《The Marquess and The Rose》Chapter 3


Jolting to a stop, he leaned forward and pushed open the door. Hopping out, Bufford met Dominic on the side of the carriage and helped him unload his baggage. With few words exchanged in the task, Bufford turned to look at him.

"Now remember, I will be gone for a week or two. I will be on the Grisham Estates attending to the lands and what needs to be done there.

With a nod, Bufford agreed.

Understanding fully well he must attend to what his father left for him. He turned to step off the dock onto the boat. Within minutes of prepping and loading everything on, he set sail and began to pull away from the dock, away from the ton and away from everything.

The dark night engulfed him and the boat in the water. He breathed the fresh air. Looking up at the stars he stretched out and relaxed, enjoying the soft waves. It was a perfect clear night. Staring into the dark glittery, starry night, he drifted off to sleep.

Some time had passed and Emilia finally fought her way out of the darkness she was drowning in. The silence terrified her; she heard nothing and felt chilled. Slowly she opened her eyes and gasped for air. She felt the unbearable pain that jolted through her, a low whimper escaped her. Unable to move her left arm, she moved her right with so much pain. She felt for her surroundings. Her heart stopped when she passed her hand over her bare skin, she was naked. Slight feeling was returning back to her now aching body that it brought a sharp cry when she tried to move and couldn't. Frantically, she cried the pain was excruciating.

Her raspy voice barely audible began to cry out for help.

The soft cry beckoned for help. Slowly he drifted in and out of sleep, but the cry came again and his lids heavily opened. Silently, he listened again.

Was his mind playing with him?

Was he dreaming?

Sitting up, eyes wide open he frowned.

The cry came again from the rear of the boat.

He stood quickly grabbed his lantern and walked towards the sound. He neared the rear of the boat, shining the lantern in the darkness. The soft glow of light revealed a naked young girl weeping.

With a curse, he quickly lowered the lamp and pulled off his shirt to cover her.

"My god, what happened to you?" He whispered nervously.

He quickly knelt beside her to pick her up, but her anguished blood curdling scream just as fast stopped him. Something was wrong.

"What is wrong?" He asked in a breathless panic.

Her meek voice through sobs cried the pain was coming from her shoulder and her ankles.

He thought quickly, he would have to risk moving her below. He could not leave her like this.


"I must get you below, this is going to hurt very much," he explained.

Gentle he could no more be to avoid her scream, but it was inevitable. She ground her face into his chest and cried with the most heart wrenching scream.He only made it half way thru the doorway to the cabin before she went limp in his arms. Gently he placed her on the bed.

He lit the two wall sconces that lit the cabin up enough to see her.

He sat on the side of the bed and moved her hair away from her face. She was passed out. He felt her cheeks and was relieved of no sign of fever.

Sitting at her side, thoughts passed in his mind of how she ended up on his boat. Who was she? Where was she from? Answers at this moment he was not going to get from her. He wondered when she would awaken.

His mind swam with what to do; He was too far out to return. Set with a decision he set course for his estate.

He looked at her before going above to get the boat moving. She needed help.

The lands around the estate greeted him head on as he carefully walked with the young girl in his arms. The manor, although solitary was big and opulent. He walked the cobblestone pathway to the entrance door. With a nudge, he managed to get it open. Entering, he looked around to the empty waiting area.

"Hello! Is anyone here?" He called out

 Although the manor has been unoccupied for years, Helmsley an elderly groundskeeper stayed in the manor. The soft baritone voice of a man came from the stairs above.

"M’lord, you have returned so soon, " he came quickly.

The old man met him with surprise. His pallor began to whiten when he looked at the young girl limp in his arms. Startled eyes shot up to look at an annoyed look in Dominic’s eyes. Nervously, he overlooked the petite form and noticed that she was not dressed, but in a thin large shirt.

Annoyed Dominic breathed. Clenching his jaw, he shot the old man an impatient stare.

"Aye, she is still alive if that is what you are wondering," he hissed.

Leaving Helmsley to fall into step behind him, he marched up the stairs two at a time to his quarters he stays in when he is there.

The not so welcoming cool decorated room was as he left it. Helmsley quickly walked over to the large windows and drew the heavy curtains back to let in the bright morning light.

Placing her on the large bed, he drew back to let the light fall on her to see her clearly. The gasp that came from Helmsley beat him to it.


