《The Marquess and The Rose》Chapter 17


By next few days, it seemed like the huntress was on the prowl now that her mate was indisposed. Lady Hannah was not a sitting duck on the matter and she was determined to get what she wanted.

It was a little after midmorning when she pulled up near Dominic's home. The prying eyes were lacking today.

Dressed in her most beautiful gown she gave her bosoms one last push upward in her bodice to enticing swells. With that, she stepped out with the assistance of her footman. Climbing the stairs, she knocked on the door. The emotionless face of Bufford came into view and changed immediately to annoyance and disdain.

She barged in with a huff and walked past him with an upturned nose. Walking into the foyer, he skidded to a halt. Dressed and ready to leave, he was a bit miffed that Bufford let her in. But, dismissed the notion knowing how Hannah was.

"Darling!" she pulled him into a kiss and pawed him all up in a heated desire.

Bothered and in a rush to get her out of the house, he sighed.

"M'lady, I'm off to run some errands" he lied. He pulled her hands from around his neck.

"Well, maybe I can come with," She held on to his arms.

Stepping back a bit Dominic looked into her eyes, decided to tell her he was not interested in her anymore. It was evident now; he looked at her and could not see a reason to continue with her.

Before he could speak, Bufford interrupted him announcing another visitor.

Dominic looked up from Hannah's eyes at the front door. A bit bothered for being interrupted he gave Bufford a cold irritating stare, he could have sworn the old man smirked with satisfaction.

His heart stopped at the image before him. Hannah noticed him stiffen near her and watched his eyes widen to the person behind her. Quickly Hannah turned to face what would be the destruction of her.


The enchantress came into view and she was magnificent.

He could not believe what he was seeing.

She wore the most daring dress that caressed her curves. Her bodice sinfully low, barely contained her pert breasts.

A lump formed in his throat as he looked into her eyes and something in her stare made his cock jump. His eyes swept down to her pointy sensual high-heeled boots that gave her height to the added attraction. Her eyes held his like if they were the only two in the room. Green eyes trailed his body as she slowly walked towards him.

And when she spoke.

His hearing was surely deceiving him.

"My love, I see we haven't thrown out the trash yet," she pressed her body to his and glided one finger down his lips to his chin.

Hannah's gasp did not deter her.

She turned a teasing glare to Hannah and smiled as if acknowledging her for the first time.

"Oh! Lady Hannah, I am so sorry to hear about the Duke. I pray that he makes a speedy recovery."

Looking at Dominic again, his eyes were gleaming with surprise and lust. Her eyes were twinkling with mischief.

She lowered her gaze and walked towards the steps and he under her trance followed her.

She turned and placed her hand on his chest and leaned close to his ear and whispered.

"It would be wise if you sent her on her way," her lips neared his ears taking his earlobe into her lips and she flicked her hot tongue in it.

He groaned closing his eyes.


Opening them slowly he watched her walk up the steps. Hungry eyes watched those delicious hips sway out of his sight. He let out a guttural moan.

Letting out a shaky breath, he turned to face Hannah's heated glare.

She was livid.

He tried to figure out the words to tell her to leave, but no intelligible word could come out of his mouth, his heart would not stop thumping in his ears. To his salvation Bufford came into view and did it for him.

With a few insults, she walked off.

He bowed his head and closed his eyes, trying hard to control himself.

This vixen was surely undoing his sanity and be the death of him...


She stood for a while looking out the window. With a smile, she watched Lady Hannah stomp her way into the waiting carriage right after she slapped Bufford's extended hand to help her get in.

The click of the door behind her made her smile even bigger.

She slowly turned to look at Dominic.

He had the smile of a man enjoying an intriguing game.

Hungry eyes watched her.

She trailed her finger on a book on his desk.

Her eyes flirted shamelessly with his.

He walked closer to his desk and clasped his hands behind his back. He was gorgeous, with taut muscular legs that stood their ground. She gave thanks silently to Lady Hannah for tousling him up a bit, leaving him more delicious than ever. His shirt lay wide open with a beautiful view of muscled abs and a strong chest.

He enjoyed how her eyes took their fill of his body.

With a seductive smile, he looked at her.

"You have my undivided attention m'lady," his voice sexy and low.

She slowly closed the distance between them.

