《Levi's Sick Day》Visitor


(Y/n)'s POV:

I look up from the document I was currently working on annoyed. But in a very Levi manner say "state your name and business."

Right after I said that the door was pushed open. I was just about to yell at the cadet for utter disrespect when I saw it was non-other than the Commander.

I quickly shot up into a bow and he laughed.

"Calm down (Y/n), no need to be so formal." I sat back in my chair and looked at the Commander in question.

"I got word that Levi didn't show up to training and so I was coming to see why." I internally cursed the shy blonde for not alerting the higher-ups about my boyfriend's condition.

"My deepest apologizes, Commander, Levi seems to have contracted food poisoning so he will be unable to conduct daily training for a few days. I had asked Cadet Arlert to notify you but it seems he failed to do so."

As to prove my point of his sickness, we suddenly heard a violent retch. Erwin and I shared a look and I quickly hurried off to my sickly lover.

I ran into Levi's room to find him gripping the trash bin as if his life depended on it. White knuckled with his face buried in the trash can is how I found him when I entered his room.

I quickly rushed over and placed a hand on his stomach. I could tell he was trying to resist throwing up, but I didn't want him to get sicker.

"Come on babe, it's okay, just let it go," I whispered to him. All he did was shake his head weakly as if to protest the idea. I let out a sigh and put some pressure into my hand still resting on his stomach.


He let out a hard protest as he lurched forward into the bin. Levi held the bucket in an iron grip as he gagged loudly face still planted in the trash bin. I put slightly more pressure on his stomach as he continued to resist the nausea.

As I did this he cried out and shook his head telling me to stop pushing his stomach. I didn't listen though and with one final thrust, he was scrambling deeper into the trash can.

Levi let out a loud, harsh gag and was soon revisited by his soup from earlier. I felt so bad for making him throw up, but I didn't want him holding it in and making himself sicker.

He continued to vomit up everything his stomach possibly could for the next few minutes. I sat behind my lover and rubbed his back. Trying to provide him with some form of comfort in the midst of the vomiting spell I caused.

Sweat rolled from Levi's forehead and neck, as I reached for the now, abandoned washcloth to blot it away. He let out one final retch and shoved the trash can as far away as he could, a look of utter disgust and embarrassment on his face.

I helped Levi return to a laying position and pulled the covers to his chin. I gave him a small kiss on the forehead before replacing the now warm washcloth with a cold one. Once he was comfortably back in bed and his trash bin cleaned out, I walked out of Levi's bedroom to return to the Commander.

"Sorry about that, but as you can see, he is clearly in no condition to be conducting training." I was hoping, no praying that Erwin would allow Levi to have a few break days so he could heal and get better.


"Alright well, you and the Corporal will have a few days in order for him to get better." I let out a breath that I didn't realize I was holding in. I was so relieved that Erwin let us have a few days off.

"Thank you so much, Commander. I'll make sure he heals quickly." I gave him one final salute and then headed back towards Levi. When I got there I was glad to see that he was still laying contently on his bed.

I quietly walk up to him and place a gentle hand on his forehead. He was still running quite the temperature. I grabbed the rag that was resting on his forehead and rewet it so it was cool again.

I replaced the cold washcloth on Levi's forehead and gently began petting his hair. He let out a content sigh and leaned into my touch. I carefully slid into bed beside him and pulled him closer into my side.

I laid Levi's head on my chest and wrapped my arms around him. I continued to pet his hair and before I knew it I was drifting off.


Before long I was being shaken away hurriedly. "Wha-" I began before I looked over my shoulder and took a good look at the state Levi was in. I quickly jump into action. He was green in the face and sweating profusely. Levi had his hand pressed firmly over his mouth and looked as though he would vomit at any moment.

I forgot to clean the trash bin from earlier so I grabbed Levi under the arms and rush him to the bathroom. I carefully set him in front of the toilet and open the lid. I can hear him gagging but he refuses to remove his hands for his mouth.

I gently grasp Levi's hands and pull them from his mouth. Once his hands are out of the way, he lurches violently. I swiftly move out of the way and settle behind Levi. I grab his bangs in one hand to hold them out of the way and rub his back comfortingly with the other.

I stay by his side through the whole vomiting spell. Continuing to rub his back and comfort him. Yes, this was in all ways disgusting, but he was my lover and I would never abandon him in his time of need.

Once Levi was unable to bring anything else up and reduced to dry heaving, I pulled him away from the toilet and flushed it. I then grabbed some toilet paper and proceeded to wipe the excess vomit from his face.

I could practically feel the heat rolling off Levi so I grabbed a washcloth and soaked it in cold water. I then used it to dab his forehead and neck, leaving it to rest on his neck.

We stayed sitting in the bathroom together for another 20 minutes before Levi's stomach was calm enough to move again. I slowly gathered my weak boyfriend in my arms and walked him out of the bathroom and back to his bedroom.

I laid Levi in the bed and pulled the covers to his chin. I rested the washcloth on his forehead and went to empty the trash bin. I then returned it to the bedside and placed a full glass of water on the nightstand. I pulled the chair from the corner of the room and set it next to Levi's bed. Watching as he slowly drifted into a not so peaceful slumber.

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