《Invincible Ones [A Walking Dead Story]》Chapter 19- Maybe A Pessimistic Bipolar Girl


I am mad,


Opposite of happy,

Not elated.

Call it what you will, but I am not the opposite of angry.

It's late evening, I volunteered to take double watch to gather my anger and let it leave.




...okay, like I said, I took double shift to calm down.

"You, look unhappy." A deadpan voice says behind me. I look back over my shoulder: It's Carl the observant.

I turn back to keep watch. "What makes you think that?" I ask, shrugging.

He walks up next to me. "Because...a) you look not happy as you stare dramatically at a tree and b) I'm your boyfriend, and I can tell if your happy or not because I've known you long enough to know you're bipolar."

I jab him in the ribs with my elbow. "I am not bipolar!" I protest with exasperation.

Carl chuckles. "Sure, but what's up? You look unhappy, like I've pointed out many times before."

"You're repetitiveness of pointing stuff out is really attractive, Carl." I say and he nods.

"Exactly, buuuut Ember, you're avoiding my question." He says pointedly.

I don't want to sound jealous or petty, because I'm not currently, and I really can just draw up new art and shove the expertly drawn pictures up Zay's nose and tell her to make finger-paintings with snot.

"It's nothing." I turn to Carl. "I swear, just having a...an existential crisis." I lie and Carl raises an eyebrow and smiles at me, obviously amused.

"Huh, really?" He asks, clearly not buying it.

I roll my eyes. "Whatever, I'm bipolar and pessimistic." I tell him and start towards the door of the guard tower. "Anyways, it's your shift." I open the door but Carl stops me.

"Hey, would you hang out with me up here, we hardly get to talk with you hunting and helping out the Woodbury people who need guidance and I'm always busy being Farmer Grimes with my dad. So will you stay?" He asks me and I nod and smile.

"Of course,"

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