《The Marquess and The Rose》Chapter 18


Weeks had passed, and their courting went as planned. Adam, was the epitome of a gentlemen. He was sweet and polite. But, regardless of it all , Emilia with all her might her heart belonged to Dominic. She had not seen him in some time and she was severely worried.

The news of the Dukes death was a stagnant gossip that would not go away and the notion of her wedding to Adam would give The Duchess free reign to be with Dominic. And the idea sickened her.

So lost in her thoughts she never heard Adam come near her. His touch broke her free of her gripping thoughts only to meet his stern gaze.

"What are we daydreaming about, my beauty?" he looked down at her.

She blinked twice taking in the view of him. With the sweetest smile she could give him, she shook her head.

"Nothing," She looked into his skeptical glare before averting her eyes.

With a sigh, he sat beside her.

Silently he sat with her.

"I feel you distant and it is unnerving, Emilia" he said agitated.

She said nothing.

"If we are to be married we need to have some semblance of a loving relationship."

He looked at her.

She could feel the heat of his gaze on her.

Nodding, she slowly stood.

Before she could walk away, his strong hand in a tightening squeeze pulled her in to his lap.

Astonished by his iron grip, her struggle to get free stopped at his heated glare. There was something in his eyes that sent a warning shiver up her spine.

"I will be leaving for Wales within the hour and I will return in 2 weeks." His stare grew serious.

"When I return you will be the most devoted and loving fiancée ever. You will come to terms with this marriage and accept it with delight and enthusiasm."

He tightened his grip around her arm. His other hand tightened around her waist.

She could not believe what she was hearing. Frightened, tears began to fall.

"So you have two weeks to get all of the woes of your lost lover out of your heart, because in my marriage to you Emilia, I will not be taken for a fool." He warned.

She shot him a surprised look.

The grin that formed on his lips and the stare in his eyes made her fidget a little in his grip. She averted her gaze.

He lifted his hand to caress her neck and was satisfied with the feel of her racy pulse. He caressed her cheek and turned it to face her. Their eyes met and the nearness of their breaths collided. His lips crushed hers with a possessive kiss, with her hands she pushed against his chest. But, his grip was stronger. Pulling her head back, he looked her in the eyes. Amused at the little fight in her and fire in her eyes, it peaked his interest of just how much fight he could get out of her.


"Remember, Two weeks to do as you please pretty much. If you have to fuck your lover enough to assuage your need I will turn a blind eye." he grinned provocatively.

Her face turned red with embarrassment.

She looked away. Her heart raced with worry that he knew she was not a virgin anymore. Before she could finish thinking and collectively taking in his words, he spoke again. And whispered in her ear.

"Two weeks, remember and when I return this ...your coldness towards me will end."

With that he let her stand from his knees. He stood and gripped her chin tightly and brought her lips to his in a rough kiss that left her lips bruised and swollen.

With a wink, he turned and walked off.

Now alone her body wracked with a mixture of fright and anger. She could not stop shaking, she sat in tears back on the bench. Her life as she knew it, was doomed. She cried into her shaking hands.


It was a decision Dominic toyed with for days and his heart ached more and more with what he must do.

Dominic looked at Dimitri's reproaching gaze.

"Why, would you do such a thing" he shook his head.

Lulled by the effects of the whiskey he dragged his hands thru his hair and leaned his head on the desk.

Now bedraggled, infuriated and drunk blue pools of misery stared at Dimitri.

"She needs to be happy," he shrugged his shoulder, not able to think of any other explanation.

"Aye, with another man?" Dimitri asked sarcastically.

"Has it not occured to you brother, that the woman you love in a matter of mere weeks, will no longer be yours."

Dimitri waited for Dominic to react.

The slight tap at the door broke his next question when Bufford entered announcing Emilia was here.

He sadly looked at her and let her walk in.

Dominic composed himself and sat up. Hiding the love he felt for her beneath a cold emotionless stare.

"Come in Ms. Westham" he spoke.

