《The Forest for the Trees》Chapter | Thirteen


The sound of the door opening snapped Quinn out of her thoughts. The scents of two powerful men filled her nose and rolled over to face them. She started to sit up.

"It's okay, you don't have to get up" said what appeared to be an alpha "however you're most comfortable."

Quinn decided to stay lying down on her side looking at them.

"We just want to ask you a few questions, Quinn"said what appeared to be a beta.

"Okay," said Quinn softly while she fidgeted with her hands nervously.

"My name is alpha Frederick and as you know this is the Blue Mountain Pack. This," he said pointing at the man beside him, "is my beta Anderson. May we sit?"

"Yes, Alpha Frederick."

"Thank you," he said as he smiled. They both sat in chairs facing Quinn.

"I checked my files and it does seem you were granted permission to be here. It says you were studying to be a chef for your pack and that the paperwork was approved almost 4 years ago."

"That's correct," said Quinn as she sat herself up on the bed.

"The doctor tells me that you were sexually assaulted. We are sorry and far more sorry that the attack occurred in our territory where you should have been safe." He paused for a moment. There was true sadness and sincerity in his eyes. "It is rare that a she-wolf is assaulted and far rarer that it is done by someone other than a rogue."

Quinn looked down at her hands. It was hard to hear how weak she had been. She couldn't face the two powerful men.

"We can smell the man on you. He wasn't a rogue was he?"

Quinn shook her head "no... he.. he wasn't a rogue."

"Do you know who he was?"

"Yes." Quinn began to cry again. She felt such guilt and such anger. She didn't even want to say his name. "His... his name is Michael Downell and he is from the Blood Ridge Pack."

"Thank you Quinn. I want you to know that he will be dealt with and your bravery will make it so that it doesn't happen to anyone else every again" said Beta Anderson.

"I will put in a call to your Alpha, Alpha Charles I believe, and we want to make sure you get home safely. Okay?"


"Okay... can I just be there when you call? I'd, Uh, I'd like to talk to him."

"Of course," said alpha Frederick with a smile "Now, rest up. You need it."

"Thank you.." Quinn managed to get out before the alpha and beta walked out closing the door behind them.

She faintly heard them talking to the doctor before she drifted to sleep.

The door opening woke her up. Her eyes opened and looked around the room before landing on Eric. "Hey," he said "I'm sorry for waking you up. I went back to the hut and collected your things for you." He laid her clothes, shoes, and her cell phone on the bed next to her.

Quinn sat up and looked at him. "Thank you," she said her voice a little shaky "thank you for this and for everything."

"Of course," he said with a small smile "no one deserves to go through what you went through. I have to get back to work but I'll come by and see you before you go. Is that okay?"

"I'd like that," said Quinn "I'd like that a lot.

A few moments later Alpha Frederick walked in. "Are you ready for the call?" He asks sitting down in the same chair as before?

"Yeah but I forgot to mention alpha Charles is no longer the alpha of our pack. His son Evan has taken over since the request was sent in. Could you just ask for his father? Please.. me and Evan are friends and I'd rather talk to him in person.."

"Unfortunately, he is the alpha so I can not do that but I won't tell him why you're here. I'll let you do that when you get home."

Alpha Frederick picked up the phone and dialed the number. It rang a few times before Quinn heard a familiar "hello?"

"Hello. this is Alpha Frederick from the Blue Mountain pack. I'd like to speak to your previous alpha Charles. I have to talk to him about a pack member we have here at our pack hospital. It's urgent."

"This is the his son and current Alpha of the Silver Moon Pack. Whatever matter you have with him, you can speak to me about."

"Of course, I have Quinn Oliver here in our hospital. She was attacked."


"Quinn? Is she okay?" Said Evan with worry in his voice.

"She is okay. We are taking good care of her and doing what we can to find her attacker. I'm calling because she is requesting to go home. We'd like to coordinate that with you so that she can get home safely."

"Of course," said Evan "we can take care of those arrangements. Can you tell me what happened to her."

"All I can say is that she was attacked on our territory by a member of a different pack. His name is Michael Downell and we are currently searching for him so that he may be a punished. I can not give you further details. If you'd like to know more you'd have to ask Quinn herself."

"May I speak with her?"

"Of course," said Alpha Frederick handing Quinn the phone.

"Hello Alpha Evan," said Quinn quietly.

"Hey Quinn, are you okay? What happened?"

"I was attacked by another wolf but I'm not ready to talk about it. I just wanted to ask that you don't tell anyone. Not even Christopher and Ruben. I don't want my mom and Alivia to worry. Let me tell everyone, please...?"

"Of course, Quinn. We can get you home tonight. Would you be okay with that?"

"Yes, Alpha Evan."

"Great, put Alpha Frederick on and we'll get everything arranged."

"Thank you, Alpha." Quinn said handing the phone to alpha Frederick.

After they finished talking, Frederick looked at Quinn and smiled. "I will have a nurse bring you clean clothes. From there, Eric will drive you to your apartment so that you can get your things. He will drive you to the airport and wait with you. Your flight is at 8:00pm. Your pack will take care of you from there."

"Thank you Alpha Frederick for everything. You've been so good to me."

"It's the least we could do. Such a thing can't be allowed to happen on our territory."

With that, he got up and left. A few minutes later a nurse walked in with clean clothes, basketball shorts and a sweatshirt. Probably all they could find that could fit me thought Quinn while she got dressed.

Shortly after, Eric walked in. "You ready to go?"

"Yeah," said Quinn as she hopped off the bed and walked out of that room with Eric. He led her to his car and they drove until they reached her apartment.

"I won't be long" she said as she got out and ran up the stairs to her unit. She went into her bedroom and changed into some yoga pants and sneakers. She emptied her closet and dresser drawers, packing her clothes and shoes into her suitcases. She packed her make up and hair products into a separate backpack as well as her jewelry. She went through each room making sure she got everything. She packed as much food as possible into a bag and knocked on her neighbors door.

"Hi, I'm, Uh, leaving and I didn't want this food to go to waste. Would you like it?"

"Uh sure," said the neighbor grabbing the bag from Quinn's hand. "Thank you!"

Everything else she threw out. I'm sure the new tenants will appreciate the furniture and television. They were brand new and really nice. She sighed, disappointed that she was forced to leave so soon. It's my own fault, she thought before locking the door behind her and taking her things to Eric's car.

Eric loaded everything up while Quinn turned the key in at the front office. She used what money she had left to pay off the rest of the lease while she was there. She looked up at the big apartment complex and with a sigh turned around and got into Eric's car.

"You okay?"

"Yeah, I'm okay."

"Alright, let's get some food then. I want to make sure you're fed before your flight."

"Okay," Said Quinn smiling. "I'm starving."

"I knew you would be."

Quinn said goodbye to what had been her home for the last three and a half years. She was sad that her weakness had forced her out of a place that had once made her happy. She was sad to go but she knew she couldn't stay there. For her own sake, it was time to go home.

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