《Mending the Battle Wounds (TodoBakuDeku)》Chapter 17


"I'm sorry, you fucking did what?" Shigaraki yelled, standing up with Dabi following him.

Katsuki's eyes widened as he registered what she had said and the fact she seemed to be the only one that knew about it.

At the sound of the yell, Izuku groggily woke up. He didn't want to leave the heat source and just nuzzled further into Shoto. The taller boy would have actually 'awed' at the sight, but he was a bit preoccupied with the fight.

"You were the one that told him that?" Dabi asked, seething right along with Shigaraki.

Toga had been the only one Izuku had told about the extent of Katsuki's bullying. She's also the only one who knew about his crush on the blond. All the rest of the League knew, was that Katsuki had been a main bully and someone or multiple someones had told him to kill himself before.

Katsuki had no idea what to do. He couldn't defend himself and he didn't even want to. He'd probably let Dabi and Shigaraki beat the shit out of him if they wanted.

He kept his eyes trained on the ground, glaring daggers at it. He barely reacted when Dabi tugged him to his feet by the front of his shirt. "What the fuck gave you the right to say that shit to him? To do that shit to him?" He snarled at the blond.

Katsuki didn't say anything. He knew that the correct answer would be nothing, and he knew that nothing had given him the right, but back then he had thought it was because he had a quirk and Izuku didn't.

Shoto knew Izuku was awake, he could tell from the way his grip tightened around his neck as the fight in the living room got more aggressive. He slightly turned his head so he was whispering directly into Izuku's ear. "Are you okay?"

Izuku shook his head no.

"Do you want me to get you out of here?"

Izuku shook his head no.

He needed to know what was going to happen. He needed to know how Katsuki would respond. More importantly, Izuku had to make sure he wasn't murdered.

"Just let me know if you want to leave, okay?" Shoto said, wanting to make sure Izuku knew he could leave anytime. He received a nod in response.

There was silence as Dabi waited for an answer from Katsuki that would never come. He narrowed his eyes at the younger boy. "You know he was going to do it, right? He was seconds away from jumping when All For One stopped him."

Izuku had tightened his grip so much, he had nearly cut off Shoto's airway. The duel haired boy immediately stood up, Izuku's legs wrapping around his waist to help support himself. "I'm taking him upstairs, he doesn't need to hear you guys fight over his suicide attempt." He said as he walked over to the elevator.


Toga quickly followed after, but before she could talk or get on the elevator with them, Izuku lifted his head and sent her a watery glare.

"Izu, I-"

"You told them. You promised you wouldn't, and you did." Izuku said, cutting off her apology.

Izuku was facing her, so Shoto's back was also facing her and she couldn't see Izuku's. Shoto had started to rub a hand up and down his back in an effort to calm him. He wasn't sure if it was working, but when the elevator door shut and Izuku completely crumbled in his arms, he kept it up while at least hoping that it would help.

"Sorry, I should have gotten you out sooner." Shoto whispered to him while they waited for the elevator to get to his floor. Izuku stayed silent, not sure how to respond or even if he wanted to. Talking sounded like to much energy at that moment in time.

Shoto took the hint and didn't try to strike up anymore conversations as he walked them the rest of the way to Izuku's room. He tried the handle but his door was locked. "Do you have your key?" He asked softly.

Izuku unhooked one of his arms from Shoto's neck and patted his back pocket. His face scrunched up in confusion. "Crap, it must have fallen out at some point." He said, close to tears at how badly his luck was that night. He was overly tired and overwhelmed, basically at his breaking point.

"Hey, it's okay. Please don't cry. You can stay with me if you want? Or I could see if you could stay with Dabi or something." Shoto offered, not wanting to see Izuku cry again that night. It broke his heart a little bit more every time he had to see it.

"Twice is probably asleep, Dabi and Shigaraki are... fighting with Kacchan... and I'm not exactly talking to Toga right now." Izuku explained, really close to just sleeping in the hallway outside of his room. He really didn't care at that point.

"Are you okay with staying with me then?" Shoto asked, already heading to the elevator. They'd need to take it to get to his dorm or the ground level to go wake up Aizawa to let Izuku into his own dorm.

"Are you okay with me staying with you?" Izuku asked, moving so he could see Shoto's face while still being held.

"Yeah, I don't really mind." Shoto said casually.

