《The Forest for the Trees》Chapter | Ten


Eight more months have passed since Christopher told Alivia that Quinn was his mate. She had kept her promise and not told anyone, even Ruben.

They were starting to get down to the bottom of the rogue problem. With every rogue they captured, they managed to get more and more information. That made Christopher happy because it meant his mate wouldn't be in danger. By the time she finally came back, all of this could be resolved.

On a night that was like any other night, Christopher was assisting with the nightly sweep of the pack territory. It had been mostly uneventful until he felt it.

A sharp pain radiated from the very pit of his stomach, making its way to his chest and then the rest of his body. He felt as though his insides were on fire. He doubled over at the intense burning, falling to his knees as he tried to find his breath. He began to scream in agony, clutching at his sides. He fell to his knees, writhing from the hurt in his stomach. He wanted it to stop. Sweat poured from his forehead, cold and clammy. His body fell to the floor, his hand pulling at his hair, his clothes, the cold earth underneath him. He needed relief.

Someone kneeled next to him, putting his head on their lap and wiping the hair from his forehead. "It's going to be okay" said the voice of a man. Christopher could not make out who it was. All he could hear clearly was the loud ringing in his ears. His vision was blurred and he was dizzy.

"Help me get him to the pack doctor" said Ruben to one of the territory guards. They lifted him and carried him to the medical center.

"I need a doctor NOW!" Screamed Ruben. "There's something wrong with Beta Christopher."


"What happened?" Said Dr. Neilson guiding the gamma into a room with a hospital bed.

"I'm not sure," said Ruben. "We were sweeping the territory when I heard screams. I followed them to find Christopher on the ground almost passed out and seemingly in pain."

"Okay, Gamma. I'll check him over and run some tests. I'll let you know what we find."

Ruben nodded and mind-linked Evan once he was out of the room. 'Evan, I'm at the medical center and heading back out to finish the sweep. I had to drop Christopher off. Something is wrong with him.'

'What happened?'

"I'm not sure. The doctors are looking him over now. I found him in on the ground screaming in pain.'

'Continue with the sweep. Im heading to the medical center now.'

'Yes, Alpha.'

Back in the hospital room, Christopher's eyes fluttered open. He squeezed them shut, the brightness of the white room hurting his eyes. When he finally adjusted to the light, he sat up on his elbows. The doctor walked in.

"Beta Christopher, how are you feeling?" Asked Dr. Neilson.

"Okay now. What happened to me?"

"I have to ask you an important question. So, be completely honest with me."

"Okay, what is it doc?"

"Have you found your mate?"

Christopher paused for a moment before speaking. "Yes, I have."

"Does your mate know?"

"What does that have to do with anything?" Asked Christopher, confused.

"Well, when two mates find each their, if one of the pair has sex with someone else the other mate experiences something similar to what happened to you. We think that's what may have happened."

"No," said Christopher shaking his head. "There has to be some sort of mistake." He tried with all his might to keep his wolf under control. The anger was building inside of him and his eyes flickered from the greenish blue to black. His wolf was fighting to escape and tear everything and everyone to pieces.


"I'm afraid not, Beta," said Dr. Neilson, lowering his gaze to the ground afraid to look up at the angry Beta.

Christopher jumped out of bed. "Don't mention this to anyone!" Yelled Christopher running out the room and slamming the door behind him.

"Yes, Beta."

Christopher ran into Evan in the hall. "Whoa Christopher, what happened? Are you okay?"

"Im fine," said Christopher looking at the ground attempting to hide the tears that were beginning to form.

"Are you sure? Asked a confused Evan.

"Yes, Alpha. Is it alright if we discuss this tomorrow morning. I'd really like to get some rest."

"Of course, Christopher," said Evan putting his hand on Chris's shoulder reassuringly. "Whatever you need."

"Thank you, Evan" said Christopher with a small smile before bursting through the medical center doors and transforming into his golden wolf mid-air.

Evan went to speak to the doctor about what ailed his young beta. The doctor assured him they weren't exactly sure and were waiting on some test results. But, he was fine now.

Evan didn't push any further. This was something his friend would tell him when he was ready.

Christopher's wolf ran and ran until he could run no long. His howls filled with sorrow and betrayal. He didn't even notice two rogues waiting to attack.

The sound of the crackling ground snapped him out of his thoughts and he looked to see who had been following him.

The two rogues saw this as their opportunity to pounce. One knocked him on his side and the other bit at his neck. The two rogues were dwarfed by this enormous Beta wolf. The lunged again but this time Chris was ready for them. He took one's neck with his teeth and smashed him hard against a tree. No movement. He was dead. He knocked the other rogue on his back and tore his soft belly, pulling his insides out.

All of the anger he possessed he took out on these poor unfortunate souls. But it wouldn't be enough to quench the fire and rage he felt in his belly.

He transformed back, covered in the rogue blood and trying to catch his breath. He didn't give it a second thought that he was still very much naked. He walked back to the pack house, not caring that people were starring and went to his room.

He got into his shower and stood under the water until it ran hot. He watched the water, red from the blood of the rogues, circle the drain and disappeared. He wasn't sure how long he stood there. He was hoping to wash it all away. Maybe it work because in that moment all he felt was as numb.

After drying off, Christopher let the towel gal to the floor as he climbed into bed. He laid on top on his bed and staring at the blank ceiling.

How could she do this to me? Why? I know she doesn't want a mate but why would she hurt me like this? Anger turned to sadness. A million questions raced through his head while the tears began to fall down the side of his face.

Christopher cried until he finally fell asleep, too exhausted to cry any longer.

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