《The Marquess and The Rose》Chapter 9


She descended the stairs in a beautiful dress ready for their return. He watched her give Helmsley a hug. His face as sad as can be with her departure. He entered the carriage and sat before her. He looked at her and he could see she did not sleep at all. She looked miserable and he was kicking himself because he knew he was the cause of it and feeling the same way.

Deep down inside his mind told him it was for the best that she kept him at arm's length, it was better for them both. Soon she will be attending balls and dinners to meet a proper suitor, she would get married and he would go on living his usual bachelor life. She needed to understand this. And reluctantly he had to convince her.

He leaned closer and looked at her lowered gaze. For a moment, he thought of what to say to ease this awkwardness between them.

He gently pulled her hands and held on to them.

"Emilia, look at me." He spoke softly.

She hesitated, then obediently she looked into his eyes.

"I want you to forgive me for what happened." He pleaded.

"I was severely out of line. None of it was your fault. Do you understand?"

Quickly she nodded.

"I want to apologize as well m'lord," she replied.

He looked deep into her eyes and his heart dipped at her words.

"Whatever for, beautiful?" His eyes softened and he rubbed her hands that began to shake.

Licking her lips, she looked down.

"It is known that it is a lady's duty to act properly and to be respectful at all times. My smiles and sweet gestures provoked you, for that I apologize." She whispered.

He saw tears threatening to fall as she practically blamed herself for it all.

Amazed at her response, he edged closer and spoke to her with a serious stare full of meaning.

"You have nothing to be blamed for. I.... Overstepped my boundaries Emilia."

"You trusted me and I abused that trust. It will never happen again." He whispered.

Why make promises you cant keep? Rake!!!

His soul was surely going to hell. He was beyond redemption.

Deep down, he wanted her with a desperation that terrified him.

She tried to tell herself, what she felt last night was a weakness, a simple betrayal of her body responding to something forbidden. The urge that grew in her was overwhelming. It was obvious he was attracted to her, that much was whispered to her between his kisses. She desired him and she had to simply deal with the truth. It just simply could not be!!!


They entered London and the bustling, busy streets pulled into view. He watched as her eyes looked through the window and her look turned very sad.

Her hands began to twirl a handkerchief handed to her by Helmsley.

The carriage pulled up to a beautiful cobblestone home, fenced with a luscious lawn and landscape.

Nervously she sat still, not moving. He leaned forward and placed his hand above her's. Her eyes met his and she fell apart before him. Nervously she shook her head, looked through the window, and looked at him.

"I cannot go in there." She panicked with tears falling.

He held her gaze with so much concern.

He gently tilted her chin up and smiled.

"You are not alone, I will go in with you." His voice was reassuring

The door to the carriage opened and he stepped out first. Her trembling hands took his and she stepped down. Head down, she led the way up the stairs to the front door. She paused for a while and turned to face him. Sad eyes looked up at him that spoke of what she felt.


He caressed her cheek and gave a smile.

"You can do this."

Looking up into his eyes she searched his. Her eyes began to tear.

"I want to go back to Grisham." Her lips quivered.

His heart ached with her plea.

"In a heart beat beautiful I would take you to the end of the universe if I could." He wanted so much to tell her.

Resignation was his only option. She wasn't for him.

Slowly he pulled her hands to his and squeezed them.

"You have nothing to fear beautiful," he assured her.

With that said, she slowly turned, took a deep shaky breath and raised her hand to the large round brass ring on the door and gave three knocks.

They stood and waited until the latch of the door clicked and it opened.

The straight face of a butler appeared at the door.

His eyes softened with a fatherly concerned glare when he glanced at her.

"Hello Jeoffry," her voice was soft and quietly spoken.

"Emilia dear child, you have returned," His astonished look turned happy with joy to see her.

She walked into his open arms and received a tight warm hug.

Dominic smiled. He felt the care the butler had for her and that eased his worries.

He bid them to enter.

A maid came into view, her eyes widened.

"Emilia!" Tears welled up in her eyes.

She was a very pretty blonde with blue eyes. Knowing who he was immediately, she curtsied.


The commotion at the front entrance began with all the servants piled up at the door welcoming her home. The prattle and worry of her disappearance was repeated more than once.

The deep voice of a man was heard from the far end of the house that made them scurry off to where they came.

She stepped back into Dominic when the man with the loud voice came into view. He was stocky, short and had a stern look on his face. Dominic placed strong hands on Emilia's shoulders as she backed up crushing his toes.

He walked into their view.

He never looked at Dominic. The loving, caring image of a worried guardian was not in his eyes, the welcoming hug never came. In shock, Dominic watched as his lips curled into a snarl and he backhanded Emilia so hard she fell to the floor. He yanked her up by the arm she had injured and she let out such a scream. He quickly let go only to see that Dominic flew into a rage and stood before Emilia. He grabbed the man by the shirt and drew him close to meet the deadly glare of blue steel before slamming his fist into the man's face.

