《Wanna Join a Band? (TodoBakuDeku)》THIS TOOK WAY TO LONG, PLEASE READ OR ILL CRY (Q and A)
Lyzard (Author): So I feel like, by now, everyone knows how I do these things, but here's a quick run down if you don't. It's basically every character and myself all in one big room for an interview type thing. Usually, if I don't want certain characters present for a question or questions, they'll be gone getting like food or something. And yes, I am aware that I take these things way to seriously, but it's way more fun like that.
Lyzard: I'm just trying to get some serotonin anyway possible.
Lyzard: Also, complete and utter side note, but I feel like 'Lyzard' and 'Lyz' are such widely accepted names for me now, so that's what I'll be using for this.
Lyzard: Anywho, Izuku, babe, you're first, just like always.
Katsuki: Anyone else find that unfair?
Lyzard: *sighing intensely* Bakubabe, we've been over this. He goes first because he's the main character.
Shoto: So the fact I'm second is because I beat him, right?
Lyzard: No, I-
Katsuki: Shut it, we all know I'm their favorite.
Lyzard: Facts.
Lyzard: Shoto's second because, well I honestly don't know why. Probably because I feel bad that I type Shoot every time I try to type his name quickly.
Shoto: Yeah, and you've already done it like three times.
Lyzard: Okay, seriously, Izuku help me.
Who's the better cuddler? Shoto or Katsuki.
Lyzard: This was like the very first question on the whole chapter, and I kid you not, I cackled when I read it.
Izuku: There is no correct answer to this, is there?
Lyzard: Oh, absolutely not.
Izuku: Both?...
Lyzard: That's not-
Izuku: Both.
Lyzard: It's not that type of question-
Izuku: Both *intense glare*
Lyzard: *eyeing him suspiciously* I honestly can't remember if I made you this feisty or if I have the wrong Izuku again.
Katsuki: *eyeing him up and down* Either that or he's from the 1920's.
Lyzard: Hey, I have a lot of feisty Izuku's.... wait, they're all feisty, this was pointless. Anyways, moving on.
Why do you hate bacon??
Izuku: Because Lyzard hates bacon and they feel the need to project.
Lyzard: Oof, nothing like calling myself out with a fictional character. I'm definitely running low on mental stability.
Shoto: Maybe if you ate more bacon that wouldn't be the case. *shrugs*
Lyzard: That's not how that works-
Why don't you go to the doctor for medication for your insomnia
Izuku: So the real answer is because Lyz obviously wanted the whole cuddling to sleep trope, but the reason that they're making up right now, is because medications have so many side affects and symptoms that I just don't want to risk it.
Lyzard: A totally reasonable explanation. At least that's why my mom won't let me get meds. *shrugs*
Why did you get so mad at Sero what did he do???
Izuku: Um, I think... I think it was because he was trying to bring up Kacchan bullying me in middle school after I had already said I didn't want to talk about it. Then it was all of his smartass comments.
Lyzard: *trying really hard to remember if that was the actual reason or not* *has so much going on that it's really hard to know which scenarios happened in which book/one shot*
What's the longest amount of time you have slept?
Shinso: I just... I vibe so strongly with your username.
Lyzard: I've made Shinso into a viber.... oops.
Izuku: Um, I don't know. I haven't always been an anxious mess of insomnia, so when I was a kid it was probably like... the normal amount?
Katsuki: This is why I make fun of you.
Izuku: Kacchan, you're an asshole.
Lyzard: God damn it, go back to the 1920's! Someone find me the right Izuku!
What are you studying? (In college). Sorry if you already said what your studying... I forgot. Sowwy
Lyzard: *using big brain power to try and remember* I seriously need to take better notes.
Izuku: I'm going to become a teacher... right?
Lyzard: .... right...?....
Shinso: *rolling his eyes* Right.
When I have a mental dreak down the only thing that stops me for crying my eyes out is you.
How do you feel about that?
Izuku: *clearly flustered* Oh, um, flattered I guess?
Shoto and Katsuki: *both grumbling something about this Q and A being unfair bc they can't really get jealous and yell seeing as Lyz hasn't gotten far enough into the book for them to be dating*
This is a dumb question,
have you ever had a boyfriend?
