《The Marquess and The Rose》Chapter 2


Morning light gave no promise to how long the sun would hide behind the clouds. Slightly squinting up he watched as one or two clouds drifted by.

Leaning back he was drifting in and out of a sweet slumber as his boat lulled with the waves on the open water.

Taking his early morning boat ride gave him great escape from the stuffy London streets and its people.

Day and night he was goaded into assisting balls, dances and dinners. Stuffed into tight jackets, cravats and surcoats just stifled him. The crisp seawater wafted thru to his nose and it brought a smile on his face.

Eventually he had to get back he breathed he had work to attend to and no one could be left with the task.

He chuckled at his butler Bufford as he followed him to the docks with book and pen in hand delegating and asking questions on estate accounts and what was to be done in his absence. With quick halt, he had to quickly grab the poor duddy old man before he toppled them both into the water.

Rolling his eyes he promised Bufford he would return in a couple of hours and that he was sure in that small amount of time the world would not come to an end with his absence but pretty much rejoice in it.

The baffled stare of Bufford made him grin.

Unfortunately, he must go with that promise and return, if not he would send a search for him most surely.

Quickly standing he rolled up the boats anchor. He let down the sail and let the brisk breeze pull him in the direction he needed to go while he stirred his boat home.

Some hours or so went by before he could see the docks pulling into view.

With an oath under breath and a curse, the small plump view of Bufford stood waving jubilee as he saw the boat pulling in.

"Curses Bufford I asked that you wait for me at home." He yelled from the boat.

His sullen nervous look lowered his eyes as he watches his Lord climb above the dock.

"Aye, forgive me M'lord, but I was a trifle bit worried you were not going to return in time for supper." he stammered pulling his watch from his pocket. The poor old man was indeed growing old he breathed. He has been a loyal butler to his father, a gentleman's, gentleman as you would call he was and continued so until his father's passing and still serving him.

By mid-morning, she was in her uncle’s music room on the piano practicing her lessons with Madam Georgette. The tunes spilled softly from each key once or twice an off-key sound would escape only to have a long thin stick briskly tap her hands.

"Sit up straight Emilia, if you would sit properly and stop clawing at the keys you can play with finesse" the goading high pitched voice ridiculed her endlessly so she began to detest the lessons, the instructor and the piano altogether.

"Forgive Me Madam." She squeezed her fingers together before turning her attentions back to the black and ivory keys.

"My goodness Emilia, sit straight before you slump to the floor." The familiar voice of Joanna her older sister rang out. She stiffened at her voice entering from the hall into the music room. Stopping to halt on the last note she stroke, she blew a breath at her sister’s criticism. Turning on the oak bench, she watched her sister remove her cloak and gloves.

Joanna was older than her by five or six years, she was haughty with an air of supremacy towards her. She rather developed a closeness of some sort with her after her parents died. Joanna chose to live with her Aunt Matilda in Gloucester and would visit often to attend the local social events. Ever so often would visit and she would sit with her and talk very little, but as if she strained to force herself to do so.


Although they were from the same father, they had little similarities. Where Joanna had blonde hair with blue eyes and was tall and skinny with a long neck, she on the other hand was petite in stature, slender with chestnut brown hair that spilled down her back and green eyes. Like her mother as her grandfather would say.

She watched as Joanna handed her cloak and gloves to Jeoffry their butler before strolling over to her and giving her a kiss on each cheek. Fake! Nevertheless, it was bearable. She pulled her up to her feet and twirled her around. With satisfaction splaying on her lips, she smiled.

"I do say you look very lovely sister." She smiled.

Emilia not use to hearing such flattering words from Joanna ducked her head coyly and thanked her.

Pulling her close to sit beside her on a chair nearby, she looked skeptically at Johanna because she rarely ever did this.

“Tell me, sister, are you going to attend the Van Camps Soiree? I hear it will be a splendid event.” Her eyes twinkled with the news.

Lowering her head, she honestly did not want to attend. She grew tiresome of the London season and the gossip, although interesting was all they did at those events.