"Don't you ever put your hands on her again," Dominic roared.

He let the man go, sending him flying back, he toppled into a nearby flower vase in a crash to the floor.

Kneeling beside her, he held her close checking her shoulder, he lifted her face to see the trail of blood coming from her mouth. Quickly he pulled out his handkerchief and wiped at it. Helping her up, he held her trembling body close to him.

"Now I understand her fear of returning here," he breathed.

Watching her uncle stand and wipe the blood from his mouth and nose.

"You are going to pay for this," her uncle warned.

"That will have to wait old man; what's more important is the well being of your niece, Don't you think?" Dominic's eyes were daggers at this moment.


His anger seemed to make the Duke recollect his rage a bit and calm down.

"Speak your piece, then get the hell out of my house, McAllister. "

An eyebrow shot up in Dominic's eye.

"Yes, I know who you are, you bloody bastard. A scoundrel in sheep's clothing," The duke squeezed his fists until they were white.

"Can we speak in private?" Dominic asked, expecting no other answer but a yes.

Fuming the duke bellowed for Gertrude and Sarah to attend to Emilia and urged Dominic to follow him to his study.

He watched Emilia's uncle take a seat But, refused to sit down himself. He stood looking at the burly old man.

"Do you care to tell me how my niece ended up in your company, McAllister" he folded his hands sitting back waiting for an explanation.

Breathing slowly he tried to control his anger. Dominic flexed his hands on the top of a chair separating him from the Duke, not much of a barrier but it would give the fool some time to run if need be.

Bowing his head, he continued.

"I was on my way to Grisham, my estate and I found her injured on my boat"

Her uncle sat up straight with a frown.

"She was naked, with a dislocated shoulder and two broken ankles."

"What? How could that be?" The duke questioned perplexed by such news.

"I don't know, but, however this happened it was meant for her to be left for dead or never found again."

Silently the Duke sat and took all what Dominic had said.

Then immediately he shot Dominic an angry glare.

"So this whole time she was with you, alone and unchaperoned." He watched the old man's anger rise.

"Yes, forgive me if I did not send for someone sooner, for the naked girl child with no identity found injured in my boat." He sarcastically hissed.

"If you layed one hand on her, McAllister, so help me..." The duke fumed.

"I can assure you she is untouched." He quickly hissed.

Bloody liar, every inch of your lips and hands were on her!!!

The skeptical look turned into semi-relief on the Duke's stare as he sat back and looked away from Dominics scrutinizing eyes.

"Please, save the theatrics old man, you know good and well her virtue is only an important chess piece in your game to throw her to some lout or lovesick schoolboy that can take her off your hands," Dominic yelled.

"How dare you speak to me that way." In an offensive glare he stood abruptly from his seat.

"Yes, I dare. You don't have to worry and play the doting uncle worried for the well being of his niece." Dominic began to pace furiously.

"Get out! I don't need to hear anymore of your preposterous accusations."

"That is fine with me old man, but know this. If anything happens to Emilia, even so much if a scratch falls upon her. You better believe you will have me to answer to." Dominic warned.

"Are you threatening me?" he growled.

The duke's face turned red as an apple.

"M'lord duke, consider it a warning with considerable consequence if not heeded." With that last note, Dominic turned and stormed off to leave.

Walking towards the front door, he heard Emilia call his name.

"Dominic!" Her voice meek and soft.

He turned and quickly blinked, looking up at her, his eyes softened and the anger he felt quickly went away. It was a total transformation of her, she looked stunning.

She slowly stepped down the stairs and walked over to him.

Their eyes connected for a while. He held her hands and kissed them both.

"Will I ever see you again?" She asked, worried.

He smiled and tapped her nose.

"I am not going too far. If you need me for anything I will be here."

Her eyes sparkled and her smile was wide that her pearly teeth just lit up her face.

He caressed her cheek, his heart just melted when she closed her eyes, raised her hand to squeeze his hand to her cheek. He gently bent his head and kissed her forehead.

"Stay out of trouble." He tapped her nose.

She nodded with a coy smile. Misty green eyes watched him turn to walk out the front door with one last glance her way he winked at her and it brought a smile that made her blush.

The door clicked shut and her tears fell. She turned and met the stern gaze of her uncle. With head bent, she turned to walk back upstairs to her room.

The short carriage ride home was rewarding because he hungered for his bed, he was exhausted and bothered. He met Bufford's warm, welcoming smile at the entrance way.

"M'lord it is good to see you again."

Dominic nodded.

"Good to see you too, Bufford" he smiled.

He entered into the foyer handed his coat and cravat to Bufford.

