《Healer》Today Is The Day


We are in the car on the way to my old pack my hands are shaking Austin reaches over and places one hand over both of mine. I smile at him i cannot believe how much has changed in such a short time but at the same time i feel sad the last time i was there Austin wasn't so nice to me. I sigh Austin looks at me

"You ok baby?"

"Yes" i turn and look out the window he keeps driving but i can feel him keep looking at me he is also trying to communicate with me through our mind link. Soon we are pulling up just outside the pack lines. We all get out the cars and meet up.

"The plan is some of you shift and the rest of us will walk every person on patrol gag them and place them in front of the pack house, you that have shifted stay with them the rest of us get the rest in there homes and the pack house, then the fun can begin. Austin smirks "Baby stay with me" he takes my hand the rest split up and we move in. We find that there are only four guarding the grounds, Austin lets go of my hand and he moves so fast the guard doesn't see him coming Austin knocks him out with a blow to the head. Then things happen so fast me and Austin run to the pack house Austin dumps the knocked out man on the floor with the others, Alpha Daniel and some others come with us they are opening doors and getting people out, me and Austin go to franks room Austin smashes the door down. The sight i see i could of done without there is Frank and Betty in a compromising position and i see red all of there pack members are being dragged from there home


"Alpha Austin you could of knocked I'm in the middle of something"

"GET UP NOW!" i bellow even Austin looks at me stunned

"Well well little Molly nice to see you again" he makes my skin crawl Austin has heard enough and grabs Frank who now only has his boxers on Betty starts screaming i grab her she now has a robe on and drag them downstairs. When we get outside all the pack are there kneeling on the ground. I look around and the place is filthy i shake my head.

"I see you didn't pick another slave"

"I thought he would send you back" Frank laughs

"Do not speak to my mate like that!" Austin snaps

"Forgive me Alpha" Frank snaps Austin steps forward i place my hand on his arm

"Why me what did i ever do to you?"

"I take it your here because you know i hid Malcolm so i will tell you Molly" he sighs "i killed your father not Malcolm it was the perfect excuse a pack attack, i gave your mother a choice become my mistress or die and you can guess what she choose so i killed her as well" i have tears rolling down my face

"What did they do to you?"

"I wanted your mother your father was always walking around like he owned the place i took great joy in ending his life" i jump towards him and Austin catches me in his arms.

"You will have your revenge" Austin says

"You will see everything taken from you before this day is out" Austin says "Alpha Daniel"

Alpha Daniel stands in front of the pack

"I Alpha Daniel of the White Sky Pack I am here to make you an offer i offer you a place in my pack the other choice is to die think about it. Alpha Austin"


"I Alpha Austin challenge you Alpha Frank to a fight to the death"

"What you think my pack will go with you?"

"We will" Janet and Tony stand up they are a middle aged couple "Luna Molly we were ordered not to talk to you i cannot tell you how bad it hurt to watch what he did to you"

"I do not blame any of you my problem is with Frank, Betty,Shelly and a few others" at that moment Frank jumped at Janet but Tony just got in front of her Franks claw dug into Tonys back he falls to the ground.

"TONY!" Janet fell to him pleading for him to hang on Frank laughed. I walk over to Janet and Tony

"Austin please hold Janet" he takes her and the others form a circle around me three of the warriors have Frank at the front and i rip Tonys top off i place my hands over his wound and i feel the warmth flow down my arms the white glow surrounds Tonys body i feel his body repairing when healed the warmth flows back up my arms. Tony gets to his knees and takes my hand "Thank you Luna your a healer!"

"I am yes" Austin lets Janet go she falls into Tonys arms

"Thank you Luna thank you thank you thank you" i smile at her and i turn to Frank

"You cannot and will not hurt anyone again" i turn to the others "have you made up your mind about joining the pack or not" i hear a round of yeses "ok Alpha Daniel will ask you one by one" i look at Alpha Daniel he nods. He stands there and goes through the pack and i am surprised that all of them agree to go they were not happy here for a long time.

"Alpha Frank answer the question" Austin says

"You bastards all of you after everything i have done for you Alpha Austin i accept your challenge"

"Luna Betty i challenge you to a fight to the death"I say


"Its fine Austin" Betty looks at me

"I accept" me and Betty make our way to the middle of the circle.

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