《Healer》The Night Before


Tomorrow we leave for my old pack Austin has been in his office with everyone coming and going,I'm sat on the sofa with Tabby on my lap i wont lie I'm nervous about tomorrow, people are going to get hurt innocent people that bastard Frank will use people just because he is Alpha. Im brought out of my thoughts when Austin sits next to me

"You look tired Austin"

"Im good baby ill sleep well tonight" i blush Austin chuckles and wraps his arms around me "I'm working on something ill tell you about it later, i better get back"

"Austin please let me make you lunch"

"Ok baby but can i eat it in the office?"

"I'll bring it through" he kisses me and leaves. I go into the kitchen and make a start on the sandwiches i make about thirty as i know that people will be in and out of his office i take the sandwiches and some water and chips along to the office, the door is closed and i have no free hand to open it, the door opens and Phillip is there

"Luna let me help you" Phillip takes the tray off me Austin looks up

"Hi baby" everyone looks stunned as they have never seen there Alpha like this


"Come here!" i walk over to Austin and he pulls me down on his lap "that is quite a snack for me baby"

"Its not just for you i made extra for everyone in here i bet they haven't eaten"

"Thank you Luna" they say

"Your welcome ill leave you to it" Austin and i kiss and i leave them to there business. Going into the family room i see Tabby is stretched out in the chair asleep i decide to let Robin out i walk outside and strip behind a tree, i think about Robin and my bones crack and I'm on my paws there is no pain this time.


"Robin ill let you take over"

"Thanks" off we go running through the trees we see some children playing and we go play with them they are jumping over Robin and laughing Del is there she hangs onto Robins neck pulling at her fur but she doesn't mind, suddenly everyone goes quite i stand up and i see Austin's wolf he walks over to me.

"Lets play!" with that he jumps at me and we start play fighting soon the children join in and they are jumping on sam (Austin's Wolf) i look around and see the parents watching and some of them have tears in there eyes

"We make him happy"

"I know Robin"

"I love you Molly"

"I love you to Robin" i feel sparks on my side Austin is next to me

"Look Austin look at the members of your pack looking at you with so much joy" he looks around

"I am proud of every member of our pack" i know they all heard it most look happy some look shocked and Phillip has the biggest smile on his face. Austin starts walking the way back home i run up to him and stand close to him we are touching he turns his head and licks my snout. When we get back home i go behind the tree and shift back, we head into the house.

"Are you done for the day?"

"No baby sorry we are going to train now"

"Ok but you need to rest for me please"

"I will tonight with you in my arms" i blush and hide my head in his chest


"Yes baby"

"Im scared"

"I know but ill be with you" i hold him tighter, after a while he leaves to go train with the others, there is a knock at the door.


"Hello Luna this is Alpha Daniel Max of the White Sky Pack is the Alpha here?"

"Hello Dee Alpha Daniel Austin is training are you on your own?"

"No Luna my best fighters are with me will you take us to Alpha Austin?"

"Of course this way please" i step out and see about thirty members of his pack we walk through the woods and come out into the clearing there is Austin with his shirt off I'm brought out of my daze by Alpha Daniel laughing,

"Sorry" Austin is by my side in an instant

"Alpha Daniel glad you could make it"

"Thank you for the invite"

"So you except what i have offered?"

"I do except" i have no idea what they are talking about "May we train with you?"

"Of course,Baby i'll explain everything later"

"Ok" Austin kisses me and leaves to train with the others i walk back through the woods, then i have an idea i run to Dee's house

"Luna are you ok?"

"Yes i am as you know we have guests and i want to do a good meal for the men before, well you know"

"Thats wonderful"

"Do you think we have time or the food or a table big enough"

"Luna Luna calm down of course we have all those things"

"We need more help!"

"Yes Luna we do I'm sure everyone will help" she was right soon the kitchen was buzzing the table was set the kitchen was soon smelling wonderful, we did a children's table a few hours later the food was nearly done and the men were still training.

"Luna why don't you go and get them" Dee says

"I will" i walk back through the woods to the clearing the men were tired some sitting some lying down when they saw me they went to get up.

"Please don't get up on my account" i had to laugh as they flopped back down

"Molly you ok?"

"Im fine Austin i was just coming to tell you all that all the ladies have made you dinner"

Austin smiles we all walk back the men go and shower by the time everyone arrives the food is just being put out

"You all did a wonderful job" Austin says

"Thank you Alpha" we all sit down to eat we are complimented numerous times on how good the food is.

With the night finally drawing to a close we head off to bed i don't think ill sleep tonight, I'm lying in bed in Austin's arms.

"Baby Alpha Daniel is here because he is coming with us tomorrow and he will give them a choice join his pack or die"

"He has room?"

"Yes baby he has the room he wants to expand his pack"

"Does that not worry you?"

"No baby he would be a fool to go against me"

"If your sure"

"Im sure baby but you do realize that there may be some who choose to die"

"I know" it makes me sad "thank you for doing this for me i mean asking Alpha Daniel to take people into his pack"

"Anything for you now sleep baby" i close my eyes and let sleep take over.

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