Immediately Dimitri gave her a sweet warm smile before excusing himself to leave them alone.

Silently she sat and looked in her lap.

"I haven't seen you in a while." Her soft voice broke the silence.

His heart sank when he finally focused on her.

Her face was pale and her eyes bleak.

Immediately his look changed when she looked at him.

"I have been busy." he said dryly.

With a nod she looked again at him but his cold demeanor saddened her.

He turned his gaze and focused on the book before him. His heart raced with what he was going to say, but he had to, it was for the best.


"Emilia........it's best if we were distanced," he breathed.

Her eyes looked at him confused.


"You will be getting married soon and we can never see each other again," he breathed.

Flustered and sad her eyes filled with tears, she looked down.

"Just like that you expect me to accept that." her eyes filled with tears.

"You must." he looked away.

"Well I won't. I love you." her tears fell.

"Well I don't " his lie so fast poured out he prayed the painful sting of it would convince her otherwise.

Like a slap to the face, she stood looking into his eyes lost for words.

"I don't love you, I thought I did but I made a mistake." he paused trying to regain a grip on his composure.

"What happened between us was a mistake, Emilia." he stood giving her his back. He couldn't look her in the eyes.

She began to cry and it pulled at his heart. She stood up from the chair. Her heart heavy with pain began to slam into her chest violently.

"Why are you doing this to me?" her was voice shaky and breathless.

He turned to look at her.

"Forgive me I wasn't thinking," he watched her.

Her eyes filled with hurt looked away. Right away her breathing increased with her cry. She felt so sick and weak that her legs could barely hold her up. His heart sank when he saw her sway. Alarmed he panicked.


She fell to her knees her vision blurry and head spinning she felt Dominic holding her.

She lashed out immediately and pulled away, but he wouldnt let her.

She slapped him.

The sting of her hands and thwack across the face left him stunned.

She stood on shaky legs.

"I hate you, Don't you ever touch me again." She struggled against him.

"I damn the day I ever met you," she pulled away.

He stared into her eyes and what once before held love for him, now looked at him with hurt and anger.

Her hand touched her forehead and her eyes fluttered shut.

He quickly caught her before she collapsed to the floor. He cradled her in his arms and he could not contain his emotions any longer.

He cried.

He smoothed her hair back from her face and took in her features. She was thin and pale, Her fingers icy cold. The result of her unhappiness was evident. And he made it worse. With a curse he stood with her feather light weight in his arms and walked with her out of his study. The astonished eyes of Bufford and Dimitri grew concerned.

"Good Lord, man! What did you do?" Dimitri asked following him up the stairs.

"She fainted," he hissed.

"From what you said? because we heard all of it and you were cruel, Dominic"

Dimitri argued with him until he reached his room and he continued their argument after placing her on his bed.

"Damn it! Dimitri, understand this is hard for me as well." he yelled.

" Look at her, and look you Dominic. Does it look like she is taking this well?" Dimitri shook his head.

"You just told the love of your life; you never loved her and that what you both had was a mistake," he stared incredulously at Dominic

Dominic closed his eyes in shame at his own words being repeated to him. He turned his back on Dimitri. Bufford entered with some smelling salts and water quickly to attend to Emilia.

Dimitri with a curse quickly stomped off and left.

Not understanding Dominic 's decision to push Emilia away. They were both suffering. He had to find a way to help them out before things got worse.

Dominic stood and watched as Bufford waved the small vile under Emilia's nose. With a cough, she stirred awake. Confused she looked around and closed her eyes. Bufford whispered soft words to her and offered her water. She trembled while taking the glass and drank very little of it. She begged Bufford to help her up and take her to her carriage. She never looked his way, never acknowledged his concerned stare. She walked out and never looked back. Anger and pain coursed through Dominic's veins that he grabbed the first thing before him and with a roar of rage, he threw it. Shattered glass was everywhere from the glass left on the table. Falling to his knees, he slammed his fists into the floor. He buried his hands in his face and wept.

He lost her for good.

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