《Missing You (Jalex)》Part 9


"You realize we just came out to a whole arena of fans?" I asked Alex. We were tangled up in his bed at the hotel. I was making circles on his chest, which was causing him to fall asleep slowly.

"Yeah I know, I don't care." He replied sleepily. I smiled, and scooted up so I could kiss him.

"I've missed this," I mumbled, "a lot."

"Well I've missed you a lot."

I woke up to Alex watching tv, and stroking my hair lightly. I turned into his chest and mumbled 'morning.'

"Good morning sleepy head. It's 11 am."

"It is?" I sat up and looked at the clock. It read 11:17. "I guess it is."

"So what are we doing today?" Alex asked.

"Whatever you want to do."


"ALEX I SWEAR TO GOD." I yelled, standing my place. I looked at the blue haired boy as sternly as I could, but that was useless.

"Jack it's just a roller coaster." Alex sighed, crossing his arms.

"IT'S A DEATHTRAP. PEOPLE HAVE DIED ON THEM." I yelled louder. He shook his head at me and grabbed my arm tightly.

"Let's go before the line gets long!" He whined, trying to pull me.

"NEVER." I yanked my arm out from his grip and started running towards the concession stand, but Alex caught me and dragged me to the line.

"You can hold my hand on the ride."

"I don't want to ride it though!" I whined, stomping my foot in anger.

"It'll be fine! There's like a two percent chance of us dying."

"There's still a percentage!"

"Jack, there's no turning back now okay. We have to get in." I realized we were at the front of the line and were holding up everyone else. I sighed and got in the seat with him.


"If I die I'm coming back and haunting your stupid ass."

"Will do, hairy man."

The ride started and I could already feel my stomach turning, and when we started going up I knew it would be the end of me.

"ALEX WE'RE GONNA DIE." I yelled, about to cry.

"Jack calm down we'll be fine!" Alex said panicking himself. I gripped his hand tightly as we slowed to a stop right at the dip.

"I HAT-" The roller coaster shot down, stopping my sentence with screams. I felt my stomach jump into my mouth, and I knew this was a mistake.

Alex was screaming his head off, laughing as we dipped and curved and went upside down. Me on the other hand, I had piss in my pants and I was most likely about to vomit.

The ride jerked to a stop, and we were facing a brick wall that said 'Thank you for riding, prepare for the backwards part.' My eyes went wide, and before I could say anything to Alex, we were shot backwards and I my body was pushed forward. When the ride stopped and we saw other people, that's when the vomit left my mouth.

"Jack!" Alex yelled, grabbing me and pulling me out. "Are you okay?"

"I....don't.....like....rollercoasters.." I gasped out.


"So yeah, I don't think Jack's say he best person to be going on rollercoasters." Alex said. We were sat at Red Robins with the guys from State Champs and Issues.

"We all knew that already, how did you not?" Rian asked, laughing.

"That's what surprises me." Tyler added.

"Okay so I may not know everything about Jack, is that such a crime?" Alex cried out, throwing his hands in the air dramatically, causing people around us to stare in our direction.


"It isn't , but public disturbance is." Michael said, not looking up from his phone. Alex crossed his arms and started pouting. I patted his shoulder in reassurance. Our waiter popped up, and we all ordered. I was having the big bacon deluxe, and I knew that I was gonna get fat from it but I didn't care.

We all joked around and talked about the tour and how it was going. Michael's girlfriend was coming and so was Jeffree Star, who I think was coming for Tyler. There had been rumors that they were together, and there was a picture of them kissing. But who am I to judge? I'm just as gay as the rest of them.

"Okay so we're thinking of playing Lullabies at the end, so we can exit calmly and won't have people moshing over other people and accidentally killing them." Alex said with his mouth full of fries. I rolled my eyes at him.

"That sounds good. We don't need another accident like Oli, and end up getting our asses bit by a pissed off milf." Sky responded. Issues usually made the crowd wild. They would be all upbeat for us when we came on. Some guys would even try and start a mosh pit during therapy because they were still so upbeat from Life Of a Nine. People are complete maniacs.

"Not all moms are milfs, Sky." Zack stated.

"Yeah but ninety-nine percent of them are. Look it up, it's a true fact. Wikipedia that."

"Okay I will."

"You owe me ten if I'm right, which I am."

"Whatever you say, big guy."

I rolled my eyes again at the both of them. Zack's eyes went wide, and he sighed and pulled out a ten to give to Skylar. All of us laughed and continued on with our food.


"I'm so tired." I mumbled, stumbling into the tour bus and crawling into my bunker.

"You shouldn't have ate that much. You'll be shitting in the middle of the night." Rian said, poking his head through my curtain.

"Ah, shut up Dawson. My shit is my business."

"Move over ya lump of potatoes, I'm coming in." Alex yelled. I rolled over and he slipped in.


"Get your face outta my face, your breath smells like death." I scrunched up my face and pushed it into the pillow. He laughed.

"Would you like me to go brush my teeth then?"

"Yeah!" I yelled, pushing him out. He kept laughing as he headed to our small "bathroom." Once he came back he was in his pjs and he smelled minty fresh. He pulled me into his chest and I inhaled his scent.

"Night, Barakat."

"Night, Gaskarth."


new chapter yay! I suck @ updating I'm sorry.

buT if you guys want to keep up with the life of yours truly, you can follow my Instagram!

Band Account: fudgedun

Personal: knucklepuckaf

Also if you see mistakes don't blame me, I write these on my phone and phones aren't always reliable on spell check.


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