Izuku: *once again flustered*
Lyzard: Wow, you're good at this.
Izuku: Well, um, no.
Shoto: *completely flabbergasted*
Lyzard: I thoroughly enjoy the word flabbergasted, in case anyone was wondering.
Katsuki: Not a soul, no one cares.
Lyzard: Valid. But Izuku was right, you're an asshole.
Katsuki: *scoffing* says the kinny.
Lyzard: Shut it or I'll kill you off.
Kaminari: Yeah dude, don't test them.
Lyzard: *fed up with the blond boys' bullshit* It was once and you bring it up every q and a!
Kaminari: I'm still dead, aren't I?
Lyzard: Moving on.
Are you awake that you have a crush on both males??
Izuku: I assume you mean aware. And who is 'both'? That's a very vague term. It could be any two males at all, in the whole world. So unfortunately I can not give you an accurate answer to this question because I am unaware of who you mean.
Katsuki: *whispering to Shoto* he knows that we know, right?
Shoto: *also whispering* I highly doubt it.
what are you trying to hide form Katsuki and Shoto about your recording studio? Are you a popular singer that no one knows the identity of?
Izuku: Oh well- *that high pitch noise that happens when you experience technical difficulties* So um yeah, that's what that's about.
Lyzard: *cackling manically*
Shoto: *muttering and clearly pissed off* still can't spell manically though.
Lyzard: I'll kill you off.
Shoto: Bet.
Lyzard: *knowing that Shoto will willing accept death* I'll kill of Izuku.
Shoto: *hugging the small, confused broccoli boy* You wouldn't dare.
Villain AU Izuku: *coming back from the dead for a hot sec* Oh, they would.
Lyzard: Check mate brotato chip.
Katsuki: *done with Lyz's shit* don't ever say that again.
Lyzard: It's extremely weird to talk about myself in third person.
What kind of projects do you have on your computer in the recording studio? Do you have a favorite genre of music?
Izuku: Well the stuff on my computer is *Mic just screaming in the background*. And my favorite genre is probably any type of alternative.
Is your fridge running?
Izuku: *confused and hesitant* Yes?
Lyzard: I'm disappointed in myself, don't worry.
If you could be an animal, what would you be?
Izuku: Well seeing as last Q and A someone completely destroyed otters for me, a cat.
Shinso: I don't even like you in this book and I want to marry you.
Lyzard: *mentally cursing their shindeku habits*
Whne will you, shoto, and katsuki start dating
Izuku: *red enough to rival Kirishima's hair* Wh-what?
Katsuki: later.
Shoto: Sooner rather than later.
Lyzard: Uuuuum.
Do you know how cute you are?
Lyzard: I'm sorry, but Izu became so flustered he actually passed out.
Katsuki: Imma kill 'em.
Shoto: *pissed that Lyz typed Shoot again* Babe no.
Katsuki: Babe yES.
Why don't you want to join the band it's ok if you don't want to answer I'm just curious also I love youuuuuu
Lyzard: Yes I did count the u's, and yes it did hurt my already bad eyes. Thanks for asking.
Izuku: Stage fright.
Would you date Katsuki and Shoto?
Izuku: Um, no? I'm not a home wrecker.
Shoto: *whispering to Katsuki* When are we gonna tell him we're poly?
Katsuki: Later, this'll be way too entertaining to pass up.
Lyzard: *once again cackling*
Random question do you eat broccoli and would that be considered cannibalism if you do?
Lyzard: Fuck yes, I just killed a mosquito that had been annoying me for like an hour. Carry on.
Izuku: *muttering and wondering if it would*
Do you know how precious you are?
Lyzard: *sighing and removing the once again passed out Izuku with a shovel* You people need to realize how fragile this smol boi is.
Are you secretly recording the song that Katsuki's band was playing over and over?
(I love you're books btw)
Lyzard: Oof, why?
Izuku: Um no? I wouldn't steal a song like that.
Congrats. After reading how you felt about Shoto and katsuki's relationship, I've figured out something very very very interesting. It's also honestly the reason this is a TodoBakuDeku story, but anyway. Congratulations, your in love with Canadian Flag and Angry Pomeranian.
How do you feel?
Also forgive my terrible spelling.
