《People Meet Percabeth》Leo


Leo's POV:

My first thought, wow she is pretty. My second thought, wow she is going to kill me. My third thought, wow I BETTER RUN NOW!!!!! This scary blonde was storming up to Jason, Piper and me with an I WILL KILL YOU NOW! expression in her grey eyes.

"Where is he?" She demanded with a slightly demented look to her.

"Um..." Jason starts.

The girl turns her face up to the sky. "CURSE YOU HERA!! YOU TOLD ME HE WOULD BE HERE!" She storms back to the chariot. The boy with her turns to us.

"Sorry 'bout her. Her name is Annabeth and she just lost her boyfriend."

"How long has he been gone?" Piper asks.

"Three days," The boy replies.

"Three days, six hours and two minutes," corrects Annabeth from the chariot.

"I stand corrected. She has barely stopped looking since then." I replay that in my mind with jealousy. I wonder if anyone would look for me if I went missing. Probably not.


About 10 months later...

No. Percy and Annabeth have just fallen into Tartarus. NO! NO! Our leaders have just fallen to their death. At least they have each other. Then the horrible feeling creep's over me. Every time I lose someone I blame myself. I should have made sure that everyone was secure, before the statue was! UGH!!!! DOES A STATUE MATTER MORE THAN PERCY AND ANNABETH!?!?!?!?! But just like before, with my mother, I couldn't do anything to save them.

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