《Abducted by an Alien》Ava and Axe


*Just a little Glimpse into the twins thoughts

Ava's POV

Once Axe and I head to our rooms, I have to to ask him what he thinks about our big brothers soul mate. Personally I think he is the cutest thing, but my opinion isn't the only one that matters.

Ava: What do you think of Gavin bro?

Axe: I like him, he is really shy and quiet though, but hopefully that will change once he gets to know us better and warms up to the place.

Ava: Yea I agree. That's probably true, he is probably still scared to be on another planet! I know I would be freaking out a lot worse than he is. Anders did say he didn't seem to upset, just overwhelmed, so that's a good thing for all of us. I wouldn't want to deal with someone who was hostile. He kinda reminds me of a little brother, but I think he is older than we are!

Axe: Yea, he's out of high school, but he's not that much older than us and he's definitely shorter than we are so we have that advantage at least. Even you are taller than he is shorty!

Ava: Ha ha very funny! I am not short Axe! Don't make me punch you brat!

Axe: oh no! I'm so scared.

Axe continues to laugh at me while I glare at him all the way out of his room and into mine. He is such a bully! With thoughts of my new friend filling my head I pass out for the night.

Axes POV

Ava is so damn annoying sometimes, but I love that girl to death. I hope Gavin will be good for Anders, he deserves to be happy. Im hoping I can become friends with him too, he seems like a cool guy. Shhh, don't tell my sister that or she would never let me hear the end of it. I get ready for bed with thoughts of school tomorrow and new beginnings and hopefully new friendships.

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