《Just for the Summer (TodoBakuDeku)》Chapter 20


Izuku's POV~

After that comment was made, Shoto was pulled out of school early that day, and he was dragged home by his father. I had to hold Kacchan back, even though the last thing I wanted was for Shoto to get dragged out of the school by his hair. It would only be worse if we had intervened.

"When do you think he'll be back?" I asked Kacchan nervously. We were both in the kitchen, I was sitting on a stool, watching him as he stress cooked.

"Fucking never." He said, throwing around utensils he didn't need.

I flinched at the loud noises he was creating. "Don't say that, I'm sure-"

"Sure of what?! His dad found out! His homophobic, abusive, bastard of a father, found out! If you think he'll let Shoto within a fifty foot radius of us ever again, you're more naive than I thought." He said, trailing off at the end.

The anger left him, and sadness washed over him. Despair, knowing that the odds were we'd never see the boy we loved again. Guilt, that we could have possibly stopped it from happening. Helplessness, because the chances were, Shoto was getting beat within an inch of his life.

We knew that, and there was nothing we could do.

"I know that Kacchan! I know all of that, and I know exactly what it means. I'm not being naïve, I'm being hopeful. I'm hoping that we get to see him again. I'm hoping that his dad doesn't kill him. I'm hoping, because the only I can do right now." I said back, tears forming in my eyes. I couldn't help all the emotions that were bubbling up in my chest and threatening to spill over. I was either going to cry until the whole dorm building was flooded, or I was going to punch the wall until it all collapsed. I still hadn't decided which.


"And I know that me yelling at you, isn't what you need right now, but I don't know what to do anymore! I've never felt so completely and utterly useless, even while quirkless. If I had just dropped when Sho told me to, or held out a little bit longer, you two wouldn't have fought with his dad and this whole thing would have never happened, but I was so fucking weak, and I still am and there's nothing I can do-" I was cut off by Kacchan grabbing one of my shoulder with one hand, and my chin with the other, forcing me to look at him.

"Don't you dare fucking blame yourself for this. It's not your fault that the blood pooled in your fucking head and you passed out. You are not the problem, his fucking dad is." Kacchan said sternly.

"But what-" I was cut off by my own phone ringing in my back pocket. The noise startled us both and set me jumping into the air. I quickly reached in for the device as Kacchan went back to cooking.

The caller ID said it was my mom. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion. Why was she randomly calling me?

I hit the answer button and brought it up to my ear. "Mom?" I asked her.

"First off, I'm a little offended I didn't know about you're two boyfriends," she started, making me suck in a sudden breath, catching Kacchan's attention. He stopped what he was doing and looked over at me, worry written on his features. "Second, honey you're in some serious trouble..." She said in a sympathetic tone.

I froze. I thought that out of all of our parents, she'd be the most okay with it.

"Mom, I'm sorry, but-"

"Honey why are you sorry?" She asked me, confused. Which only made me more confused.


"Aren't you mad at me?" I asked her slowly, really catching Kacchan's attention. He moved over to me, putting his hands on either side of the counter, around me, caging me into it. He started to listen to what we were both saying.

"Why would I be mad? I'm happy for you! If you're happy, I'm thrilled! That's not the trouble I was talking about." She, sort of, clarified.

"Oh. Well then what am I in trouble for?" I asked, looking over at Kacchan, who seemed to realize something I hadn't.

"Endeavor had called me earlier, explaining the quote on quote, 'inappropriate homosexual relationship', you, Shoto, and Katsuki, are apparently in, which I called by the way, and well... he contacted Katsuki's parents as well." She clarified.

Kacchan had moved away like I had burned him. My eyes widened at what that statement could mean. Clearly everyone knew something that I had yet to find out. Even over the summer, Kacchan's parents were never mentioned.

"M-mom, I have to go. Love you." I said quickly, hanging up half way through her response.

"Kacc-" I reached out for him, but he smacked my hand away. I was a little bit stunned.

"I have to go." He said quickly, turning and fleeing from the room, just as his phone started to ring.

He froze in place, knowing who it was on the other end. He hesitantly answered, quickly pulling it away from his ear with a wince, as shouting was heard on the other side. Once it calmed down, he took a deep breath and moved it back to his head.

"Mom?..." He asked softly.

I didn't care if he was suddenly against hugs, I rushed to him and clung to him like our lives depended on it. He used his free arm to grab onto me, relieving my stress, just a fraction. I didn't know what was going on, but I didn't think it would be good.

There was more muffled yelling, Kacchan had moved his head and arm further away, preventing me from hearing what exactly was being said. He could clearly hear and understand everything though.

After a few more minutes of yelling, he finally got to speak. "Okay. I'll be there in ten." He said in a broken voice. My eyes widened at his words.

"I'm... I'm sorry..." He added.

More yelling.

Eventually, what I assumed to by his mother, hung up the phone. Kacchan pried himself away from me and continued walking out of the kitchen.

"Where're you going?" I asked him, knowing the answer.


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