《Mending the Battle Wounds (TodoBakuDeku)》Chapter 20


Toga sprinted through the halls until she reached the cafeteria. She was gonna need help if her fears were correct.

Most of the cafeterai went silent when she ran in. The table her brothers were sitting at was abandoned in seconds as they all went to meet her.

"What's wrong?" Dabi asked, grabbing her arm as she caught her breath.

"Izu," She breathed out. "We had a fight and he said some stuff about middle school and then ran off." She explained.

"What'd he say?" Shigaraki pressed, having a bad feeling about where their conversation was heading.

"We have to find him. It's... it's not good, guys." She said vaguely. She wasn't gonna give up Izuku's secrets again, but she needed them to know how severe the situation was.

"Shit." Dabi cursed.

"Where would he go?" Twice asked, able to keep himself in check with how serious the situation was.

Toga turned to where Katsuki was sitting with his friends, all of them watching the villains. She rushed over to their table. "Last night, what gym did you guys hide out in?" She quickly asked.

"Huh? Why does it matter?" He asked back.

"Tell me or so help me God-"

"I can show you." Shoto offered, over hearing the conversation.

She breathed out a sigh of relief. "Thank you Todoroki." She said, everyone following him out of the cafeteria, Katsuki included. It wasn't like he was trying to be a dick, he just didn't understand why she would want to know.

"No offense, but running would be appreciated." She said, kind of in a hurry.

Shoto and Katsuki both broke out into a sprint towards the gym building they had been in last night. "Why the fuck are we running?" Katsuki asked.

"Izuku and I got in a fight. I think he's gonna try to jump again." Toga finally admitted.

"Well shit, why didn't you say that earlier?!" He yelled, picking up his speed.

"Oh hey, while we're in the middle of a cafeteria with everyone looking at us wanting to know what we're talking about, I think my brother's about to kill himself, mind helping me find him?" Toga said sarcastically.


The next few minutes of running were silent. Everyone was on edge, just wanting to get to the gym faster. When they finally reached the building, the came to a screeching halt.

Izuku was on the roof.

"Stay here and make sure he doesn't jump. If he does... catch him." Dabi said to Toga and Twice as they both mutely nodded. Dabi and Shigaraki ran into the gym, following after Shoto and Katsuki who had ran ahead, knowing how to get to the roof.

Katsuki was the first one on the roof, Shoto seconds behind him. Izuku was standing on the railing, where Shoto and Katsuki had been sitting the night before, with his back facing them.

He turned his head slightly when he heard them walking. "What're you two doing here?" He asked, fully turning so he could talk to them easier.

"Toga ran into the cafeteria asking what gym we were in last night. She told us what happened between you two." Katsuki explained. Shoto and him were making a point to stay far away from Izuku. If he thought they were going to try and stop him, he could panic and move quicker.

Izuku scoffed, wiping a stray tear that had fallen from his eyes. "Of course she did." He muttered. He wasn't crying really, just a few random tears here and there. He had expected a flood gate, like last time he had tried to do this. Apparently he was so fucked up he couldn't even feel sad about what he was about to do.

"Izuku please, just get off the ledge." Shoto pleaded, hoping that, for some reason, the boy would listen to him.

"No. I should have done this two years ago." Izuku said. "Then I wouldn't be such a fuck up. I wouldn't be so god damn different. I wouldn't.... I wouldn't be evil." He said, looking down at his hands. If he would have just ended it after finding his mother, he wouldn't be a villain. He wouldn't have disappointed everyone so much.

"You're not a fuck up and you're not fucking evil!" Katsuki said, taking a small step forwards that Izuku didn't seem to notice. "You're here, aren't you? You took the second chance and god damn it you're running with it. I know it's hard, I know, but you've gotten this far, why give up now?" He asked.


Izuku looked up at him, finally feeling the tears building up. "I don't deserve it! I don't deserve to be here, fulfilling my dream when she's dead! She's dead and I couldn't save her. I didn't plunge the knife into her chest, but I might as well have with all the good I did to help her." He cried.

Katsuki's face softened at the mention of Inko. He couldn't even begin to imagine how much guilt Izuku had been harboring all these years over her death. "Izuku, it's not your fault. Even if you had been there, how do you know you could have even helped? How do you know you wouldn't have ended up dead to?" He asked, taking another step forwards.

This time Izuku noticed. "Stop! Stay there Kacchan, I mean it." He threatened.

Katsuki held his hands up in surrender as Dabi and Shigaraki finally found their way to the roof. Izuku's eyes snapped to them, sizing them up and getting read to leap at a seconds notice. He didn't write a letter, so he needed to talk with all of them before leaving.

"Guys, I'm... I'm sorry." He said, as a few tears slipped down his face.

His brothers made it to Shoto and Katsuki and stopped short, knowing better than to try and inch closer. "Hey don't be sorry kid, you didn't do anything. Just get down from there and let's go back to the dorms. We can watch high school musical with Himi and you two can sing obnoxiously loud, like always." Dabi offered with a soft smile, holding a hand out for Izuku.

Izuku shook his head, more tears catching up with him. "I can't!" He burst, trying to hold back the sobs.

This wasn't like last time. He wasn't alone. He hadn't lost everyone. If he left, he'd be leaving behind a family. It made it that much harder.

"C'mon Izu, you know you can. Just-" Shigaraki was cut off as Izuku's foot nearly slipped. The four boys on the roof rushed forwards, but Izuku caught himself, making them all freeze again.

Shoto, who was now only a few feet away from Izuku along with Katsuki, thought of a new approach. "What'd about your mom, Izuku? Would she really want you to do this?" He asked.

Izuku's watery gaze snapped to his. "It doesn't matter what she'd want me to do. She's dead! If anything, she'd want me with her." He said back.

Katsuki used Shoto's distraction to inch closer again, without Izuku noticing. "You know that's not true. Auntie would never want you to give up like this. She would want you to power through and show everyone how strong you really are. She'd want you to be the hero she always knew you were." He said, feeling his own eyes start to water. Whether it was from Izuku or the talk of Inko, he really didn't know anymore.

"Kacchan..." Izuku said, looking down at his childhood friend.

"C'mon Izuku, you know how much this would break her heart." Katsuki said, knowing he was close to getting through to him.

Izuku sent him a tear eyed smile, which confused Katsuki. He looked to Shoto after, before going back to Katsuki.

"Izuku, what're you-" Katsuki was cut off.

"It won't be the first time." Izuku said, finally falling back.



Katsuki and Shoto rushed to the edge, Dabi and Shigaraki right behind them. Katsuki's hand reached out, trying to grab onto Izuku's hand. His fingers just skimmed over Izuku's, before he was slipping away from him.

All four watched in slow motion as Izuku hurtled towards the concrete ground beneath them.

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