《The Marquess and The Rose》Chapter 10


The expanse of a week had gone, and everything returned to normal. Dominic sat and listened to Bufford's morning gossip candidly while pouring his tea. On strict orders, he was to check on the well-being of Emilia. All of his attention was on him when he relayed his messages about how she was doing.

"She is doing well, M'lord" Bufford nodded.

Dominic smiled to himself. He missed the little imp and her sweet ways. Thank goodness her return did not warrant suspicion or gossip, for that he was relieved.

"Are you going to visit her today M'lord?" Bufford asked.

Dominic sat back and smiled.

"Yes, Bufford I am."

With that said, Dominic ordered that the carriage pick him up.

His visits made her days much better. She had a radiant smile that just lit up her eyes when he visited. They went for a stroll throughout the garden with Sarah and Gertrude trailing not too far behind.

They giggled and whispered in awe of the sight of Emilia and Dominic together. There was no mistaking an attraction was evident between the two of them.

They walked over to a large oak tree and talked. He leaned against it and listened while she talked about her day. He looked down at the top of her head shiny dark brown tresses curled to her shoulder. He loved the way she wore it loose with bouncy curls. She looked up at him, smiled, and covered her face as she continued explaining her mischievous makings for the day.

During her piano lesson the piano somehow, inexplicably was missing a cord. Therefore, a tune was out of place and sadly, her lessons were canceled.

He chuckled and tapped her nose.

"You were gloating were you not?"

Coyly she looked away pointing up her nose.

"Au contraire M'lord, I gave my most saddened pitiful stare, and I cried." Her green eyes met his astonished gaze.

He shook his head laughing, he stared into green eyes that glistened with mirth.

"You are a little hellion!" he turned and leaned his back against the tree and folded his arms. He continued looking at her.

She impishly smiled and gave him a mock curtsey admitting that she was.

Such action had Dominic in a state of laughter that he pulled her close into a deep hug.

"Goodness, you light up anyone's day."

He pulled her hand into his arm, and they turned to walk back to the garden.

"M'lord?" Emilia looked up at him.

He looked down into her eyes.

"Are you going to the Wakefield ball?" She asked.

He scrunched his nose and looked into her beseeching stare. Her eyes went soft with wanting him to go.

He sighed.

He knew she did not like going to those affairs, but deep down, if he attended she will most likely go as well.

"I suppose I can go for a scant moment. Besides, I want to dance with the belle of the ball." He silently watched her eyes lower at his words, a sign of sadness in her eyes at the thought of him dancing with the belle of the ball and not her saddened her.

Such a look warmed his heart.

"Oh!" she whispered, looking away.


A teasing grin tugged at his lips.


She looked up at him with sad eyes.

"The belle of the ball is you."

He leaned down, kissed her forehead, and was rewarded with a smile and two pink cheeks.


The Wakefield Ball

It was the event decked in all of its opulence and grandeur not a soul could miss it. The ballroom flaunted its occupants in their most elegant attire.

Nervously, Emilia flanked on the right side of her uncle's arm, and her aunt on his left followed the crowd entering the doorway. The crowd looked at the beautiful girl entering that caught the attention of many young men.

Her eyes lowered,after she smiled and curtsied her way in.

Her uncle passed her into her aunt's arm to walk in order to greet the rest of the guests while he stood talking to other gentlemen.

Her eyes looked around and spotted the eyes of onlookers looking at her, a few tipped their glasses of wine to her, and she returned a smile.

Her eyes continued to watch the few dancers and inconspicuously search the crowd for Dominic until she found him. Her heart slipped its normal rhythm. He was as gorgeous as they come. He was dressed all in black; none could compare to his masculine beauty. She watched as another man equal in stature and very handsome as well pointed him in her direction. He turned, and their eyes finally met. Nervously she licked her lips and smiled.

He gave her the most gorgeous smile that made her legs weak.


He stood talking with his good friend Dimitri in the middle of the conversation he faltered.

"Oh! My who is that tender morsel?" Dimitri turned Dominic to look at the one in question.

His eyes saw the elegant, gorgeous sequined lavender dress. He looked into the most mesmerizing eyes. Emilia was breathtaking, a budding beauty that he wanted to pluck for himself.

With a smile, he looked at Dimitri and gave a wide smile.

"That my brother is Emilia Westham."

With interest, Dimitri held her gaze and Dominic followed it. Clearing his throat, he put a wide grin on his face and pat Dimitri on the back.

"Unfortunately for you, she is unavailable because you are getting married," He smirked.

And I would break your jaw if you went anywhere near her!

With a grin and a sigh, Dimitri shook his head.

"One can only dream my friend. One can only dream."

Turning, he agreed silently and watched as young girls circled around her and began to giggle and look their way. It was obvious they were talking about him and Dimitri. Nevertheless, his eyes never left hers. He gave a seductive wink and raised his glass to them as they began to squeal with delight and hide their smiles behind their gloved hands. She knew it was meant only for her, and she sweetly smiled at him and gave the most endearing blush.