"M'lord, would you like me to fetch you a drink?"

"I'll have some whiskey in the study," He replied.

With a quick nod, Bufford walked off.

He entered the study and threw his self in a large chair by the window. His body weary and exhausted thought back to the day he had.

Bufford entered a while later with a glass of whiskey. Before he turned away, Dominic asked.

"Bufford, did I get any messages while I was gone?"

Clearing his throat, he came closer and stood near him.

"Indeed you did m'lord, would you like me to relay them?"

Dominic nodded his head, sat quietly, and listened to the messages of who came to visit. He took a sip while hearing Bufford rambled on and concentrated on the last interesting message from his latest companion in the boudoir.

"Lady Hannah went on to say, m'lord, that she could not wait for your return so you can plunge your manhood into her nether regions..." Dominic choked sputtering and coughing on his whiskey while Bufford non ceremoniously thwacked him repeatedly on his back. Bufford cleared his throat "Shall I continue m'lord?"

Still breathing heavily and trying to clear his airway, Dominic shook his head.

Slouching back, he breathed in deeply wiping the stinging tears from his eyes..

Oh! Hannah never seemed to amaze him. She was a lioness in bed and he couldn't wait to get to her either, he chuckled. But, then he grew silent. Emilia came to his thoughts. With a large sigh, he leaned forward and closed his eyes, then buried his hands in his face. With a deep moan and curse, he stood and walked to lean against the window.

Concerned Bufford stood behind him.

"M'lord is something wrong? Are you well?"

He stood silent for a while.

"Bufford, the night I left to Grisham Estate on my way there I found an injured young girl on my boat."

"Injured, m'lord?" Bufford surprised by the news came closer.

"She was badly injured and naked, crying for help. She had a dislocated shoulder and two broken ankles." His voice low.

"My Heavens!" Bufford gasped.

"The whole time I've been gone, I cared for her until she got better." Dominic turned to sit on the windowsill and face Bufford.

"Bufford, the weeks we spent in each other's company, something grew between us, you have no idea of how free I felt." He smiled at the memories.

"Is it possible M'lord, you are smitten with her." Bufford asked, looking at Dominic in a different light.

"No...Bufford, there is more to it. Underneath her demure and shy nature, there is this beautiful free willed girl that evokes a feeling in me I cannot name. I dream about her. When I look into her eyes, I completely melt."

Bufford stood silently waiting for Dominic to continue.

"The hardest thing for me was to return her to her family."

"So she is with her family, M'lord?" Bufford questioned wanting to know more about the young girl that has completely besotted his employer.

"She is Worthington's niece, The Duke of Margave." Dominic's lips curled in anger.

"Oh my, I see!" Bufford whispered, knowing too well of the Dukes ways.

"The bastard never even tended a caring look of concern towards her, he right away slapped her before me." Dominic's anger rose.

Knowing Dominic detests mistreatment of a woman, he swallowed nervously. After hearing that the girl was unchaperoned and alone with him and nearly beating the duke to a bloody pulp, he feared the worst.

"He did not call you out, did he Milord?" Holding on to fear itself, he clenched the silver platter in his hand.

Shaking his head Dominic looked away.

"No, but, I wish he did."

"I promised her I would be there for her if she needed anything. And I tend to keep that promise, Bufford"

The silence that followed was indication for him to retreat.


He stopped to look at Dominic.

"Yes, M'lord."

The look in Dominic's eyes was one he had never seen before.

"If a beautiful young lass comes looking for me by the name of Emilia, don't turn her away. She is welcome here any time." The boyish smile that rose to his face was astounding.

Bufford gave a humble smile and nodded.

"Most definitely, as you wish M'lord."

Turning Bufford walked out of the study and closed the door behind him. With a smile, the mysterious beauty, intrigued him. There was still hope for his lord yet. He had to get this man married quickly because his life was spiraling out of control with these so-called ladies or much better, harlots in fine clothing. They had no shame; he shook his head and rolled his eyes upward. He sighed, closing his eyes, giving himself the sign of the cross, he gestured a prayer upwards for enlightenment on his efforts.

Dominic finally retired to his room. A little after a few seconds of placing his head on his pillow, he fell fast asleep with her on his mind.


Dominic woke up with her on his mind and he gasped. His shaft was thick with need for her. His dreams of her felt so vivid, that raw lust took over his imaginations and in his dreams, her lush body lay beneath him soft, sweet and responsive. He groaned in agony, wrapping his hands around his throbbing cock. Her scent a stamp on his memory, played erotically with his senses. How he wished her to be in this bed with him. Pumping his fists up and down on his shaft he needed to release some sexual tension. She tantalized and aroused him in his dreams and the wave of pleasure showered over him with each stroke. He shuddered from the force of his release, laying weak and still unsatisfied against his pillows. He wanted her.

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