《The Forest for the Trees》Chapter | Twelve


The sun trickled in through the crack of the door. Quinn was already awake trying to decide if it was even worth getting up. She wanted to die on the floor of that place.

She thought about Christopher and what that must have done to him. She hated herself for what she had done to him and what she let Michael do to her. I'm weak.. I'm weak.." it started as a whisper and turned into a scream "I'M WEAK, I'M WEAK, I'M WEAK.." she screamed over and over again until she began sobbing uncontrollably once more. "Christopher.. I'm so sorry," she said in between sobs.

Quinn was so hysterical she didn't notice someone walking into the changing hut. "Excuse me, miss," he said softly but assertively trying to make his presence known without scaring the already frantic she-wolf.

"I'm Eric, I'm a guard for the Blue Mountain Pack. Are you okay, miss?"

Quinn finally noticed the man and backed herself into the corner trying to cover her naked body. She wouldn't look him in the eye.

"I'm not going to hurt you," said Eric "I just want to make sure you're okay." He crouched down next to her and tried to put his hand on her shoulder but Quinn flinched at his approaching hand. He got up and left the hut returning with a large, thick blanket and a thermos.

"Here," he said wrapping the blanket around her so that she could cover herself. Quinn pulled the blanket tightly around her cold body. He sat down next to her with his back against the wall, his legs crossed in front of him. "We can just sit here a bit," he said rolling the thermos in his hand "you don't have to say anything."


Quinn nodded, silent tears still staining her cheeks as she looked down at the floor. She glanced up at Eric. He was definitely a werewolf but he wasn't dressed as a guard. He had a park ranger's uniform on with a matching hat. Noticing what she was looking at, "I work as a park ranger so I can keep an eye on this part of the territory. We share it with humans and wolves visiting from the city, so it's important we have a presence here. It's easier this way," he says pointing at the uniform.

After another moment of silence, he pours a hot liquid into the cup of the thermos. "Here," he says "this is hot cocoa. It'll help you get warm."

Quinn hesitated for a second but took the cup of cocoa from Eric. She slowly breathed it in before exhaling and taking small sips of the warm liquid. It felt good going down her throat and into her belly. She could feel her body getting warmer with each sip.

Eric got up and cleaned his hands off. He walked over to Quinn and offered to help her up. "Come on, let's get you out of here." Quinn followed Eric out of the hut. "Do you mind if I carry you," he said "you don't have shoes and we have to get back to my golf cart on the trail."

Quinn shook her head no. She was far too heavy to carry, she thought. She couldn't stand the thought of a man touching her right now. "I'll walk," she whispered. Eric just nodded and led the way.

When they reached the golf cart, Eric helped her into the seat and they slowly headed up the trail. "I have to take you to our pack doctor she he can look you over."


"No, please.. I just want to go back home."

"But you were attacked. I can smell that other wolf all over you. You have to be checked out by a doctor."

"I can't. I just want to go home. Please, just let me go," begged Quinn.

"I'm sorry," said Eric "I can't do that."

Quinn resigned herself to go with him. Maybe if she told them everything, they could stop Michael before he hurt anyone else.

Quinn and Eric had made their way to the pack hospital. It was a lot larger than the medical center back home, the entire pack was. Eric led her to the lobby and spoke to a nurse in green scrubs before motioning Quinn over. "Follow her, she just going to get you to a room to get you checked out." Quinn nodded and followed the woman.

She went down a the hall and stopped at a door. The woman opened the door and waved Quinn inside. "Just go ahead and lie down on that bed, I'll be back with the doctor to run some tests. Is that okay?"

Quinn nodded and laid down on the bed making sure the blanket Eric gave her covered her completely. She started to drift to sleep when the woman from before and another woman in a white coat walked in. "Hi," smiled the woman softly, "I'm Dr. Beth, what's your name sweetheart?"

"I'm... Quinn Oliver and I'm from the.. the.. Silver Moon Pack."

"Hi Quinn," her voice was almost a whisper "do you mind if we take a look at you?"

Quinn was hesitant but nodded and opened up the blanket she was wrapped in. The doctor looked at her body until she noticed the blood on the inside of Quinn's thigh. She touched her lightly. "Is it okay if I examine you?"

Tears began to fall down Quinn's face before she nodded again and allowed the women to examine her. When they were done, they cleaned her up and wrapped her back in the blanket. "We'll be right back okay? If you need anything please press this button and someone will get you whatever you need okay?"

Quinn just smiled and whispered thank you before the two women left the room. She laid back and rolled over facing the wall and pulling her knees to her chest. She wanted to make herself as small as she could, as small as she felt in that moment. She just couldn't believe that she had let this happen. If she had been stronger, if she had just trained then it wouldn't have happened to her. Maybe if she had shifter she could have fought back but she didn't think about that in the moment. She just froze. She hated herself so much she just wanted to shrink and shrivel away until she was no more.

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