《I Don't Like You - Beomgyu x Taehyun》VIII
The rest of the school day was a blur. English class was so boring that it put Kai to sleep and usually vocal class was his favorite, but today he felt like he strained his voice. In other words, today wasn't his best day. Kai was hoping he would be able to hang out with one of his friends today and possibly discuss plans for tomorrow. He scanned the hallway and noticed Taehyun and Beomgyu walking together.
"Hey guys!" he called out to them and ran in their direction.
"Oh hey Kai, what's up?" Beomgyu greeted while Taehyun just waved.
"Can we hang out today?" Kai bounced, "I'm bored and I'll think it'll be fun, plus we can plan a bunch of things to do tomorrow." They both exchanged worried glances with each other. "Is something wrong?" the youngest frowned, noticing their concern.
"Well we kind of planned to hang out by ourselves today," Taehyun pushed back his hair, "I was even thinking about crashing at his place again. Sorry, maybe another day." He smiled at him and Kai returned it.
"Don't apologize it's ok," Kai reassured them, "I hope you guys have fun."
Beomgyu nodded, "See you later." Kai watched them both walk away, feeling a hint of jealousy. He hung out with Beomgyu almost all of yesterday afternoon, it wasn't fair. Pushing away his feelings he tried looking around for either Soobin or Yeonjun, maybe they'd want to hang out with him. He started to think about all the things they could do like watch a movie, play some games, maybe even go out somewhere. Losing his patience, he decided to text Soobin.
Kai: Hey, Soobin! :) Let's hang out tonight!
Soobin: Sorry Kai, I'm busy tonight.
Kai: Whaaattt?? Whhyyyy?
Soobin: I still feel bad for what I did to Beomgyu yesterday, so I'm going to make him lunch for tomorrow~
Kai: Oh... Are you sure you don't like need any help or anything?
Soobin: I'm good, thanks though.
Kai: Ok then, good luck :)
Kai sighed looking down at his phone. Cooking with Soobin would of been cool, but I guess he's more worried about Beomgyu right now. Kai was sure Yeonjun didn't have anything to do today. Yeonjun isn't one to socialize much, he always locked himself in his room and studied most of the time. Maybe they could go to that small amusement park nearby. Kai knows Yeonjun really likes rollercoasters. He dialed the older's number. It rang a few times before he actually picked up.
"Hello?" Yeonjun answered.
"Are you busy today?" Kai asked, holding his breath.
"Yeah," he simply replied.
Kai let out a really long and exaggerated sigh, "With what?"
"I have to study," the older answered.
"You study everyday!" Kai whined, "You're already super smart and talented. I mean you even rank first in our dance, vocal, and rap classes! One day off won't kill you."
"I'm first in all of those classes because I work so much," the older responded, "Plus tomorrow is going to be my day off."
"Please Yeonjun," Kai pleaded.
"Kai, I'm sorry," Yeonjun paused, "Even if I wanted to skip studying I still have other things to do."
"Like what?" Kai huffed.
"I have to call Beomgyu later today and catch him up on everything that happened during our little session today," Yeonjun explained, "Obviously I won't tell him about Taehyun's crush and I'll let Soobin tell him why he's so scared of the dark, but he deserves to know everything else that happened and I don't know how long it'll take."
"Oh," Kai uttered, "Ok bye Yeonjun."
Yeonjun felt bad, but he had to focus on what was important, "I'm sorry K-" The younger hung up the call before the brown haired boy could finish. Why does everyone like Beomgyu so much? He's a great guy but why was literally everyone so worried about him? Why didn't anyone want to hang out with Kai instead? Kai groaned and sat down on a bench outside of the school building. Did Kai have to change himself for people to like him? He tried to smile, but for the first time in a long time, it felt unnatural
"It's fine," Kai got up and started to walk towards the dorms, "I'll just try to sleep or something instead."
"I can barely remember the last time I've been to an arcade!" Beomgyu squealed when they entered the colorful building.
"Same here," Taehyun giggled, "I used to come here almost every weekend when I was younger."
"So, what do you want to do first?" Beomgyu examined all the different machines, "There's so much." Taehyun took a second to look around.
"Let's try the claw machine!" Taehyun suggested, "I feel bad for not hanging out with Kai and I want to bring him back something." Beomgyu nodded and Taehyun led him to the nearest claw machine. "Right there!" Taehyun pointed to a stuffed penguin, "He would love that one."
Beomgyu pulled out a coin and handed it to the younger, "Go ahead." Taehyun put the coin in the machine and began to move the lever, sticking out his tongue with determination on his face. He centered the claw directly above the plushie and after double checking his position was just right, he pressed down on the button. He watched eagerly as the claw lowered down and...
