《Clairaudience / / F. Volturi》{2}


Lilith Swan

As the months passed on Bella started functioning a little better than when I had first arrived home. Though this wasn't by her own choice. This 'encouragement' of better behaviour came from me practically forcing her to eat, shower and complete her school work. It was awkward at first. We had barely seen each other up until now, made worse when she decided to stop visiting dad, and now she had a twenty-year-old stranger she had to call sister telling her what to do. Though I suppose it was for her own benefit. She was wasting away in front of that window.

I thought it would be for the best if I didn't ask her about Edward or the rest of the Cullens, we weren't that close yet, not after 4 months. But that didn't stop my morbid curiosity. However, the relief that followed dad whenever Bella did something made me feel better. Even if we both truly know that she isn't getting better, she's just pulling through to get us off her back. Writing emails that would never be sent.

It wasn't until mid-January that things started to change.

We had tried to discuss professional help to Bella before but she had always refused, for what reason we didn't know, but we weren't going to push her if it made things worse. So now I sat on my laptop, mouse hovered over each listing to Florida. Dad had decided that a change of scenery was in order if Forks reminded her so much of what she lost. So he made a few calls to Renee to see if she could help. Though now I felt a sense of hesitancy when all is said and done.

As much as I wanted her away from the place that is causing her such pain, I had no idea if removing her from the last place of memories that she had of the Cullens was a good plan. Or if she would think that I was taking her place with Charlie. Not that she spent much time with him from what I've gathered. Charlie was heartbroken the day she decided to leave only to end up in the hospital that very same night. He still feels guilty. That he could have done more to keep her home. That he should have put a limit on how much time she spent with Edward. She never really saw dad once they got together.


I caught a glimpse of dad outside with Bella through the window. I wandered closer to the partially open window to see what was wrong. ''That's it'' he said with a great sense of finality. He was awkwardly looking at the ground and avoiding eye contact with Bella. This was too soon.


''You're going to Jacksonville to live with your mother.''

A small spark of rage ignited in Bella's eyes. This was the first emotion besides sadness that she had shown since I had arrived. This was going down like a lead balloon. ''I'm not leaving Forks'' She was adamant. ''Just because Lilith is here doesn't mean that I have to leave.'' She was glaring at me through the window before looking back to dad.

''Bells,'' He sighed. ''He's not coming back.''

''I know''

I felt my heart break for him all over again. But at least she had accepted the truth. ''It's not normal this behaviour, quite frankly it's scaring the hell out of both of us and your mother.'' He looked at her now ''Baby, I don't want you to leave, especially not just because your sister is here now. I really don't. But...just go to Jacksonville and make some new friends''

Bella shook her head and looked at the ground. ''I like my old friends''

Bella had never been a great liar, though that isn't something to complain about. She hadn't even attempted to contact any of hem since he left. Not for comfort or anything else. It made me wonder if she had ignored them too since she got with Edward. Just like she did dad.

''Bella, you never see them anymore''

Bella nodded in that awkward shaky way. ''I do, I-'' She took a deep breath and met Charlie's eyes again. ''I'm gonna, uh, go shopping tomorrow, with Jessica.''


Charlie stood up a little straighter. I don't think he quite believed it either.

''You hate shopping.''

''I need a girls night out'' She replied with a forced smile on her face.

''Alright,'' He didn't look convinced. But he was trying for her sake. ''Girls night shopping. I like it...go buy stuff''

Bella then proceeded to get into her truck as dad walked away.

Thank you for reading~

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