《Todobakudeku x reader》(Todobakudeku pt.19) Sometimes its fun to be lazy



Denki looked up at everyone. "Well there's no rush right? Let's all just spend a couple more hours here. That shouldn't be a problem right?"

"You're absolutely right. (Y/n) 1-Ab, let's go to your dorm room. I want to see if it's anything like mine." I cheered.

"Yeah let's go!" (Y/n) 1-Ad said. The three of us went to her dorm and looked around. It was still a mess from when the snakes were here, but for the most part, everything was in place.

"Woah it's like the same but different." I said.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean like, I have a poster on this wall too, but my poster has something different on it. And this desk too. Yours is black and mines is gray."

"I see what you mean." (Y/n) 1-Ad agreed with me. "My desk is white instead of gray or black, but it's still in this spot in my room."

"I wonder if our houses are like that too?" (Y/n) 1-Ab thought.

"Woah even your clothes are different!" I said looking through her closets and drawers. The other two did the same. In the end, I wound up wearing an oversized T with spandex shorts. (Y/n)

1-Ab wore some gray sweatpants with an off the shoulder crop top, and (y/n) 1-Ad wore a matching solid colored spaghetti strap pajama set. We all fell back on her bed.

"You know, I was thinking about cleaning my dorm room, but maybe not so much anymore." (Y/n) 1-Ab said.

"Yeah. These clothes and this bed combined are a dangerous combination for extreme comfort and laziness." I said.

"Do you two ever think it's weird because technically we're talking to ourselves?"

"Do you two ever think about how it's even remotely possible that the three of us are coexisting in one world with no problems? Like you would think it messes up the balance with the universe or something like that."


"Did you two think time traveling and world hoping was possible before this whole incident?" I asked.


"No way."

"You were the one to discover it right (y/n) 1-At? How did you even do that?"

"I don't even know. At this point, we're more op than everyone combined."

"Yeah imagine All Might at his prime and we were a villain he had to beat. We could just pull a terminator and go back into time and make sure he was never even born."

"Isn't that crazy?"


Our speech started to fade out as we all laid on the bed staring up at the ceiling. Being with myself was peaceful. I wish I could visit them whenever I wanted but after this, I don't think that would be right. We weren't supposed to meet in the first place.


"I'll get it." I yawned and rolled myself out of the bed. I barely even wanted to stand up. The ground was more comfortable anyways. Though, as much as I wanted to stay on the floor, I couldn't reach the doorknob from that position. Finally, I stood up and opened the door. "Todoroki?" I gasped. He smiled when he saw me.

"Bakugo?" (Y/n) 1-Ab called from the bed, sitting up and looking out the door way.

"Deku!" (Y/n) 1-Ad said when she saw him.

"Can we come in?" Deku asked.

"Of course." I said.

"Oi this place is a dump." Bakugo said as he looked around.

"So is every other room in the building." (Y/n) 1-Ab rolled her eyes.

Deku layed his eyes on (y/n) 1-Ad and blushed.

"It's been so long. We've been together all this time, but we've been so busy that I haven't been able to just give you a hug." (Y/n) 1-Ad said as she held Deku tightly in her arms. He returned the favor.


"It has been a while hasn't it? Saving the world and all." I said to Todoroki.

"Yeah. How about when we get back, we do an ice cream mukbang?" He asked.

"Deal." I smiled.

"Bakugo," (y/n) 1-Ab called.

"What." He said, looking over at her and blushing.

"When it's time and everyone leaves, let's go back home, to your parents. Let's finally eat a meal all together." She smiled.

Bakugo's eyes widened, then softened. He was truly in love with this girl. He turned away from her and looked in front off him, resting back on the palm of his hands. "Yeah, let's do that."

"Todoroki! bakugo! Deku! It's time!" Kirishima called from through the door.

At the same time, the three of us were lifted up bridal style.

"This was all planned wasn't it?" I asked.

"Absolutely." Todoroki responded as he carried me out the room.

Everyone gathered in the common area, sitting in couches and chairs, or standing up by the walls chatting with one another. Kirishima walked up to us with a tray with 7 glasses filled with some type of red liquid in it. "Don't worry. It's not Katashi's blood, though, that was an option. Just take one." He smiled. We all took one and he took the 7th glass.

After taking my glass I realized that everyone else already had one.

Kirishima took a spoon to his glass, grabbing everyone's attention. "Here's a toast to a successful mission. Probably one of the most important missions in the world considering there wouldn't be any world without us." Everyone laughed. "And special thanks to (y/n). We couldn't have done this without you."

"Which one?" All three of us said together.

"All three of you of course." Kirishima said. He continued, "And even though we're parting ways now, there's still a part of our hearts that'll never forget each other. Cheers!" He raised his glass.

"Cheers!" We said together, all raising our glasses and clinking them together with anyone near us, then taking a sip. At least Kirishima wasn't lying. It's not blood. It's just fruit punch.

"Chug chug chug chug!" I could hear from across the room. Denki and Bakugo 1-At were having a chugging contest with the remaining of the two fruit punch containers. The environment felt so carefree and fun. It really was like a going away part thrown by us, for us.

(Y/n) 1-Ab and Bakugo 1-Ab were the first to leave. Since this was their world, they took responsibility for Katashi and left to find a hero who could properly take care of him. The next to leave were the people from world 1-Ad. (Y/n) 1-Ad got everyone and they made their time jump back to their world. All that were left were the people from world 1-At.

"Are you guys ready for this?" I asked.

"As ready as I'll ever be." Todoroki smiled.

"Let's go!" Denki cheered.

Everyone huddled together, and I made the very last world hop I'd make for a while, back to my world.

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