Izuku shrugged then. "Okay I can do that then. Do you think Aizawa could get me a new key tomorrow?" He asked, resting his head back down on Shoto's shoulder. Now that he knew where he'd be sleeping that night, he was fully giving into his fatigue.


"Yeah, he has the originals and makes copies all the time for students who lose theirs." Shoto explained. He had only lost his key once, but Kaminari and Kirishima needed new keys at least once a week.

Izuku yawned as he let his eyes flutter shut. "Okay." He said tiredly.

They were in Shoto's dorm a few minutes later. Shoto gently set Izuku down on his bed, seeing as the other boy had already fallen asleep again. "I have no clue how he does that." Shoto whispered to himself. He had managed to fall asleep twice, both times in a matter of minutes. Shoto was oddly baffled by the phenomenon.

Once Izuku was all settled, Shoto changed into a pair of sweat pants and a tshirt. He grabbed a pillow and a blanket and set up a small spot for himself on the floor, but before he could lay down, there was a knock on his door.

He pulled it open and raised a brow at the late visitor. "They really did a number on you, huh?" He asked.

Katsuki had a black eye, a bust lip, and a bloody nose. "Doesn't matter." He said shortly. "You got him back to his dorm, right?" He asked, just wanting to know that Izuku was okay. He couldn't care less about what he looked like at that moment.

"He lost his key at some point so he's sleeping here." Shoto explained, opening the door wider to that Katsuki could see Izuku's sleeping figure.

Katsuki let out a breath of relief at the sight. "Okay." He said with a nod.

"You know, you have to set that back into place, right?" Shoto asked, nodding towards Katsuki's nose.

"I'll go to Recovery Girl in the morning." Katsuki brushed it off.

"It'll have already started healing by then and you'll be left with a crooked nose." Shoto pointed out.

"Whatever." Katsuki said, not caring about being stuck with a crooked nose. "I'll do it when I get back to my dorm or something."

Shoto raised a brow at him. "And do you know how to set a nose?"

"No, but how hard can it be?" Katsuki shot back.

Shoto rolled his eyes and grabbed Katsuki's wrist, pulling him into his dorm. "Hey! What the hell do you-"

"Sh," Shoto said, pointing at the sleeping green haired boy. He pulled Katsuki into the bathroom and shut the door behind him.

"Just sit down and try not to scream." Shoto instructed.

Katsuki rolled his eyes as he pushed himself onto Shoto's bathroom counter. "I'm not gonna scream, I'm not a pussy."

"Mhm, sure." Shoto said not really paying attention as he moved his hands to Katsuki's face.

Katsuki had to fight off the urge to flinch away when Shoto's hands made contact with his aching nose.

"Holy shit!" Katsuki exclaimed when Shoto suddenly shifted his hands and Katsuki's nose.

"Thought you weren't a pussy Bakugou." Shoto teased while stepping away from the other boy.

"That wasn't a scream and it was just because you surprised me." Katsuki defended, rubbing his nose.

"Yeah, sure. Here, for the blood." Shoto said, handing him a wash cloth.

Katsuki hesitantly took it from him, unused to Shoto helping him out. "Um... thanks I guess." He muttered.

The small room became awkwardly quiet as Katsuki rubbed at his nose and lip to get rid of the small amount of blood.

"Did you actually do it?" Shoto asked him, eventually breaking the quiet.

"What specifically?" Katsuki asked with a tired look in his eyes.

"All of it." Shoto said, remaining vague. He knew Katsuki had a huge ego and could be an asshole most of the time, but he didn't think he was capable of doing the things to Izuku that Toga had accused him of.

Katsuki looked down, clearly ashamed of his past self. It was a look Shoto had never seen on him, Katsuki wasn't ever ashamed.

"Yeah..." He confirmed, trailing off. There wasn't really anything else for him to say on the matter.

"Why?" Shoto asked, genuinely confused at what had been going through Katsuki's head in middle school.

With an aggressive sigh, Katsuki kicked himself off the counter and paced the small room. "I don't fucking know okay? I was a prick who thought that since I had a quirk and he didn't, it gave me the right to push him around. I was just.... stupid. I don't even know, I don't have an excuse." He said, running a hand through his hair. "I regret it, more than I've ever regretted something in my life. I know there's nothing I can do that can make up for what I did, but I'm gonna fucking try because it's the only thing I can do." He said, giving Shoto a pleading look. He just wanted someone to believe him when he said he was sorry about what he did in middle school.


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