Izuku: I feel called out.
Lyzard: Dick move bro.
I'm really sorry about the whole depression thing, I know how it can be scary and suck a lot
Izuku: Well I'm a fictional character so.... but do you need a hug?...
Who was your first kiss
Izuku: *flustered for like the.... no clueth time* I.... I haven't had one yet?....
Shoto: *applying chapstick*
Katsuki: *rolling his eyes and holding his boyfriend back*
Lyzard: At least someone respects my plot.
Shoto: Your plot's stupid just let me kiss him.
Lyzard: Oh, Katsuki's definitely getting his first kiss now.
Katsuki: See this? This is why I respect the plot.
Lyzard: *patting the angry boi* Good job.
What was in the recording room?
Lyzard: We all know how this goes.
*high pitch beeping noise*
Lyzard: But that nickname's got to be a blow to the ego, huh Bakubabe?
Katsuki: I sincerely hope you die.
Lyzard: *laughing* I'm already dead in everyway that matters.
Izuku: I get more and more worried about you ever Q and A. You're very self deprecating.
Lyzard: That's the point. That's my charm. Not all of us can be the human equivalent of sunshine.
Lyzard: Shosho, you're next.
Shoto: Fucking what?
Lyzard: *shrugging* I was trying it out.
Shoto: Never do it again.
Lyzard: *nodding* never again.
Why are you and Katsuki hiding your relationship from the band?
Shoto: Oh um, Lyzard? Why exactly are we?
Lyzard:... Plot...?...
Katsuki: *fed up with Lyz's bullshit once again* Because we don't-
Lyzard: *screaming for a solid thirty seconds*
Everyone: *confusion*
Lyzard: Oh sorry, I'm just out here getting into a relationship while I'm writing this. Don't mind me.
Shoto: *still salty he couldn't kiss Izuku* at least someone is.
Do you have feelings for Izuku yet, or will it be later in the story?
Shoto: It's hard to explain. I mean I like him as more than a friend, but I don't know if it really qualifies as 'feeling for him' yet.
Izuku: I... do not think I was supposed to be here for that.
What's your favorite memory with Katsuki?
Katsuki: Don't.
Shoto: When we when on a roller coaster during our first official date and-
Katsuki: I swear to god, if you finish that sentence-
Shoto: -he screamed like a little girl during the first drop and didn't stop the entire time.
Katsuki: I'm going to kill you.
How do you feel about Izuku?
Shoto: I think... it's probably at the 'crush' stage, I think?
Izuku: Seriously, just as me to leave before these questions.
What would you do if Katsuki called you icy thot?
Katsuki: Hey, icy thot!
Shoto: Yes?
Lyzard: he'd take it in stride.
How'd you and Katsuki start dating?
Lyzard: I don't have the willpower or energy for this, so just think of some cliché roommate-falling-in-love-type-thing.
When will you and katsuki confess to Izuku?
Lyzard: Later.
Would you dye the your hair, if so what color. Or would you only dye a specific part of your hair.
Shoto: All white.
Rei: He is completely my son.
Lyzard: We do not stan Endeavor in this house hold. I don't care if he got some redemption ark, he still abused his wife and children for a whole lot of years. We. do. not. stan.
How's life?
Shoto: Decent.
Top or bottom?
Shoto: Why are we talking about bunk beds?
Izuku: *shrugging* I don't know, but people ask me that all the time! I'm not a fan of heights, so I always say bottom, but since you're so tall, I feel like you'd be better on the top bunk.
Shoto: *nodding* a reasonable thought.
Katsuki: *face palming*
How did you and Katsuki start dating?
Shoto: Scroll up a little bit.
How did you meet Izuku?
Shoto: I...moved in below him....
*cue the Vietnam style flashbacks to the day Shoto and Izuku met while Shoto and Katsuki were moving in*
Whats your sexuality?
Lyzard: *Vietnam style flashback to when they had this question on every character last Q and A*
Shoto: Bi.
have you ever sun hot and cold by Katy Perry
Shoto: No.
Katsuki: The video's from your 20th birthday say otherwise.
Shoto: I'm leaving you and moving in with Izuku.
Izuku: whoa THERE.