“I suppose I am. If you are going, uncle will insist that I go along as well.” Emilia sighed.

It was the talk of the evening of Lady VanCamps dinner party a must go to affair. She returned from France and brought with her a dashing gentleman friend. Soon, perhaps husband number three as some teetered and gasped with gossip. Most went for the food and music, others went for the gossip to see who came with who. Such things were dull for Emilia but a must for her sister and Aunt Matilda who was scandalously the biggest gossiper of the ton. She was out right forced to go. She dreaded these affairs and it was not up for discussion she was to be chaperoned by Matilda upon her uncle’s orders. Sitting back in her seat of her carriage, she watched Joanna shift impatiently in her seat.

Tonight was a more special night for Joanna.

Although she has many gentleman callers there is one in particular, she wanted to see this night. She knew about her sisters dalliances which in part were improper because she is marrying Lord Ethan Humphries, Earl of Westbrook. He was broodingly handsome, but had a bad temper with his drink as some whispered. Therefore, she had her clandestine meetings while he was away.

The clock in his solar ticked incessantly. He poured another glass of whiskey and turned to stand at his window. The lit streetlights gave him an ample view of its occupants as they walked and talked. Carriages trotted here and there carrying its passengers to their destination.

A slight tap at his door demanded his answer for entry.

"Enter!" He ordered.

The familiar form of Bufford entered.

"M’lord, will you not be assisting Lady VanCamps evening affair?" Bufford questioned, looking at the clock above the fireplace.

He received the invitation weeks ago, but had no intentions of going. Such event he tried not to attend. He had to admit that at times, it was entertaining, but it grew bothersome with the downpour of idiotic chatter.

"Sorry Bufford, I am not going to attend." He answered.

Searching for words to say to Dominic, he sputtered.

"M’lord I must say it will be quite the event. Lady Amanda had asked you to attend with her." Bufford smiled with hope that finally Dominic would go to lift up his spirits.


He sat staring into the fire before him. Swirling the dark liquid in his mouth, he recalled his last encounter with Lady Amanda and her long milky thighs that snaked their way up his legs in an effort to grab his attention at The Brownford’s luncheon. Her advances gained a short but seductive romp in his carriage.

She was an enticing woman eager for him. Time and circumstance would not permit such a union. She was married at the time and her husband was at the party.

He was surely going to go to hell for his rake hellish ways. His groin began to throb at the vision of her soft, plump rump in his lap and warm beneath his fingers.

The brisk clearing of Bufford’s throat reminded him he waited for an answer.

"It is better I don't attend Bufford." He insisted.

"Very well M’lord, I am retiring for the night will you be in need of anything else?"

Dominic shook his head, then thought again. It was Friday after all, what was to stop him from taking a long weekend absence.

Turning, he smiled and bolted out his plan to a baffled Bufford.

"But....But...At this hour M’lord? Bufford nervously looked at the watch.

"Yes, ready some food for me, I want to leave within the hour.” He ordered.

Bufford hesitated for a bit before turning on his heels to do as he was asked.

It would be a long overdue voyage for him to be finally away from the soot and smog of this city. He breathed.

Just a brief getaway for a couple of days is all he hungered for.

The ball was in full swing. The mixture of music and laughter wafted through the entrance doors. Her uncle at her side acknowledged acquaintances and friends with a smile and a nod with his nieces in tow. By the time they made it through the crowd into the main Ballroom the familiar face of Lady VanCamp came into view with an endearing smile.

"Why Emilia everyday you grow more beautiful." chimed Lady VanCamp as she painfully pinched her cheeks.

With a pretty bow, Emilia thanked her.

The overwhelming compliments poured like a bucket of water overhead. More for her than Joanna she noticed.

She bowed her head to avert the gaze from the prying, curious and smitten stares of some of the tons eligible bachelors. A languid seductive smile came from many while coy bashful bows came from the rest.

The dinner continued and they talked of many things that lasted with an informal dance to pass the night away. She watched as Joanna swayed to the music. She enjoyed the merriment sitting and watching.

