《Healer》Not Very Nice


Waking up I pull the thin sheet up to my chin, it's no use I'm freezing pulling the sheet back I climb off my thin mattress on the floor. Going to my small bathroom I turn the tap on I only have cold water as I'm not aloud any hot! , I wash myself down and get dressed.

I only have two blouses along with two skirts and a pair of shoes. Putting on my clothes I go to the kitchen to make myself a sandwich, I hear a purring and look over to my cat tabby nobody knows that I have her

"Hi baby girl" I hold her close my only friend! I love her so much, going to the counter I get the last of the milk and pour it into the only bowl I have, I give her some of my scraps I have left, I wish I had more to give her!, Going over to my thin blanket I fluff it up the best I can so she can try to stay a little warmer" Be good baby girl" I place a kiss on her head and rub under her chin the room fills with a soft purring.

I leave my cabin making my way to the pack house. I see some people in wolf form and human form walking around the boarder it's only five am in the morning.

"Hey fatty make sure you leave some food for us" Colin shouts he is one of the warriors, I keep walking hearing the laughter behind me. Entering the pack house I start making their breakfast when I have cooked it all my stomach rumbles I place it all out and hear movement in the house. I wash all the pans and put them away someone is coming down the stairs the Luna and Alpha walk in and sit down, they never say anything to me so I don't say anything I just pick up the wash basket and walk out the room.


Walking upstairs I go to there bedroom and open the balcony door then change there bed and remake it. Picking the clothes off the floor I walk into the bathroom and start cleaning. once I'm happy with it I go to shellys room she is the daughter of the Luna and Alpha. I tap on the door and Shelly opens it she slams me into the wall and a picture falls down the frame shattering.

"Mom Molly broke a picture!" I hear the Luna and Alpha come up the stairs

"You little bitch" the Luna screams at me and punches me in the stomach I bend over trying to get my breath back, I fall to the floor the Alpha kicks me in the ribs hearing a crack he smiles.

"Clean this up now!" Alpha shouts at me with that they walk away. I'm happy they don't mark my face cause I have a secret a secret that I will never tell them. I get to my feet and get a dust pan and brush I clean away the glass and then make my way into shelly's room. I shake my head this was spotless yesterday I should know I cleaned it! now it looks like a bomb has gone off in it.

I get to work cleaning and picking up clothes along with other disgusting things. I pick up the wash basket that is full and go back downstairs and start putting the clothes in the washing machine. In the kitchen everyone has finished and gone there are a few scrapes left on the table, I'm allowed to have these so taking a couple of food bags I place the scrapes inside. I take the bottle of milk off the table and put it with the food bags ready to take home later. I make myself busy washing all the dishes and cups when they are done and put away I clean the kitchen table and get the crumbs off the floor. I then get on with the dusting and hoovering it's a big house and I have a sweat on I wipe my forehead blowing out a breath. The washing machine beeps letting me know a load is ready to be taken out. Taking the load out of the washing machine I put another in, carrying the basket of fresh clothes I walk around to the washing line and hang them up. Walking back to the pack house I'm pushed from behind I fall to the floor I feel a lot of pressure on my back Colin has his foot on my back


"Well well look what we have here the fat cow" he takes his foot off my back and kicks my side, standing up slowly I brush myself down and pick up the basket walking back into the pack house I go to the laundry room I will not let tears fall!.

I see Shelly there in the doorway of the laundry room

"That's the closest that you will ever get to a man!" she sneers then walks off. Grabbing the milk and scraps from the corner I run home as soon as I get in I put the food down and pick up Tabby

"Hello baby girl" she puts her head under my chin "you know I love you!" I have to get back I put tabby on the blanket and put her some more milk out then make my way back to the pack house. I walk inside I hear words in my mind and it startles me for a second as nobody mind links me.

"Emergency pack meeting now!" the Alpha orders, we all make our way into the meeting room everyone sits down apart from me as I'm not allowed to"I have just received a call from Alpha Austin" there are gasps around the room "silence, he and his beta and a warrior want to stay here for a few days, they have been on a long trip and want a break"

"Are you allowing it?" One person asks

"How can I say no that would be like declaring war, but don't worry I have it covered." "Molly"

"Yes Alpha"

"I need you to make up three spare rooms and do all the cooking, clean everywhere. Well don't just stand there go" he shouts. I leave the room and make a start, I do the three rooms then start cooking i do another clean, I am so tired and need a rest but I keep going. I place all the food out and my stomach grumbles, everyone comes into the room all dressed up. The doorbell goes, I walk over to the door and open it, I look into his blue eyes then put my head down, my wolf is going crazy the most feared Alpha in the world is my mate. I do the only thing I can I open the door wider

"Welcome Alpha Austin please come in" he walks past me I step back as not to touch him, he walks in with his beta and warrior. I close the door with me on the other side and walk to my cabin.

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