and ran her hands over my arm and back. She kissed my shoulder and rested her head on me.

"You know that's not true." She whispered. "You know you have a family that you love and care for."

"He's just getting under my fucking skin." I looked up and let out a huge sigh. She immediately calmed me down.

"I know." She pulled my head towards her and kissed my cheek. "He's going through a lot and he's just putting it on you because you're brothers. He doesn't mean any of this, he knows you have a family that you'll protect, okay?"

I switched my view over to her and lightly smiled. "Thank you." She scooted a little closer to me and wrapped her arms around my head.

"You're my baby daddy, I gotta make sure you don't go too crazy." She kissed my forehead.

I chuckled and let her place small kisses all over my head.

"I'm not gonna tell you to apologize to Grayson, but you know what the right thing to do is." She pulled away. I nodded and stood up off of the chair.

I walked inside of the house again while Jordyn stayed out on the patio. Grayson was still sitting at the kitchen island, drinking his coffee.

"Hey man." I said while walking to the other side of the island.

"Sorry for saying those things earlier." Grayson shrugged his shoulders. "A lot's on my mind right now."

"No, it's fine. Sorry for getting so defensive." I placed my hands in my pockets.

"I get it." He nodded. "You love and you're protective over your family. I didn't mean to say that you don't have a family, I know you have a family. You got two little ones on the way and they're gonna make you and Jordyn the happiest people on the planet."

"Thanks man." I nodded and slightly smiled.

"You're really about to have two kids. How crazy is that?"

"It still doesn't feel real." I looked to him and smiled.

He can make me the angriest, but we can also forgive and forget in minutes.

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