《Mending the Battle Wounds (TodoBakuDeku)》Chapter 19


Izuku and Shoto were woken up by Shoto's alarm clock the next morning, or well a few hours later. They had been up most of the night and neither of them really felt like getting up.

They were still in the exact same position they were in when Shoto fell asleep, making him smile and Izuku panic. He was nestled up against Shoto's fire side, extremely comfortable but confused. 'When did this happen?' He questioned silently.

"Wanna skip our first class?" Shoto asked, reading one arm out to turn the alarm off.

"Wh-what? We can't do that, Aizawa would kill us." Izuku said, but he made no move to get up.

Shoto moved so both arms were around Izuku again, burying his face into the green fluff on top of his head. "Not likely, Kaminari and Sero are late all the time." He pointed out.

"Todoroki- Can I just call you Shoto? It's a lot shorter than Todoroki and apparently I'm not allowed to call you Todo." Izuku wondered out loud, thinking back to when Katsuki had fought with him over Shoto's nickname.

With a soft smile Izuku couldn't see due to their position, he agreed. "Yeah, I think we're past last names anyway." He mused, hinting at the fact they had cuddled the whole night and were currently still wrapped around each other.

"So Izuku?" The green haired boy asked.

"Izuku." Shoto said with a small nod that Izuku could feel on the top of his head.

"Anyway, what were we talking about before? Oh yeah! We have to go to class." Izuku said, remembering their previous topic of conversation.

Shoto groaned while pulling away and sitting up. "You're a villain, aren't you supposed to not follow the rules?" He complained.

Izuku felt a warm feeling in his chest at seeing this different side of Shoto. Usually he was to closed off to really complain other than sarcastic comments. This was different, he was actually letting his feelings and thoughts shine through, even if he was complaining about Izuku.

"I'm trying to stay out of jail, which means follow the rules." Izuku said while getting out of Shoto's bed. "Crap, my dorm's still locked and I can't get my uniform." He said, grabbing at his hair in frustration.

Shoto ran a hand through his hair, trying to tame the nest it had became while he slept. "I'd offer you one of mine to borrow, but I'm quite a bit taller than you."

Izuku groaned and face planted back onto the bed, much to Shoto's amusement. "I'm sure Bakugou would let you borrow one, he's a bit closer to your height." He suggested.

Izuku immediately perked up at hearing that he still had hope. He checked the clock and saw that he still twenty minutes before class. That was enough time to get to Katsuki's dorm and get a borrowed uniform. "I'm gonna go ask, I'll see you in class!" Izuku said, rushing out of the room, hoping Katsuki hadn't left yet.

"See ya Izuku." Shoto said as he ran out.

Then he ran right back in.

"Yes?" Shoto asked, puzzled by his reappearance.

"I don't know where Kacchan's room is." He said, quite embarrassed by the fact. Usually when they all hung out, it was at Izuku's dorm.

Shoto offered him a small, reassuring smile. "Let me get ready quick and I can show you?" He offered. Izuku eagerly nodded.

Shoto quickly got changed, fixed his hair for real, and brushed his teeth. "Okay, let's hope he hasn't left yet." He muttered as both boys walked out of his dorm and to the elevator.


When they reached the fourth floor, where Katsuki's dorm was, the elevator opened just as Katsuki exited his dorm. He looked at them questioningly. "What'd are you two doing here?" He asked.

"I'm still locked out of my dorm so I can't get to my uniform. Shoto said I could borrow one of his, but he's like four inches taller than me so I'd actually drown in it. He suggested asking you, since you're closer to my height. Can I please, pretty, pretty please, borrow a uniform?" Izuku pleaded. If worst came to worst he could always borrow one of Shoto's, but he wasn't kidding when he said he would drown in it.

"Shoto?" Katsuki asked, his nose crinkled at the name.

"Not the point, Katsuki." Shoto said in reply, which earned him a quick glare from the blond.

Katsuki ran a hand down his face at Izuku's puppy dog eyes. "Fine nerd, you can borrow a uniform, just don't ruin it or you're dead." He threatened. Izuku nodded eagerly in understanding.

They all walked into Katsuki's room, the blond heading to his closet to get another uniform. Shoto leaned against the wall by the door, while Izuku took a seat on the bed.

"I'm... I'm sorry about last night. I kind of made it suck for both of you, but mainly you, Kacchan." Izuku said, glancing up at the blond who had stopped rummaging through his closet and was now staring at Izuku with a heated gaze. "I didn't want them to beat you up, honestly! I've never wanted them too, well I mean maybe a little last year, but not now. I'm really, really sorry they did. You didn't-"

"D- Izuku, just let it go, okay? It's not like I'm mad at you or even them. I definitely deserved it, so stop trying to tell me I didn't." He had turned back to the closet, finally grabbing a clean uniform. He tossed it to Izuku, who quickly caught it. "Besides, you're the one that said I had a lot to do to make up for back then. This is me trying." He said with a shrug.

Izuku gaped at him. "Kacchan, that's not what I meant! I wanted you to stop being an asshole to everyone, not to get the shit beaten out of you by my brothers!" He argued.

Katsuki shrugged again. "I let them beat me up, that was me being nice."

"You sir, need a fucking therapist." Izuku mumbled, looking over the clothes he had been given.

Katsuki nodded at him. "Thanks for pointing that out, again. Seriously, you know exactly what to say to people." He said with a scoff.

"You let some beat you up because you thought it was the nice thing to do. You've got some problems Kacchan. If it makes you feel any better, mine are worse." Izuku admitted, not really caring. He was pretty messed up mentally and it wasn't a huge secret.

