《The Forest for the Trees》Chapter | Twenty Six


Christopher watched with his mouth wide open as his mate descended from the steps. "Wow," exclaimed Christopher, unable to take his eyes off of her.

"Quinn.." his eyes darkened a bit as his wolf's excitement grew at the sight of his mate.

Quinn smiled shyly and mouthed 'hi' before turning to her mother and Alivia.

"Oh Quinny! You look stunning!"

"Thanks mom" she said with a smile. "Don't wait up okay? I'll see you guys later. Thanks Alivia for helping me out tonight."

"Always! And Christopher if I find out you did anything to hurt my lady I will kill you."

"I promise," Christopher put his hands up in surrender "I'll be on my best behavior."

"I'll hold you to that, beta."

He turned to face his mate "are you ready to go, mate?"

Quinn felt her cheeks get hot at his acknowledgment of their bond. "Yeah, I'm ready" she said in a breathy reply.

"I promise I won't have her out too late Ms. Oliver."

"Have fun you two. Oh, and Beta, please take care of her."

"Of course" he said as he led Quinn out of the door. He helped her into his truck and closed the door behind her before hopping in himself and taking off.

"You looks beautiful, Quinn." He said sneaking a glance at her as he drove on.

"Thank you beta.. um.. I mean Christopher. You don't look too bad yourself."

Not at all, she thought to herself admiring the handsome man that sat beside her. His hair fell in loose blonde curls. He wore fitted black jeans with a black belt, a leather jacket placed over his tucked in buttoned up black shirt.

"I always loved the way you looked in black."


A small smirk crept onto his face. "Always, huh?"

"Don't get a big head. I don't think it was a big secret that I've been crushing on you for while."

"Oh really? Why didn't you say something before?"

"I thought everyone knew!"

"Apparently, I'm dumb and oblivious. I had no idea. I wish you would have told me."

"I didn't think we'd ever end up being mates and even if we were, I never thought you'd accept me." She said frankly.

He pulled the car over as they arrived at their destination. Christopher turned the truck off and took off his seatbelt, situating himself to face Quinn.

"I have felt the same way for a very long time, Quinn. In fact, I was hoping that the moon goddess would bless you as my mate since we started high school together and I actually got to know you."

"What? Really?" A look of shock fell onto Quinn's face.

"Yes, really. Now, come on." He said opening the door of his truck and hopping out. He made his way around the passenger side door and opened it as well.

Christopher took Quinn's hand in his and helped her out of the car. Not letting go of her hand, he led her into the restaurant.

They were in another town not far from the pack but one Quinn had never been to. From the outside, the place looked cozy. The building was made of worn rustic stone all different shades of beige and reds. It had large picture windows with a warm inviting light emanating from them.

As they walked in, Quinn became insecure at the sight of all the beautiful people inside. This place was much fancier than any other place she'd been to and she wasn't sure she belonged.


Maybe in the kitchen, she thought scoffing to herself.

Christopher felt her hesitation. He put his lips close to her ear and whispered softly sending chills throughout her entire body. "Don't be nervous."

"But they're all staring." she whispered.

"Can you blame them? You look so radiant tonight, I can't help but stare myself."

Quinn rolled her eyes but took a deep breath as the host led the pair to their table. Christopher pulled the chair out for her before taking his own seat. Quinn looked around in awe, marveling at the beauty of the restaurant.

"What do you think? I found this place while visiting another pack and I've been wanting to bring you here ever since."

"It's beautiful. I can't believe there was a place like this so close to the pack. I can't wait to try the food." She said picking up the menu. She bit her lower lip as she read through it.

Christopher chuckled softly, thinking about how cute she looked when she was focused on something. Quinn realized that he was looking at her.

"Is there something on my face?"

"What? No!" Said Christopher with a laugh. "I was just admiring how cute you are when you bite your lip like that."

Quinn felt her face redden and she quickly dropped her gaze, unsure how to take his compliments.

"If you're uncomfortable, I can stop."

"No, it isn't that. I'm just not used to the compliments from men. I don't really get them often and I don't know how to take them, ya know?"

"I have a hard time believing that you weren't beating guys away with a stick."

"Don't be silly, Chris. No one wants to date the fat chick. If it weren't for the bond, you wouldn't have even noticed me."

"I'll make you believe me one day. You'll see."

Quinn bit her lip again at his response. How can he make me feel this way just like that?

"Can I get you something to drink" asked the server with a smile on his face.

"I'll just have a strawberry lemonade and a water please," Quinn responded. "No lemon with the water please."

"I'll have the smoked old fashioned and a water."

"I'll be right back to take your orders."

"Thank you," Quinn said with a smile.

"What are you getting? I can't seem to decide" said Christopher.

"I'm not sure yet... it all just sounds so good."

"Order whatever you want, okay?"

"Oh, I planned on it." They both laughed at Quinn's response.

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