《Just for the Summer (TodoBakuDeku)》Chapter 4


Izuku's POV~

I checked my phone for the time and realized that it was to late to get Mr. Aizawa to let me back in. I'd have to wait until tomorrow. I groaned at the thought of being stuck on the couch for the night.

I decided to head back down to the living room. I was just hoping everyone had already gone to bed. Karma seemed to be sparing me for all the crap it had just put me through, because the first floor was now empty.

I took a seat on the couch, tucking my legs under me. I switched on the tv and started to scroll through the channels. I came across an old All Might special from when I was a kid. It was actually one Kacchan and I watched a lot, when we were still friends that is.

I smiled sadly at the feeling of nostalgia that took over me and clicked on the channel. I leaned back and got ready for a sleepless night.

I was less than fifteen minutes into the show, when the elevators dinged, signaling that someone else had entered the first floor. I turned my head to see who it was, and wasn't very surprised when Kacchan came walking through the doors.

He saw me and said, "You've got to be fucking kidding me."

I sheepishly waved at him. "I got locked out of my room, so I'm stuck down here until tomorrow when I can ask Aizawa to open it. Wanna watch an All Might special with me?" I offered, knowing that he probably wasn't able to sleep, for whatever reason, and he probably just wanted a distraction.

He silently made his way to the couch and sat on the opposite side. "This doesn't mean anything, I just have nothing better to do." He grumbled while crossing his arms over his chest.


I smiled, knowing that I was making progress, even if it was miniscule. Every little bit counted.

When the show came back on after a commercial, Kacchan seemed to figure out which one it was. "Isn't this the one we used to watch all the time?" He asked me, not taking his eyes off the screen.

"Yeah, I'm surprised you remember it." I said with a soft smile as I thought back to our sleepovers we used to have.

"How the hell could I forget it? You made me watch it a million times." He said with a tch sound at the end.

I laughed, "You aren't wrong about that, but you loved it just as much as me! Or else we both know you wouldn't have let me put it on all the time." I argued back.

"Yeah, whatever nerd." He said, his voice at a normal level. It was weird to hear him talking like that, especially with me. It wasn't something that had happened in... a really long time.

We settled into a comfortable silence while watching the show that brought back childhood memories. About twenty minutes later, the elevator doors dinged again.

Kacchan and I both turned to see who it was, seeing as there were only two other people in the builing. Todoroki was the next one to appear on the first floor.

"What the hell do you want, Icyhot?" Kacchan asked him as Todoroki came strolling through the common area and to the kitchen.

"Water?..." He said, like he wasn't sure if he really needed to explain himself to Kacchan. I mean, he didn't, so...

He disappeared for a second, and came back with water, sitting on the other side of me. "What're you two doing?" He asked, looking between us and the tv.


"I locked myself out of my dorm so I have to stay down here tonight, Kacchan couldn't sleep, so we're just watching an old All Might show. Want to watch it with us?" I asked him excitedly. Todoroki was one of my really good friends, of course I wanted to hang out with him. Plus, I thought it'd be a good way to ease him and Kacchan into a sort of friendship, where they weren't trying to attack each other every thirty seconds.


"I never said I couldn't fucking sleep." Kacchan piped up, apparently not happy with my description of our current scenario.

Todoroki and I both looked over at him. "Then why are you down here?" Todoroki asked him, a single eyebrow raised.

Kacchan glared at him. "Because I had nothing better to do." He said back.

"Because you can't sleep." Todoroki finished for him.

"Shut the hell up! I can sleep just fine!" Kacchan yelled, getting ready to leap at the other boy.

I held my hands up, trying to calm the blonde boy down. "Kacchan! Calm down. He's not trying to be mean or make fun of you! Why do you think he's down here? He can't sleep either!" I said, trying to defuse the situation. Literally.

Kacchan's anger didn't completely fade, but he sat back down, relaxing into the couch. I let out a breath in relief, I didn't want to break up a fight that late at night.

For the next few hours, we all just sat and watched old reruns of a pretty bad All Might tv show, but it had a certain charm to it. There was just something about bad, old, tv shows that made me strangely happy.

I started to feel drowsy and eventually felt myself drift off.

Tokoyami's POV~

I had just finished some really late night training with Dark Shadow, working on controlling him when it was dark, when I walked into Heights Alliance and found a strange sight.

I had heard the tv playing, so I had just assumed that Bakugou couldn't sleep again. He was normally on the couch watching some random show when I came back from training. I never talked to him about it, just offered a nod, which he usually returned, to my surprise.

I walked through the living room, but was surprised by what I found. Midoriya, Todoroki, and Bakugou were all on the couch. If that wasn't strange enough, they were all sleeping.

Cuddled up to each other.

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