She watched Joanna menacingly come her way with other girls trailing behind her that devious smile she has when she has something planned made her nervous.

"Oh sister!" She pouted, Pulling Emilia to her feet. Pulling away shyly, she saw what her sister was doing and before she could protest, she swirled her into the arms of a young man. The snickers and low claps of gloved hands excited by their work watched in awe as she gracefully fell into place with her partner’s footsteps.

Miffed and embarrassed she hid her demeanor under a shy smile.

She twirled and spun all over as the onlookers admired her dancing.

"I do say milady your beauty and grace are most becoming" the young man said in a low voice.

She looked up to him.

He was very handsome with a boyish look perhaps he was about a year or two older than she was, she being 16.

"Forgive me if I have not properly introduced myself, my name is Adam VanCamp." He smiled.

Her eyes lit up with the knowledge he was family to Lady VanCamp.

He nodded with what he figured she would ask.

"I am her nephew" he smiled, showing beautiful pearly white teeth.

"Please to meet your acquaintance." She smiled.

After a brief conversation with him, she was relieved when she walked back to her chair. Surprisingly Joanna was not there waiting for her. Curiously, she looked around and did not see her.

She went in search for her.

Groups of people swam in front of her as she searched all over for Joanna. It was not good to be left unchaperoned Matilda was in the main hall with others talking.

Frustrated, she began to worry that Joanna took off.

She whirled in her head all the places she checked, then realized Joanna could be in the garden.

Lady VanCamp had a large beautiful garden with a gazebo.

She made her way through the crowd towards the back entrance door that led to the garden.

The dark night was welcoming; she looked around, but saw no one. She inched a bit on the walkway towards the gazebo.

The soft, familiar laugh of Joanna came to the ear.

Puzzled, she walked closer to where the laughter came from.

"Oh! Stephen you naughty man." She panted.

His husky laugh came from the middle of her bosom.

She breathed heavily when his hands found their way beneath her skirts.

His hot lips trailed her neck to her ears.

How they breathed and panted with not a care in the world. Only startled disbelieving eyes watched what was unfolding before her.

As if all alone and not a care in the world they continued their tryst. They never heard the footsteps or felt the presence that they were being watched.

The vision before her was unreal. The uncompromising position her sister was in was new to her. She was never really taught the way of woman and men in intimacy, only what she overheard in gossip.

“Oh! Stephen?” Johanna moaned.

And her cheeks grew hot.

She watched with the little moonlight the astonishing view of her sister straddled in Stephen's lap. Her breasts exposed and dress pulled all the way up to her waist. A slight feeling of warmth and embarrassment crept up her cheeks as her sister shamefully let his hand disappear between her legs. Her ears burned with all the moaning and panting. Shaking her head, she could not believe what she was seeing how she was letting Stephen touch her so. Her chest ached with hurt because she detested him.

In shock, she watched as he exposed himself and laid her on the bench beneath him. Her gasps and moans began with his movement of his hips.

The passion of the two went on only to be cut short of Emilia shouting Joanna's name.

"What are you doing out here." Joanna hissed pushing Stephen off of her.

She watched Joanna lower her skirts and hide her breasts back in her bodice. Fixing herself and her composure, she walked passed Stephen that was doing the same.

Emilia's voice cracked

"I was looking for you," she whispered, lowering her head.

"Well, you found me, now go," Joanna scowled angrily.

Shaking her head Emilia refused to leave.

"No, I will not leave without you." She protested shooting Steven daggers of hate.

"I won’t leave you alone with this...Monster," she blurted out.

Joanna stepped before Stephen lunged at Emilia.

"You listen here you little bitch...." He hissed.

"If you do not leave with me this instant Joanna I will tell Uncle of what I saw," she threatened with little courage she could muster up to make it believable.

Joanna rift with anger yanked Emilia by her arm with so much force a scream came from her.

"You’re hurting Me." She cried.

"It will be much worse if you open your mouth." Joanna warned.

"What you’re doing is wrong Joanna! You’re making a big mistake," she pleaded.

The heated voice of Stephen piped into their argument.

