《Abducted by an Alien》Anders


Once my little mate goes into the shower, I head to the kitchen to check on dinner. I let my family know he's awake and doing well. I tell them about our conversation and ask them not to overwhelm him when they meet since he is still unsure about all of this.

After about 20 minutes I head back to the guest bedroom and knock on the door. My little mate tells me I can come in and when I do my heart swells with love. He is sitting on the bed wearing some of my smallest clothes which are still huge on him and he looks absolutely adorable. I smile widely at him and walk slowly over to him.

Anders: How was your shower little one?

Gavin: It was great. Thank you Anders.

Anders: No problem love, Are you ready to go eat and meet my family?

Gavin just nods his head slowly and smiles slightly.

Anders: Okay great, lets go. But first can you tell me your name please?

Gavin: My name is Gavin.

Anders: Aww that name is perfect for you! I like it! Okay let's get going before my parents send a search party after us. He giggles slightly and it's like music to my ears.

I hold out my hand to help him up and he accepts it hesitantly. I look at our hands for a moment, but I don't say anything. I have to be carful not to hold him too tightly, I wouldn't want to hurt him. His hand is like a child's hand compared to mine. We head out of the room towards the kitchen and my thoughts turn to what my family will have to say about my little mate. I just hope they don't embarrass him or me to much.

Once we reach the kitchen, my family is already seated and waiting for us. I pull out Gavins chair and introduce him to the family. He looks a little lost, but I just shrug it off. He will learn everyone soon enough. We are having a dish that is similar to Spaghetti and Gavin seems to be enjoying it. My parents ask him questions and he answers shyly but honestly.


My little brother and sister also ask him some questions which he also answers in the same manner. Once everyone is satisfied, I ask him if he wants to ask anyone anything and he said he would later, that he was still processing everything now. I can respect that and everyone else seemed to as well.

Once everyone finished eating I notice that Gavin barely ate half his plate. I leaned down and whispered in his ear.

Anders: Why are you not eating more of your food? Do you not like it?

Gavin: *Blushing*, it is delicious, but I am really full. I can't eat as much as you and your family Anders because this is a lot of food and I'm not used to eating so much.

Anders: Fair enough, you can have a pass this time, but I will be watching you. I don't want you to be sick because you aren't eating properly.

He rolled his eyes at me, but didn't argue. He's either smart, or doesn't want to make a scene in front of my family, I think to myself.

Anders: I saw that! Don't roll your eyes at me little boy, unless you want to be punished.

His eyes got so big I thought they were going to come out of his head. I smirked while sipping my tea.

Gavin: You wouldn't dare he growled at me.

Anders: Try me.

He made no further comment and went back to listening to my siblings discuss some project they are working on for their senior year of high school. All I could do was smile. Teasing him was going to be fun. This was only the beginning.

Once the dinner conversation ended I tried to excuse us, but my siblings had other plans. "Can we please hang out with y'all, bubba?", my little sister whined out. "Fine, but only for a little while, Gavin needs to go to sleep soon.", I compromised. Gavin looked unsure, but didn't object.


Ava: Omg! Yay! Gavin, you are so cute! My brother is so lucky you are his soulmate. Are those his clothes?!?! That's adorable. Why are you so small?!?!

Gavin: *Looking at his feet and blushing* ugh thanks... and yes they are and I don't know.

Axe: Shut up Ava, you are so embarrassing. Leave the poor dude alone and stop asking him so many questions. Sorry about her, she gets a little excited about meeting new people and making new friends.

Gavin: It's okay, no worries.

Anders: Lets just play a board game or something easy. Ava and Axe set it up please.

Ava: Seriously Anders why is he so little compared to us?

Anders: Ava! Seriously?!?! You already know humans on average are not as big as we are, with the exception of some.

Gavin: I am actually short for a human male, average is 5'9, I'm only 5'6. My mom was the same height as me and my dad was only about 6', so I guess that's why I am small.

Ava and Axe at the same time: That makes sense!

Anders: Sorry Gavin, just ignore stupid questions from now on. Let's play!

Gavin: It's okay Anders, I don't mind.

Ava sticks her tongue out at me and her twin while Gavin on the other hand gets a high five.

Ava: I like this little dude already! We are going to be besties Gavin!

Gavin blushes, but still smiles one of his cute little smiles. We continue playing and soon everyone is yawning and ready for bed. The twins head to bed since they have school tomorrow, and I help Gavin off the floor. He stumbles a little trying to stand up, so I just scoop him into my arms. He seems shocked at first, but doesn't fight me since he is almost asleep. I hold him like you would a small child and kiss his forehead. He snuggles into my chest and quickly falls asleep. It has been a busy, but overall productive day for everyone. After I tuck him into his bed, I shower and head to bed myself. I hope my dreams are filled with my precious little mate tonight.

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