"How did it miss?" Taehyun whined and hit the machine, "I had it perfect!"
Beomgyu smirked and lightly pushed the brown haired boy aside, "Move aside and I'll show you how it's done." He inserted another coin and began to fiddle with the joystick. When he thought the placements were just right he turned back to Taehyun, "Come press the button."
"Huh," Taehyun looked up at him, "Why?"
"Why are you questioning me?" Beomgyu pouted, "It was your idea to play this game and I was trying to be sweet by letting you win."
"Ah, umm," Taehyun grew flustered and couldn't think of a proper way to respond, so he just did what he was ordered to and pressed the button. His eyes were glued to the claw as it effortlessly picked up the small toy and dropped it in the prize box.
"Ta da!" the older smiled, as the other grabbed the penguin.
"How did you do that?" Taehyun looked out him, a bit envious.
"What do you mean?" Beomgyu pointed to the toy, "You're the one that got it, not me."
"But you're the one who actually figured out where to place the claw," Taehyun frowned, "I didn't even come close!"
"Oh come on don't be sad, it's just a game," Beomgyu pinched the other's cheek, "Plus you're lot cuter when you smile, baby." Taehyun pushed him off and hid his face behind his hands. That was the third time he was called that in the past two days and it still made him feel embarrassed but fuzzy inside. "How about we go play a different game to cheer you up?"
Taehyun opened his fingers, only allowing his eyes to be seen, "You're gonna win."
"Oh come on," Beomgyu rolled his eyes, "You don't know that for sure."
"Fine," Taehyun lowered his hands and led the older to a racing game, "You're on!"
Beomgyu grinned, "Now that's the Taehyun I know," he inserted the coin and sat down, "Loser buys us drinks?"
"I hope you brought enough money," Taehyun stuck out his tongue.
"I'm more worried about you," Beomgyu shrugged, "The game already started and you haven't moved." Taehyun yelped and pressed on the gas petal of his machine.
"Not fair!" he whined.
"All's fair in love and war," Beomgyu smirked, "Well in this case video games and free drinks."
After three whole minutes of determination and playful trash talk Taehyun groaned, "But you cheated."
Beomgyu gasped, "I did not cheat!"
"Yuh huh!" Taehyun nodded his head.
"Nuh uh!" Beomgyu shook his back, "It's not my fault you were distracted."
"But I was distracted by you," Taehyun widened his eyes and shook his hands, "Wait, no, I mean I was distracted by talking to you, obviously!"
Beomgyu laughed at the flustered boy, "I guess my charms are irresistible!" He created a check mark shape with his fingers and placed his hand under his chin smiling at Taehyun, proudly.
"Yeah," Taehyun giggled, looking down at the ground, "they are."
"Hey," a small voice called out, causing them both to turn around and see a little boy standing behind them, "How long are you old guys going to sit there? I want to play but you're hogging the game!"
"Ahh sorry," Taehyun smiled and got up from his seat, "Here you go little guy."
"Thanks," the boy stated, eyeing Beomgyu as he copied Taehyun, "I think the Bingo Hall is down the street."
Beomgyu tightly smiled and nodded, before turning to Taehyun, "Let's go, I think someone owes us drinks." Taehyun nodded and waved at the kid before leaving.
"I love kids," the younger smiled as they walked outside, "He was so cute."
Beomgyu scoffed, "Cute? If I didn't know any better I would of knocked that smile off the brat's face." He made a woosh sound, pretending to slap something in the air.
"Ooohh, sure you would tough guy," the younger teased, "I bet you couldn't hurt a fly." Beomgyu looked like he was about to defend himself, but they arrived in front of the tea shop before he could. "What do you want?" Taehyun asked, pulling out his money.
"Suprise me," Beomgyu grinned.
"Sure, I'll be out in a bit," Taehyun nodded, entering the shop. He glanced up and down the menu not really sure what to get for Beomgyu. He doesn't recall the older ever drinking tea so he didn't know what he liked. It sounds weird but Taehyun decided to choose the other's tea by certain smells he associated Beomgyu with. When it was finally his turn in line he ordered a green matcha tea for himself and a lavender tea for Beomgyu. "Here you go," he handed the other his drink after he stepped back outside.
"Thanks," Beomgyu happily took it as they started to walk down the street to his dorm. The first half of the walk was quiet. There was no reason for them not to say anything, they just didn't know what to talk about.
"So, uh," Taehyun tried to create conversation, "How are you coping with everything going on at school?"
"Still not good, but I'm trying to get over it," Beomgyu admitted.
"Why not good?" Taehyun tilted his head.
"It's hard you know, everything accusing you of something you didn't do," Beomgyu sighed.