The night went by in a flash before her as she was twirled and spun around the room. Flattering words were spoken to her, and the most coquettish smiles were given to her as well. However, none mattered to her, but his. When he finally took her into his arms, no one else in the room existed. His touch and stronghold had her floating. They danced and smiled at each other. Ever so often, he would say something that would brighten her eyes, and she in change would give a reply that would pull a chuckle or two and a breathtaking grin.


"I do say beautiful one, you have every young buck in here vying for your attention." He smiled down at her.

She looked up at him and returned a sweet beautiful grin.

"Is that a bad thing m'lord?" She asked with an innocent stare.

His noes wrinkled mockingly.

" I do say some of them look awful, others look questionable, and a good few have a tarnished reputation." He pulled a soft laugh from her that made her eyes sparkle.

"M'lord, you are wicked," she whispered hiding her smile.

He cocked his head to the side and looked down into her eyes curiously.

"So, has anyone of them caught your eyes yet, little one?"

With a meek smile, she caught his eyes in a stare that quickened his heart.

"Yes, M'lord" She whispered dreamily.

"Really, that was fast" He cocked an eyebrow

" For curiosity's sake, may I have his name?" he gave a wry smile.

Yes, the scoundrel that caught your attention so I can choke him.

With a grin that lit up her eyes, she held his gaze for a while and shook her head with a mischievous grin.

"No, but I can tell you m'lord, he is the most gorgeous man I have ever seen."

A sudden dip in his heart caught him by surprise to hear her describe any man in that fashion.

She continued to look into his eyes and watched his eyes deepen in color to her words. A sign that he was displeased with her response, but he hid it very well.

"M'lord?" she looked deep into his eyes.

As the dance was slowly coming to an end she quickly whispered to him squeezing his palm gently.

"That man is you." Her eyes immediately hid the desire she felt for him for their sake of anyone watching them.

Caught off guard by her response, he quickly recollected his self and chuckled. Holding her hands together, he kissed them with a wink and seductive smile.

" I am off limits, little one." He shook his head with a seductive grin.

She looked up at him with a smile, the light in her eyes held his gaze that made him grin from ear to ear.

"True, but in my dreams, you are not." She wrinkled her nose in a teasing manner.

She was every bit the saucy one, he mused with a chuckle.

"You naughty Minx," he grinned with desire twinkling in his gaze. He leaned forward and whispered.

"Neither in mine."

The dreamlike stare she gave him was beautiful. The color of her eyes immediately went a couple of shades darker with his response. Satisfied with her reaction, he watched her cheeks turn a vibrant pink before watching her being pulled into a circle of her friends.


To the ordinary eyes that watched them gracefully dance together; it was a modest courteous dance, she gifted him. However, to the jealous eye that watched them, there was much more seen between the two of them... A budding a romance? Maybe...But not for long.

Lady Hannah stood and watched her lover dance with the young girl. With jealously she observed her and could tell she was beautiful. She had every man watching her some as jealous as she because she was dancing with Dominic. She impatiently watched the two smile and laugh as he gracefully twirled her around. The sickening coos and awes were bothering her greatly, only the fake plastered smile on her face never gave away her disdain she felt for the girl.

The dance continued and all enjoyed the merriment. Sometime in between dances, she managed to turn away one or two young men to rest her feet. Curious as to where Dominic had run off to, she went in search of some refreshment and then search for him.

In a secluded alcove, Dominic and Lady Hannah hid and began their efforts to appease each other's growing need in their loins he for Emilia and she for him. Their hushed moans were drowned out by the loud music. He avoided her lips not wanting to kiss her, he began to dutifully roam her body with his hands. He took her ample breasts and squeezed each one with no satisfaction.

He pressed her up against the wall, raised her thighs around his waist, and pumped his cock into her with so much force she gasped. His mind wandered to the night Emilia came to his bed. His groin pulsed with the vision of her in his head. A part of him regretted letting her go. How he would have loved to be with her and caress her lush body.

His mind was brought back from his lusty daydreaming to the present the moment his release came. Spent and panting, he put Hannah down and began to fix himself. He didn't look at her as she fixed her breasts back into her bodice and arranged herself.

As they began to leave, Emilia caught sight of them. She watched as the woman turned and leaned in close and gave him a kiss on the cheek. Her heart sank at the sight of them. With that, she turned away and returned to the ballroom.

She put on the perfect smile until they all left.

Exhausted she walked up the stairs. She changed into her chemise and sat at the edge of her bed. All thoughts went to her dance with Dominic.

Her thoughts were filled with erotic images of them. The night she slipped into his bed, she would never forget it. Heat crept up her cheeks at the memory of how he caressed her and whispered his desire for in her ears. Then tonight when she mentioned, it was he who had her attentions, her knees went weak with his twinkling eyes.

He was off limits, he winked.

Drowsily she yawned, content with the night.

She lay back on the soft bed and closed her eyes immediately with his image on her mind. It was his embrace that pulled her close, and his seductive voice that lulled her to sleep.

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