Damn you're so handsome
Shoto: *clears throat and steps aside*
Katsuki: *cracking his knuckles* See, this one I'm actually dating, so square the fuck up.
Lyzard: Oh my god their back!!!!!!! #4 is back everyone! If anyone happens to see leviisabadassgod numbers 1-3, please contact me. We must find their brethren.
If you could die your hair on singular color what would it be?
Shoto: White.
Two fathers and two sons went fishing one dat. They were there all day but only caught three fish. One father said, "that is enough for all of us, we will have one each." How can this be possible.
Shoto: Easy. Two father and two sons. It's a grandfather, his son, and then the grandson.
Lyzard: *genuinely shocked they figured this out so quickly*
Lyzard: Ok, so it's Katsuki's turn. I'd also like to point out that, once again, you have less questions than the other two.
Katsuki: I hope you die.
Lyzard: We've already been over this.
Did you have any feelings for deku when you were young and if so do you still feel them?
Katsuki: Next question.
Lyzard: Um, that's not-
Katsuki: Did I fucking stutter? Next. god. damn. question.
Izuku: *visibly tearing up* Kacchan...
Lyzard: *muttering to themselves* omegaverse again? Nah, I made him messed up enough to the point where he'd cry over that, right? Right. Right?
Why did you date copy cat?
Lyzard: Because Scarlett told me to do it. I asked her who he should have dated and that's what she gave me. Complain to
Lyzard: At least... I think it was her I asked?
Do you have feelings for Izuku at this point in the story, or not yet?
Katsuki: No comment.
Lyzard: *cough* pussy *cough*
wth do you do to your hair to make it look like t h a t.
Katsuki: I don't... do anything to it?...
Have you ever been attracted to Izuku?
Katsuki: *not even saying anything this time around*
Lyzard: Well aren't your questions just fun *rolls eyes*
Why do you like the drums? Or whatever instrument you play, idk I forgot already :/
Katsuki: Because I get to beat the shit out of something with sticks and it can't press charges.
Lyzard: Dear lord.
What's your favorite dish to make :]
Katsuki: Katsudon.
Lyzard: Solely because it's like the only Japanese dish I know besides Soba.
Lyzard: Dang so I passed out and woke up super early because of an annoying bug, so let's gooooo.
What are your feelings about the other band members other than your boyfriend? -your my favorite, but I'll leave you to Shoto and Izuku :3-
Katsuki: Dunce face, I can't stand.
Kaminari: Well fuck you to.
Lyzard: What does he call Sero again? Like soy sauce face or something? I literally can't remember.
Katsuki: (insert Sero's nickname), I can't stand.
Sero: Yeah, understandable.
Lyzard: Oh by the way, I know I've never said what Sero does in the band, but he does like lights and sound at their shows and stuff.
Katsuki: Shitty hair's okay I guess.
Kirishima: FUCK YES, I'M WINNING! I LOVE YOU BRO *crying*
Katsuki: Yeah, don't push it.
Izuku: So are we just going to ignore the last part of their comment or?...
Shoto: Shhhh, it's not the time.
Izuku: wheN IS THE TIME?!
Lyzard: Later.
How's life
Katsuki: Fucking amazing, like always.
Izuku: Is it just me or did that sound heavily sarcastic?
Katsuki: Of course it fucking wasn't.
Izuku: Did that... Are you doing this on purpose?
Katsuki: I have no idea what you're talking about.
Izuku: And this is why Todoroki's my favorite!
Yo when you gonna tell the band that you and Canadian Flag are dating?
Katsuki: Eventually. We haven't exactly told anyone but Deku that we're together and it would just complicate things.
Izuku: How on earth would it complicate things?
Shoto: We already get accused of favoritism on a daily basis, imagine if they actually had proof it was true.
Izuku: So you guys do favor each other then....
Katsuki: Did you expect anything less from me?
Izuku: Fair point. But it's a stupid point.
Katsuki: How about the fact we just want to keep our private life, private?
Izuku: They're your best and only friends.
Katsuki: yoU LITTLE-
Shoto: How about we're keeping it a secret because Kirishima's been in love with him from the moment they met and Katsuki, believe it or not, actually cares about his friends and doesn't have the heart to tell him that he has absolutely no chance.
Izuku: I...um...
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