"M'lord?" Coy green gems looked up at him seductively from hooded long lashes sensually licking her lips.

"I found a book in my uncle's study." her eyes hungrily looked at his lips.

He inched closer.

"Hmm, you did?" He moaned close to her lips.

"It was a book about the art of love making," her eyes glided up to his.

Peeked with intrigue his eyes held her gaze while she continued.

"It had a lot of...pictures," her fingers trailed his throat.

She grinned at the sign of his racing pulse beneath her touch.

"There was one picture in particular that I liked," She glided her hand down until it reached the button to his breeches.

He watched her gently undo them.

A smile tugged at his lips.

"Really and what picture is that, m'lady," His voice like silk caressed her ear.

She went on to undo them slowly one by one.

He moaned when she leaned in to kiss his chest.

Astonished and in awe he watched her trail hot kisses down his his chest to his taut stomach.

She freed his cock from his breeches. Before he could put together her intention, Seductive emerald gems held his gaze and her tongue tasted him.

A curse slipped his lips.

He moaned, closing his eyes and his head fell back.

The feel of her warm lips there, was making his knees buckle.

She took him completely in her mouth and went on a rhythmic endeavor.

"Emilia? What are you doing to me?" he groaned aloud.

His heart pummeled in his chest, he was surely going to explode. Legs weakly held him up while she worked her magic on him.

He was at his breaking point, his body trembled with pressure building up ready for his release.


In a heart stopping moment midway through the torrent of pleasure, she stood up. Agony played on his senses because she toyed with him. His breath heavy, he leaned his forehead to hers. His blood roared in his ears.

His eyes opened to look into hers. Dark and dangerously gorgeous.

He bent to kiss her lips, but she turned her face, giving him her cheek. Confused, he frowned. Struggling with what just happened. Passion filled eyes met seductive sexy gems of mischief and triumph. Her lips close to his ears whispered.

"I want to savor the taste of you on my lips, m'lord" the delicious tip of her tongue glided over her lips.

In that instant, she slipped sweetly from between him and the table and softly walked towards the door.

Dominic still holding his breeches, still breathless and trembling turned to lean for support on the table. He watched the temptress that she is, turn and give him the most sexiest wink ever, and skillfully leave him standing there hot and ready for sex.


Payback that was well overdue!!!

The minx worked him good.

He let out a breathless laugh mesmerized and in disbelief.


They continued their secret romantic encounters. However, neither of them was prepared for what was to come. It will be turmoil in the making that will surely change all of their lives.

Something was brewing and she could feel it. The morning was not its usual one. Gertrude entered with a not to convincing smile and woke her up. Puzzled Emilia sat up and studied Gertrude's expression.

"Gertrude what is wrong?" Emilia sat up in bed worried.

Sad Gertrude turned to her and looked at her, hesitating to tell her.

"Oh! tis not my place to say child," Gertrude twirled her skirts in her finger.

"Come, you must get dressed your uncle is waiting for you in the study" she whispered.

Nervously Emilia began to shake, her pulse racing.

"Oh no!!Does he know? Does he know about Dominic and.."

Before she could finish Sarah rushed in.

"You are not dressed?"

Before she could get another word out they began laying out her beautiful gowns. They picked the most elegant one.

"I want you to listen to me Emilia." Sarah turned her around fast.

"Your uncle is in his study with Adam VanCamp, Lord Evers. We are not sure of his visit, but you must keep a calm air about you." She warned.

Sarah swirled her back around and looked her in her eyes.

"Can you do that?" Sarah asked.

Nodding slowly she turned back around and looked herself in the mirror. She felt nothing like the person in the mirror. Silently she walked out of her room down the steps into the hall. She tapped lightly until hearing her uncle's voice to enter.

Entering the large study, she walked until she was beside his desk. He motioned for her to sit.

She was introduced to Adam VanCamp to her right.

He offered a debonair smile that she returned as well.

"Emilia, Lord VanCamp here has come to ask my permission to court you. I feel he is a very good match so I have decided to do up an early marriage contract. We will set the date for three months."

Silently she sat staring at nothing.

Her ears were deceiving her, she could not have heard correctly.

Three months?.

Her uncle watched her and grew a concerned look.


She blinked up at him lost and confused with what was going on.

"Three month's?" She repeated.

She lowered her gaze to hide the tears in her eyes.