"Thanks villain, now just go change." Katsuki said, nodding towards his bathroom.

Izuku quickly left, remembering that they should probably hurry up and get to school.

Once he was gone, Shoto and Katsuki were alone. "You know he's trying, right?" Shoto asked from where he was standing with his arms crossed.

Katsuki ran a hand down the front of his face and let himself fall into his desk chair. "Yeah, I know that. Doesn't mean he has to point out my psychological issues all the damn time."

Shoto sighed and pushed a hand through his hair. "Cut him some slack, he's been living with villains for the past year and a half. My guess is that they didn't have a lot of boundaries. He can clearly see that your struggling because you're terrible at hiding it. He's worried about you and he's treating you like everyone else he cares about. Bluntly telling you to get your shit together. It's just how he's wired now, it'll take more than two weeks to change that." He explained.


He knew that Katsuki knew Izuku before he became a villain. That he knew what he was like before. That's probably who he was expecting when he showed up at school, but it just wasn't who the boy was anymore. He was... damaged now.

It was like when someone drops a glass cup on the floor and it shatters. You can try and put it back together, glue all the pieces you can find, but it'll still be missing pieces. It's never going to be the same after that.

"I... I know that. I just... I miss how he used to be." Katsuki said honestly. Sure it was still Izuku deep down, but he had changed so much since his mother's death. Sometimes it was hard for Katsuki to see the boy he used to know.

"It's not who he is anymore and the sooner you accept that, the sooner you can help him. He's struggling too you know. He wants to be that kid again, the one you miss. Help him find that again. It'll never be the exact same, but you can at least make him happy again."

They both fell into a silence and soon after Izuku reemerged from the bathroom. His head was down as he walked back into the room. "Can I keep my clothes here and get them after class?" He asked softly.

Katsuki nodded, wondering what was up with the small boy. He chalked it up to him just not getting enough sleep last night.

In reality, Izuku had heard everything Shoto and Katsuki had said.

"Let's get to class before we're late." Shoto said, catching both boy's attention.

They nodded and silently walked to class, which was awkward for all three. Katsuki and Shoto had obviously noticed the mood shift in Izuku, but both thought it was either sleep deprivation or the small fight with Katsuki while getting the uniform.

The first half of the day went by with Izuku staying quiet in his desk. He wasn't necessarily loud in class, but he'd usually answer Aizawa's questions, being one of the smartest students in the room. Most of the class had noticed the new development.

Aizawa was obviously worried about his newest problem child. He had a soft spot for the misunderstood boy, especially knowing his background with Toshinori.

Most of the students were worried as well. While their were a few who couldn't care less about the boy, quite a lot of students had grown fond of the two villains in their class, and weren't happy with the sudden personality change.

When lunch rolled around, Izuku stayed in his desk. He wasn't hungry and sleeping at his desk sounded more appealing than sitting in the cafeteria and being forced to eat something. Besides, he still wasn't talking to any of his family and he didn't have anyone else to sit with.

"Izu what's wrong? You've been strangely quiet all day." Toga asked, coming up to the side of his desk and kneeling down to his level.

He said nothing, keeping his head buried in his arms so it was easier to ignore her.

"I know you're mad at me right now, but I'm just worried. I'm sorry for telling everyone about what Bakugou did, but they really needed to know." She continued after his silence.

"No they didn't. They beat the shit out of him for it." Izuku snarled at her, still keeping his head down.

Toga shrugged. They were villains, Katsuki was lucky to just be alive. "He kind of deserved it Izu. It wasn't worse than what he's done to you."

Izuku snapped his head up and slammed his hands down on the desk. "Would everyone stop saying he deserved it?! He did something stupid over two years ago. He's apologized and he's trying to make up for it. What he deserves is up to me. I'm the one he did all that stuff too, not you, not Dabi, not Shigaraki, no one but me. I get to decide, not you guys." He said, glaring at her. "Now, leave him the fuck alone."

Toga was taken aback by Izuku's harshness towards her. She was shocked and hurt, but quickly covered it up. "Are you seriously defending him?" She asked, standing up straight.

"I'm not gonna fight about this right now." He said, rubbing his temples as he felt a migraine coming on.

"Oh I'm sorry, when would work the best for you? When he's pushing you into another panic attack?" She snapped.

"Those were not his fault." He shot back.

"Of course not! Nothing ever is." She said while throwing her hands in the air.

Izuku was losing his temper quickly. His emotions had been all over the place in the past twenty four hours and he was exhausted. He stood up out of his desk, knocking the desk and chair over.

Toga didn't flinch, not being surprised by it. This wasn't the first time they had gotten into a heated argument and it wouldn't be the last. They were family and family fight sometimes.

"You wanna know something Himiko? You're right, it's not his fault. You could sit here all day and try and convince me it was, but I'll never believe you and you want to know why?" He asked her.

"Please, enlighten me." She said sarcastically, crossing her arms over her chest.

"I don't blame him for all the shit he did in middle school, because deep down I blame myself. I know I deserved all the shit he did to me. I was weak and pathetic and I just let him do whatever the hell he felt like. That's my fault. If I would have tried hard enough, I could have gotten him to stop, I could have told an adult, I could have switched schools, I could have done something. But I didn't. And that's my own. god. damn. fault." He finished while slightly panting from the yelling he had just done.

Toga was staring at him wide eyed. She had no idea that was what he thought.


"Fuck off." He said suddenly, bolting out of the room.

"Izuku, wait!" She called after him, but he powered up his quirk and was out of the hallway before she even left the room.

"Fuck!" She screamed, kicking the doorframe in anger.

She had to find him before he did something stupid.

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