"A mistake that will cost you, dearly if you open your bloody mouth." He clenched his jaw.

"You bastard, all you do is accost and grope me," she whispered with disgust.

"And then your filthy hands caress and feel my sister!" She cried out.

Joanna watched as Stephen pushed passed her and grabbed Emilia by the shoulders and throat, then shook her.

"You don’t know how much I pray for the day to get you alone," he breathed near her lips.

"And you don’t know how much I pray for the day you return under the rock you came from." She yelled.

He began to pull her. However, Joanna stopped him and yanked her from his grip before he could do her any harm.

"I will handle her." Joanna said over her shoulders, pulling Emilia behind her.

With that said, Johanna dragged her across the lawn towards the front side of the house. She hushed Emilia, while she pulled her through a winding back street familiar as a shorter way home.

Emilia begged her to stop. The whole time Joanna spewed curses at her. She has never seen her so angry.

The dark alley way led to the beginning of another road. When they got to the end, a carriage rolled in at breakneck speed and halted before them.

It was Stephen.

He ordered them to get in. Her heart slammed in her chest that something was not right.

Joanna opened the carriage door, pulled it open and yanked Emilia to get in. Slipping from her grip, she ran.

She barely got far before a hard arm encircled her waist so hard she could barely breathe. Stephens’s large hands covered her mouth to muffle her screams.

With little effort, she was tossed on the floor of the carriage before Joanna.

With her hair in a mess toppled about her face, she trembled at the hand that grabbed for her. With a cry, she slapped it away and threw herself on the opposite chair. Out of breath, she faced her sister.

"Why are you doing this Joanna?" She cried out.

"I cannot risk you ruining this for me, Emilia." Joanna plumped beside her and grabbed her arm digging her nails deep.

"Ruin what, your chance to become his whore?" Emilia said icily.

The sting of Joanna's hand across her face startled her. Holding her cheek, she shot a hurt look of disbelief at Joanna.

Frightened, she sat back into the corner of the chair. The murderous glare that set in Joanna's eye made her recoil further.

Tear filled eyes followed by her words.

"I cannot be married to Ethan, I do not love him." She shook her head.

All knew that the earl had a penchant for the drink and a heavy hand when angered. It set fear in Joanna's heart, fear that pushed her to do the unthinkable.

Within seconds, she grabbed Emilia and they began to struggle with so much force. Johanna slammed her against the carriage door, throwing it open, Emilia screamed.

"Joanna, what are you doing?" The speed of the carriage was very fast.

Holding on to Joanna's skirt, Emilia screamed and begged. Joanna picked and pulled at her fingers clawing at her dress trying to avoid being pulled out as well.

The look of fright in Emilia's eyes along with tears stared into Joanna's.

"Forgive me sister." Joanna cried, closing her eyes and looking away for a brief second before she finally pulled Emilia’s fingers free.

The final scream of her name from Emilia's lips disappeared into the dark night.

With a screeching halt the carriage stopped, thrashing her about. The opposite door swung open. Stephen's look of fright looked up to Joanna's tear streaked face.

"Bloody hell! What did you do, Joanna?" Panicked, his voice shrieked.

Staring at him, little emotion and shock came in her voice.

"I pushed her out," she cried.

With a ring of curses he ran back to look for Emilia. The loud crash of the water drew him to realize he was near the docks. Boats lined up and bounced violently in the water. He frantically searched for her.

The lump in the road further down got him into a panic, running towards her he slid to his knees beside her limp body.

It was contorted and mangled, she lay lifeless. Fear gripped at his heart of the worst.

The whimper behind him came into view.

"Is she alive?" Regret and agony was in her cries.

Looking up at her with hate and disdain, he warned her.

"You better hope she still lives. Why did you do this?"

She did not answer, only cried.

He leaned his head forward and placed it by her lips. Her breathing was faint.

Closing his eyes, he had no idea what to do. He could not take her home like this.

The idea struck him, he looked at the nearby boats. He needed to get her in it. For sure she would be found in the morning by then they will be long gone.

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