Taehyun furrowed his brows, "Yeah, I get that. What about the whole being called gay thing?"
"It sucks," Beomgyu frowned, "People who I don't even talk to are saying things about me."
"So what?" the younger shrugged.
"So what?" Beomgyu repeated, confused.
"They're people you don't even talk to so who cares what they think!" Taehyun latched himslef onto the other's arm, "Gay or not gay, I think you're perfect the way you and that's all the matters." Beomgyu didn't say anything and Taehyun quickly let go and started to blush out of embarassment, "I-I'm sorry, I shouldn't of jumped on you like that! I know it's really hard dealing with a rumor and I-I shouldn't of joked around about it." The golden brown haired boy continued to stay silent. Taehyun started to become concerned and got closer to him, "Beomgyu?"
"Oh sorry bud," Beomgyu snapped out of his trance and patted Taehyun's back, "I was just thinking about something."
"Are you alright?" Taehyun asked, still concerned.
"Mhm," he nodded and took a sip of his tea, " Come on let's keep going. I'll let you pick out what you want to watch." Taehyun agreed and followed Beomgyu back to his dorm in silence once again.
"Are you sure there's enough room for both of us on your bed?" Taehyun asked as Beomgyu started to set up his laptop.
"Of course," Beomgyu scooted over and tapped on his chest.
"Huh?" the younger looked confused.
"Just come here," Beomgyu sighed, "After you turn off the lights, because I'm already sitting down."
"Of course," Taehyun rolled his eyes and flipped the switch. He still didn't know Beomgyu's dorm room well enough and kept stumbling over himself.
"Be careful," Beomgyu laughed when Taehyun finally reached the bed.
"Sorry," Taehyun placed himself next to Beomgyu.
"You have nothing to apologize for," Beomgyu pulled Taehyun's head onto his chest, "Now, what do you want to watch?"
"Hmm, what kind of shows are you into?" Taehyun asked, wanting to make sure he picked something they'd both liked.
"Whatever you like," the older smiled and Taehyun sighed.
"Do you like romance shows?" he questioned.
"Umm," Beomgyu paused for a second, "They're ok, but they're personally not my favorite."
"Well that's going to change tonight," Taehyun took Beomgyu's laptop and put on a show called Romance is a Bonus Book, "I've seen this already and it's really good. I bet after this all you're going to watch is romance." Beomgyu groaned, but didn't want to argue. After sitting through an hour of the show Beomgyu had to admit, it wasn't bad.
"I actually kinda like it," Beomgyu said. He expected Taehyun to tease him or give him the classic 'I told you so' but he didn't. He paused the show and could hear soft snoring. Beomgyu looked down to the see the younger asleep. His attractive features were somewhat visible against the computer light. A few minutes passed before Beomgyu realized that he was staring and cursed under his breath as his cheeks began to heat up. Why was he feeling like this? He shouldn't be feeling like this, because Beomgyu wasn't like that, right? He shook out of his thoughts but this weird feeling wouldn't go away.
Maybe if he just, uh, maybe his feeling would go away if he just, umm just one wouldn't hurt. Beomgyu held his breath and leaned down, placing a kiss on Taehyun's forehead, causing the other to moan. Beomgyu froze in place parshly because of what he just did and parshly because he didn't want to risk waking Taehyun. He was glad the lights were off because he was probably as red as a firetruck right now. Beomgyu only kissed him because he thought he would realize he didn't really have feeling for the younger, but it only made his feelings stronger. Sighing in defeat, he placed his laptop on the nightstand and closed his eyes in attempt to fall asleep, holding Taehyun in his arms.
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Noah Fel was a [Ritualist] for the Collegium. As a professor, his daily routine consisted largely of grading papers, writing apprentice recommendations, and helping to ensure that his students didn't blow themselves up. Truly, it was a rewarding job. Now though, displaced from his home in the after-effects of a ritual gone wrong, follow Fel on an inadvertent fantasy world adventure! Lands to travel, people to meet, and deaths to be had! Here you’ll find rituals, monsters, magic, a number of distractions, and more nervously written author’s notes than you can shake a stick at! A stand-alone brother story to Barkept Image of the book displayed in the Cover-Art by Noupload (Am I allowed to write author's notes in the Synopsis? Yeah why not- random thoughts, Go!) I've never done this before, but I've got this neat leather-bound notebook and a will to write, so let's have an adventure! If I do write something stupid, inconsistent, or strange, however... please do call me out on it?I love well-meaning corrections, they're one of the best ways I could improve! With all that out of the way, the author will sit here and transition into talking in the 3rd person while on break. It's the only time he's able to write. Don't worry, the work-break won't last long. Something is always sure to go wrong here at th
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