《The Forest for the Trees》Chapter | Nine


Christopher was so consumed with thoughts of his mate he hardly realized that someone had been following him.

Alivia walked out of the trees and sat beside him looking out over the horizon. Christopher jumped up startled by the sudden appearance of someone else beside him.

"Why don't you go shift and put some clothes on, I think we need to talk" she said motioning behind her into the trees.

Christopher obliged and walked back over in a pair of sweat pants and a white tee. He sat down with his knees propped up, arms hanging loosely over them.

"How long have you known that she was your mate?"

Christopher sighed "I think I've known for a pretty long time but it was confirmed by our wolves at the birthday party."

"Our wolves? As in both of you?"Alivia asked a little confused. "Are you saying Quinn knows too?"

"Yeah. She knows." He looked down at the ground, "We found out at the same time."

"Why did she leave then? Surely, had she known she would have stayed."

Christopher winced, her words stinging. "She ran away. I'm not even sure she'll accept the mate bond."

"Why didn't you go after her?"

"Do you REALLY fucking think that I didn't want to go after my mate?!" He realized he was yelling and tried to calm himself down. "At the party, she was going on and on about how she didn't want a mate because she thought she'd be rejected. I wanted to give her space. I felt that's what she needed."

"That explains why you came to her house that morning." Alivia said putting the pieces together.

"I had no idea she would leave... had I known, I would have gone to her that night and told her how much I wanted her.. how much I've always wanted her."


"Look at me" Alivia said turning to face Christopher and look him in the eyes "I don't care if you're my beta, if you hurt her, I will kill you."

Christopher's eyes went wide but he shook his head in understanding. "I never planned on it."

"I'm glad we understand each other" Alivia said, standing up and wiping her hands on her pants before heading back.

Christopher sat there for a moment longer laughing to himself before getting up and heading back as well.


Alivia waited until everyone was out sweeping the territory before calling Quinn. She hoped Quinn wasn't working.

"Hello?" Said Quinn groggily.

"How are you already asleep?!" Screamed Alivia into the phone.

"Don't yell.." said Quinn "I have an important exam tomorrow. I wanted to sleep early so I can start prep early. What up? Is everything okay?"

"Yeah, Yeah. Everything's fine. I just wanted to talk to you about something."

"What is it?" Asked Quinn rubbing her eyes.

"Why didn't you tell me Christopher is your mate?"

Quinn dropped the phone. "What?!"

"Hello... Quinn... are you still there?"

Quinn scrambled to pick the phone back up, juggling it slightly in her hands, unable to get a grasp on it. "Wait!" She said as she put it back to her ear. "How did you know?!"

"So it is true?! Why the hell didn't you tell me sooner?!"

"It would have been too much for me. I needed to leave... did Christopher tell you?"

"We'll.. sort of. I figured it out. He just confirmed it."

"So no one else knows?"

"No. Only me.. Quinn you have to come home and face him."

"I will.. when I'm done with school. I can't right now. Plus, I'm not.. I'm not ready."


"Okay, I won't push you to come home but as soon as you're done with school you better be on the first flight over here."

"Yes Alicia" she rolled her eyes, "scouts honor!" said Quinn as the both laughed. "Just promise me you won't tell anyone.... Please?"

"I promise. Now go back to sleep."

"Goodnight Alivia."

"Goodnight Quinn."

Alivia hung up the phone, smiling. Christopher was the perfect match for Quinn. She was sure Christopher would give her friend exactly what she'd always wanted, a loving mate.

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