She smoothed her skirt before her and folded her hands trying to regain her composure.

She looked beside her to Adam. Her eyes immediately met his.

He was dressed to perfection. Very handsome.

He gave her a beautiful smile.

Silently they stared at each other.


He watched her carefully. She was very beautiful. She sat quietly with her head bent and fingers crossed. Petite and demure as he could see. She had long chestnut brown hair in beautiful ringlets down her back. Gorgeous green eyes with long lashes, pert nose with pretty lips.

Their silent observation of one another was interrupted.

"I believe I will leave you two to get acquainted, I will be in the dining room."

He walked around the table to leave the study. The soft click of the door was the last thing heard before the room fell silent again.

"You're very lovely today, Emilia" his voice was low.

She looked at him.

"Thank you" She replied.

Not knowing what else to say she slowly stood. Trying to muster up the courage to talk to him even though she really did not want to.

"M'lord? ..." she whispered.

"Please, no mean for titles call me, Adam," he said softly standing behind her.

She turned to look at him.

"What made you decide to choose me?" She asked with a sad tone.

For a moment, he was thrown back with her question then looked at her puzzled.

"Because from the moment I saw you, I was smitten by you. You're very beautiful." He grinned.

Silently she stood with a very gloomy look on her face.

He came very close to her and she nervously inched back.

Tipping her chin up gently, he looked into her eyes. They were sad and red with unshed tears.

"I know this is too soon, but, you must understand it is what your uncle wants. And, I am honored that he chose me." He caressed her cheek.

"But, what about what I want? She stepped away.

"The decision was made without my knowledge. You don't even know me, yet I am to marry you in three months" She cried.

She turned and ran off.

"Emilia, wait," he called after her.

"This could not be happening," she thought.

She closed the door to her room. She shut the world out with her cries. She was to marry someone she did not love. She would never be with Dominic again. The thought of losing him was too painful. She lay on her bed and cried into her pillow until she had no more tears to spill. She closed her eyes wanting to sleep, to drown out all that was happening.

The day went on and she ate nothing for lunch. Supper time came around and she did not move. Her head spinned with the stress of it all. She wanted to give up. If she could not be with Dominic, then why exist?


The news came to him like a punch to the stomach. She was to marry another. He sat and heard the gossip at the men's club where Adam, Lord Evers sat and boasted about his union with Emilia Westham and the wedding was to take place in three months. How was this possible? The hurrahs, hoops and congratulations wrung freely amongst the men. Dimitri sat before him, eyeing him and giving him a warning glare to not do anything crazy.

They watched as the young man was hugged and heavy slaps on the back were exchanged.

"You nailed a good catch you sly devil." a man said.

With a chuckle, Adam nodded his head.

The conversation went on about how since his first dance with her he knew he had to have her.

If he only knew he had her first Dominic thought smugly.

He wanted to stand and declare that he loved her. That they loved each other. His head was beginning to ache with this sudden news.

He stood quickly and was stopped by Dimitri.

"I must go to her, she must be suffering."

Dimitri looked into his friend's eyes. The look in them told him he was determined to see her tonight. With a nod Dimitri moved out of his way and Dominic left.


The night could not have come any quicker. He watched two sets of sad eyes meet him at the door. They whispered on their way up the stairs.

"She has not eaten all day m'lord " Gertrude sniffled.

With a nod, he rubbed her shoulder and looked at Sarah dashing away a tear from her eye.

He opened the door, closed it behind him and locked it. He immediately removed his long coat, vest and boots. He padded softly to the bed. She slept with her back to him. Softly he slipped beneath the sheets and pulled her close to him. He buried his face in the lushness of her hair and its sweet smell. She stirred in her sleep a bit then woke up to the feel of him. She turned to face him and his warm embrace just when she thought she had cried all she could earlier, the torrent of tears fell again.

Throughout the night, he caressed her and reassured her that all was going to be ok. A lie he had to believe in because at that point he realized this might be their last night together and he did not think he could handle that truth. As harsh, as it was he could not handle it. But, he had to choose her happiness or his selfish need to have her regardless of the outcome. It was a risk he had to take, it was for the best that with a heavy heart he had to put some distance between them.

If you love someone, set them free. If they come back they're yours; if they don't they never were.

With that decision burned into his mind, he made love to her for the very last time.

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