《Levi's Sick Day》The Mistake


Levi's POV:

I had just gotten home from a meeting inside Wall Sina. I was hungry cause I'd had nothing to eat all day. I walked into the mess hall and found some meat scraps in the cooler. I decided it was better than nothing, so I heated it up.

I pulled it out of the microwave and walked over to one of the many tables. I sat down and began to eat. It tasted a little off, but I was hungry and didn't really care.

After I finished it, I walked over to the sink, cleaned my dishes, and returned them to the cupboard. I then decided to go to bed.

As I arrived in my room and started to change into my nightclothes, my stomach began to feel weird. I ignored it and drifted off into a restless slumber.

(Y/n)'s POV:

I was just sleeping peacefully in my room when I was woken by a loud, aggressive knocking on my door.

"What?!" I yelled irritated that someone had the audacity to annoy me so early in the morning.

"It's me (Y/n), can I come in?" I let out an annoyed huff before opening the door for the shy blonde.

"What the hell do you want at," I glanced over at my clock, "six in the morning."

"I have direct orders from Corporal Levi ma'am."

"Oh?" I tilted my head slightly. "And what might those orders be?"

"Levi has contracted some sort of illness and requests your presence." I got slightly worried at the mention of my sick boyfriend. I asked Armin to step out as I quickly changed into my scouts uniform and rushed out towards Levi's office.

I didn't bother to knock, instead, I rushed into his office and into his bedroom next to his office.


When I get to the bedroom I carefully and quietly open the door and step into the bedroom.

Once inside I see a very sweaty, pale Levi, curled up in a ball on his bed clutching his stomach.

It broke my heart to see him in so much pain. I stepped up to his bed and rested my hand on his forehead.

He was burning up! I quickly withdrew my hand and ran into the bathroom to get a washcloth. I turned on the faucet and run the rag under the ice water.

I rang the cloth out, before walking back to Levi and gingerly placing it on his forehead.

I then settle behind him, place his head in my lap, and push his hands to the side; so that they no longer clutch his stomach.

I then begin to gently run circles on his stomach. He lets out a quiet groan, showing his contentment.

He squirms a little bit then settles down in newfound comfort. I continue to run circles on his stomach and he finally drifts off.

He stays asleep for maybe an hour, before he shoots up, clamping a hand to his mouth.

I see him turn a sick shade of green. I knew what was coming next but didn't have enough time to react.

Before I could process what was happening, Levi was leaning over the bed puking his guts out.

I jumped slightly in surprise and repositioned myself so I could hold his hair and rub his back.

I put his hair in a little man bun and use the hand that was once holding his hair back to steady him.

He glares at the pile in pure disgust. He can't seem to stop bringing stuff up and eventually passes out.

I swiftly grab him before he face-planted in his sick. I laid him back on his bed, and replace the cloth in his forehead.


I go over to Levi's collection of cleaning supplies. I grab some gloves, disinfectant, and a towel, and walk back over to the greenish-brown puddle.

I put on the gloves and get down on my knees. I spray the disinfectant over the vomit and wipe it up with a towel. I then spray more disinfectant over the now clean floor space.

I return the cleaning supplies back to their place and grab a trash can in case Levi feels sick again.

I then got to work on tidying up his bedroom and office. I put his paperwork into a neat pile and cleaned up some dirty clothes. Other than that, Levi's space was completely clean.

He was a clean freak after all. After I'm done tidying, I sit down at his desk and begin to do some of his paperwork.

I spent the next 2ish hours doing Levi's paperwork. Right as I was about to finish the last of the paperwork, I started to hear some shuffling behind me.

I look back into Levi's bedroom and see that he was no longer there. I drop the paperwork and walk into the back bedroom trying to figure out when he disappeared to.

I saw the bathroom light on and headed over there. I saw Levi sitting on the ground in a ball holding his stomach. The toilet bowl was empty, so I knew that he had yet to throw up.

I walked over to Levi and slid down next to him. I put my hand on his shoulder, startling him slightly.

"What's wrong Hun?" I questioned my sickly boyfriend.

"My stomach is killing me. I feel like I'm going to vomit, but then can't." I looked at him with empathy.

"Did you have anything to eat when you get back last night?" With the symptoms he's shown so far, it's either the stomach flu or food poisoning. And I'm guessing the latter.

"I had some leftover meat that I found in the cooler. It tasted a little off, but I was too hungry to care." Ding ding ding we have a winner. I had now come to conclude that he had contracted food poisoning.

I looked sympathetically at my pained boyfriend. "I think that meat was undercooked or rotten Hun. I'm pretty sure it gave you food poisoning, that would explain all your symptoms."

He looked at me in mild horror and disgust. "I ate rotten meat?!" That sent him into another vomit frenzy.

He quickly rushed over to the toilet and emptied his stomach for the second time today. I once again tucked his hair into a little man bun and rubbed his back.

Once the sick spell was over, I grabbed some tissue and cleaned the excess puke from his face.

I then carefully picked Levi up and carried the smaller man back to his bed. I placed the now rewetted cloth back on his forehead and brushed the hair from his face.

"Get some sleep Darling, I'll be waiting right here when you wake up," I whispered quietly

And with that, Levi drifted off into a restless slumber.

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