"She is but a young girl, m’lord. What happened to her?" He searched Dominic's face for answers.

Arms crossed before his chest, he shook his head.

"I don’t know. I found her on my boat."

He sat at her side of the bed and softly pulled the shirt over her shoulder to examine her. The gasp of Helmsley caught his ear and he knew it was bad. Her shoulder looked discolored, swollen and no doubt dislocated. Miffed and bothered he knew nothing about this or how to fix it. He shot Helmsley a sad look.

"She is injured Helmsley, she needs to be seen by a physician." He turned to continue checking for more bruises and noticed her ankles were slightly discolored as well.

"M'lord, but there is no one." He gave Dominic a frightened look.

"Well you bloody well better find someone old man, and fast." He stood, walking to Helmsley.

The poor old man backed away from Dominic icy glare of rage and walked out leaving him alone.

He stood and watched the young girl. Her long hair lay askew, her cherubic face peaceful with long lashes, pert nose and pretty lips. His mind toyed with question after question but had no answers. Time had passed and he impatiently waited for the physician. Suddenly the boisterous voices came from the stairway. Helmsley entered the room with the physician.

Entering Helmsley shyly pointed towards the bed. The physician’s frightful gaze looked at the girl and gasped, clutching his leather bag to his chest.

"Dear God, What happened to this poor child?"

Annoyance boiled at Dominic resolve.

"That is why we summoned you, to find out what is wrong and to see if you can see to her injuries."

The physician neared the side of the bed and placed his hand above her forehead and throat.

"She has no fever, which is good."

Resting his bag on the bed, he continued to examine her.

Helmsley nervously stood beside Dominic watching the physician do his work.

After a long examination, he stood and turned to Dominic.

"What is wrong with her?" He asked.

Weary eyes saddened. "She has a separated shoulder and fractured ankles on both feet."

"What must be done?" He asked.

"We must reset the bone, M’lord that is the only way to fix her shoulder and then we bandage her ankles."

"Well, let us get on with it before she awakens," he ordered.

Upon the physician's instructions he followed what was to be done. Getting into position the doctor paused and looked at Dominic.

"M’lord would you like for me to put her under." The physician asked.

The puzzling question made Dominic frown.

"What do you mean?"

Clearing his throat the physician cracked a nervous smile.

"Forgive me m’lord, but I have never set a bone before...Well, not at least in a person...A human...Err, only in animals..... Mainly horses."

"What say you, are you not a physician?" Dominic incredulous glare shot right from him to Helmsley.

"No, my lord, I’m a Veterinarian. I tend to the local farm animals." The poor man inched back a bit as Dominic’s look of disbelief turned deadly.

"Why the hell did you bring an animal doctor, does she look like a horse to you, Helmsley?" He hissed in anger.

"Forgive me m’lord, he was all I could find in such short notice." Helmsley wiped his brow of sweat and nervously looked at them both.

Brushing off Helmsley, he ordered the physician to continue. He had no time to waste.

“Are you sure m’lord you do not want me to administer…” the warning glare from Dominic immediately stopped him.

“Not unless you want a quick death old man, lets get on with this. My patience is waning thin.” He gnarled.

They got into position both men on each side of her, he watched as the physician placed his hand over her shoulder and extended her arm. Bearing down and holding her in place, the man yanked her arm until a pop and crack resonated from her shoulder.

Thankful she was not awake for this, he laid her gently against the pillows.

After making a makeshift sling out of cloth and her feet were bandaged the physicians gave ointment for her shoulder and laudanum for the pain.

"Do you know how she could have sustained injuries such as this?" He questioned.

With a frown, he folded the leather bag shut and stood before him.

"I can only think of one way M’lord, she could have jumped from a horse or carriage, but, there is no way to be entirely sure how this happened until she awakens." He sadly looked at her.

"How long would it take for her to be completely healed and recover?"

"Depending on how fast she heals can take weeks; she will need much rest and must not be moved until then." The physician eyed the poor girl.

“I would appreciate your absolute discretion on this matter and what has occurred here today is repeated to no one.” Dominic warned.

 With a curt nod in response that he understood, the physician took his leave.

He walked over to the bed and sat at her side. She barely moved when they reset her shoulder. There was little he could do for her now, but watch over her.

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