《the mr and mrs : e.d》thirteen


jordyn dolan

"Why are cribs so overly priced?" Ethan asked while on his laptop in the living room.

"When we signed up for this baby, we signed up for losing half our bank account." I joked from the kitchen. I was just cleaning up after our dinner we had a little over an hour ago.

It's been a few weeks since the family dinner and everything around here's been pretty calm. Matt and Riley have popped by a few times to hang out during the weekend. Grayson and Vivian haven't had any problems, so I've heard. Ethan and I have been really happy lately because of our new one on the way!!

Tomorrow we were having our gender reveal party and all of our family and friends were coming over to our place. I was beyond excited to finally know if we're having a girl or a boy.

"I better get a boy out of this." He kept on scrolling through the site. I rolled my eyes and smiled.

"You really think you're getting a boy, don't you?" I dried my hands off with a towel and began to walk over to the couch.

"Oh, I KNOW I'm getting a boy." He put the laptop down and put his arms around me as I sat right next to him.

"Don't cry to me when we get a girl then."

"Trust me, there won't be any crying from me." He was so certain.

I rolled my eyes and let him have the win for tonight.

Clearly Ethan wanted a boy, I feel like all guys do. He tells me he wants to play ball with him when he's just a little kid and help him grow up to be a man.

He wants to teach him how to treat women right, never the way he treated people when I first came into their home. He wants to teach him to be selfless, caring, a leader. Everything Ethan turned out to be, he wants this baby to do the exact same.


I, on the other hand want a baby girl. I know Ethan would be the most protective, yet most loving to this little girl. I've always wanted to have a Daddy's little girl. I can just imagine the way he looks at her, that look makes me so excited to have a baby.

No matter what the gender, I know Ethan and I are going to love this little one no matter what. I know we are going to spoil the little thing rotten, I know we are going to raise him or her to be the best version of themselves and I know we are going to share Ethan and I's histories and the memories we've made together with them. This was the start of our new lives and I was beyond excited.

"How are you feeling?" Ethan put his hand on my stomach--over the baby bump.

"Not too bad." I tried to shrug my shoulders, but it was a little difficult since I was leaned against him. "A few nauseous moments, but it's not too awful right now."

"Are you craving any certain foods?"

"No." I lightly chuckled. "Not everyone craves a bunch of food, you know that right?"

"Uh--" He took a long pause. "Of course. I know all women."

"Yeah, okay buddy." I turned my head around and looked up at him. He lightly kissed my lips before I turned back around.

I lightly smiled at his thumb rubbing back and forth on my belly. I grabbed his hand and kissed his knuckles before putting it back on my stomach.

"You know what sounds good?" I asked.


"Cookie dough."

"So you are craving something!" He shot up.

"No, I just want cookie dough."


"Come on, let's go get it." He pushed me up slightly.

"What? Now?" I asked while he was walking towards the front door.

"Yes, now!"

"But it's almost 10. A girl's getting sleepy."

"Come on." He grabbed my hand and I groaned. I walked around the couch and slipped on some shoes. "It'll be quick." He opened the front door and we were both shot back in shock.

Grayson stood there with a duffle bag in his hand and a hood over his head. We couldn't see his face yet, he was looking down at the ground.

"Can I stay here for a little while?" He looked up and his eyes were bloodshot red. Tears were definently streaming down his face before he came here.

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